That sure is some pretty weed!
I’ve never heard that approach to harvest. I assume I’m going to have staggered harvesting too, but not bottom-up. Your thesis is that the larger buds get thicker as you do this? My first harvest (last year’s outdoor) ripened in the opposite order. The larger top buds got amber before the lowers, which I assume was because they got less light and therefore grew slower. I’ll have to pay more attention this season. I definately think staggered harvest is a good idea, I’ll just go by tric colors though. I’ve never seen a fruiting plant with all the fruits perfectly ripe at the same time, don’t think cannabis is any different. But people are die-hard whole-plant harvesters. I’m really curious if the whole “hanging the plant upside down” makes any difference at all other than extend drying time - I have a different solution to that… Dry/Cure Cabinet - DIY Open-Source Precision Dry Chamber
Wild that we were both dealing with the same problem, same solution, same time. Squash bugs. I’m leaving it on the leaves for a while because I fear I didn’t get them all with my spraying. I had the exact same internal argument about using a real-deal insecticide. Earlier in the week one of the neighbors had come over and I was ranting about the things and how they continue to explode in numbers and kill everything, he told me the only way was that Sevin stuff. Some internet research and university IPM articles later, I came to the same conclusion. Seeing the pumpkin totally dead and that they had already moved to the watermelon was the last straw.