Def-Gardens In High Desert

Hell yeah I bet that is some fire want to try some lucky dog sometime really enjoyed his pot cast episode and love me some chem :drooling_face:


Same, I love the chem strains!

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Looking good bud. This spring has been windier than usual for us down here too.

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Nice. I’m like 90% certain I’m gonna be planting some of those Diesel Therapy seeds from Lucky Dog in a few days, pretty stoked about them.


Very nice! Im trying to tell myself to hold off on popping these until i get some other stuff ran first…. But i suck at self control… hahaha.

The Diesel Therapy sounds amazing! I bet the Sour and Diesel terps are to friggin die for with those beans! Ill be following that grow when you do!

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Yeah the wind just keeps hammering on me. I guess im done buying cannabis seeds for a bit, ive got other trees that need planted around here lol.

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So im going to be spraying CS twice a day on the donor plant to the left, they are still in veg so im seeing if the change will occur now, and once the male parts are showing, i will flip her and collect/pollinate the receiver plant, on the right.


just read every post in this entire thread. what a show your putting on loving the pics and the constant new strains lol you need to look into flood and drain table save on all that coco $ and buy your self a green house for outside that damn wind must be frustrating haha.

ill be following along closer here on out


Thank you!

Ive thought about a flood and drain table, but i fear my perpetual style would be too clustery for a table. I may just try it now that you have said it, lol. Got my brain rolling a little bit

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i think it would suit your style simple jacks 3 2 1 allows you to feed em same at all ages so much less medium used also lol. just the cost of tables can be high unless you find used ones local

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Yes I love Jacks and i was thinking i could build a table stand and just acquire the flood pan, i have most of the stuff needed i think. I may just have to try it

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The outdoor garden this morning, just fed them a tea brewed of worm castings and microbes today. Im learning about nitrogen deficiency lol

Cinderevil looking very lovely in her bucket!


Cowboy Cookies


Happy 4/20 they say!


is it snowing out there in the desert where you at or sumthin?


Haha seems that way a little bit

Just a couple Pebblepusher shots… almost chop time.


I popped 5 Tombstone f2, 5 Sweet Lavender x Tombstone, 2 Dreamcatcher x Tombstones and along with a few others that i didnt make.


Haha def some of that morning FROST! hahah


Cinderevil looks like she came to party compared to Alaskan Purple. Lol


Alaskan Purple

I guess neither one look bad though.


Not to bad considering the lack of humidity you have there. The leaves are tacoeing a bit, but looking good otherwise :+1: