Deserted Island Beer

Ice cold PBR and the ilk are excellent on those hot summer days working around the home. Ice cold.


Years back when I was bartending some kid insisted on a fourth Curieux for happy hour, wow what a short evening he had.

Walkin not drivin, but still. Four triples in 90 minutes!


:laughing: Yes, some of these craft like beers are closer to wine in terms of ABV. For winding down the day.

The tops that I’ve seen are usually some sort of barley wine. Quite heavy and sweet though and not really intended for the beer bong approach. Hang-overs from beer, particularly sweeter beers, plain sucks.


Not sure about brand but it’ll definitely be a lager or Pilsner. After working in the craft beer world for a few years I definitely don’t want anymore one off IPA, that’s for sure. Or sour beer, those can fuck right off as well, not all are bad but most taste like mistakes lol. Gose style can take a hike as well. Lot of beer makers passing mistakes or experiments off as “craft”. That’s why I love my lagers and Pilsner’s, can’t hide behind anything and they are the hardest to achieve perfection. “Here, try this 13.5 percent sour Cherry milk stout” No!


So it’s not my favorite beer but it’s what I drink on the regular…going to catch some heat for my choice but shit you like what you like.

download (24)


I agree with a cold beer remark. There is nothing that will cool you down any faster in the summertime. I’m not saying stay drunk all day. Stay away from the sugar drinks also.

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That damn voodoo ranger will kick your ass!!! lol
I was with some friends the other night. My buddy was drinking voodoo ranger. He was slamming them. It didn’t take long before he was slammed. Haa


Some of the sours, cider and the honey beer meed.
They will creep up on you. I had a sour the other day that was 8%. It was like drinking Kool-Aid.
I was in Humboldt a long time ago before the micro boom beers. I cannot remember the name of the bar. But they had a jalapeño stout. 18%. It was the nastiest thing I ever drink. But I only needed two.
Just think Michelob made a great dark beer.
I would drink amber Bach. I love the Christmas edition.
I got to say they messed up Guinness. I will drink it out of the bottle. But when they switched to the American made, Guinness. It isn’t the same. I could down a couple pictures of those at night. I was a big Guinness drinker. I think the can is better than the bottle. It’s not the same as that pull.


I used to love drinking that kind of beer… or barley wine… but my body did not love it one bit.

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Don’t drink much anymore, just a couple with the boys here and there, or if fishing we always have a couple and a shot or two to keep warm in the winter. Really enjoy this one.

But I do still enjoy a fresh corona or an MGD at the bar.


I like Heineken and this stuff is good too. I’ll drink Rollin rock if I’m drinking a bunch, they need to be iced though. Warm beer is the worst.

Edit I’m not a beer drinker as much anymore, more whiskey.


Still one of my favorites…
At 10%, its one and done.


I like Becks, Saint Pauli’s girl and Nut Brown Ale.
Anchor steam, so many out there.


This is NOT the one. Tried this a couple days ago. Tastes like concentrated grape fruit peels with some dandelion greens thrown in for some extra bitterness just in case it wasn’t bitter enough. . Foul. Gets you inebriated though.


Right on i dont drink beer tgese days but when i did A nice dark Heiney or Becks would work for me

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I’d survive with them lol


Gonna pick one of these up today to see if it makes it to the deserted island list


Flying Monkey is one of our local microbrews. I love ordering their flights, and sampling 5 oz of each but have a hard time drinking a whole pint of a lot of their beer. They are waaay out there in flavor. Their slogan is “Normal is weird”.


I don’t like anything artificially flavored.
Beer, whiskey, tobacco, I prefer the natural flavor.
Any unflavored beer would be fine on the desert island.
The others would be poured in the sand :joy:


anchor steam… that’s my childhood beer haha. when I was a kid that whole neighborhood always smelled like the anchor brewery. I loved that smell.

brewed in san francisco exactly the same way for over 100 years with copper vats on the roof of the brewery to collect natural yeast from the sea air. the steam beer style comes from the 1840s. in the california gold rush, breweries were often the only source of guaranteed clean drinking water (beer).

sadly, they were bought out by a foreign company who shuttered the brewery earlier this year. This is the first year since I turned 19 that I haven’t had anchor steam christmas beer.

now join me as I cry out to the heavens: