DHG organic adventures 2022

got the outdoor clones up transplanted to bigger containers for a few weeks while I got there 20 gallon pots cooking started some lst should start taking off now getting more st and old souls going fried my last few had my fans and intake get unplugged fried the babies and picture of flower tent day 47 things are moving along getting stinkier everyday front left smelling like grapefruit the back left sour og and tart cherries the back right like artificial raspberry with a hint of burnt rubber or wax smell the front right real floral with a gassy backend sorry it’s been awhile for any updates happy Tuesday and happy growing!:seedling:


being transparent in the good the bad thats what grow logs are for right I believe the fan outage was not to blame for my germination issues no That it helped but I think it was my soil I used tried to be cheep and use some leftover roots organic I had did a run in previously I think it it is too hot or had gathered some type of bad bacteria causing damping off of the seedlings ended up with 2 that germinated out of the 10 rather embarrassed to say and disappointed that only have a few seeds of each strawberry temple and old soul left went out today got some new clean soil to get some more seeds going getting the last of my strawberry temple and old soul going having to replace some of the beans with some ssdd bx praying I get a few females only need 4 for my next run so :crossed_fingers:


Could have simply been weak genetics too, don’t overthink it.
If they don’t survive then they weren’t good enough to grow.

Always a good idea to breed your own, when you have an abundance of seeds then losing a bunch doesn’t hurt. It’s all natural selection, only the best survive, and then you can also be very selective and breed them exactly the way you like them. :+1:

Also the new generations will get stronger as they genetically pass on information about your environment; light, soil, etc.


For sure plan on trying to make my own at some point still rather new to growing again too as this is my 2nd run back may of been genetics but was 2 different cultivars so very well could of been my error the universe works in mysterious ways it’s given me the chance to run the ssdd earlier and still have 2 strawberry temple and old souls to try and germinat just gotta take it as a learning lesson and move forward :sweat_smile:


Seeds really don’t need much moisture to germinate.
Take it easy on the watering: sow, water, LITFA for a week at least.


got the rest of my old souls and strawberry temple and 5 ssdd bx and 1 snow monkey f2 getting germinated on the heat pad got my veg area cleaned new soil in cups and labeled ready to plant 3rd time is the charm right :sweat_smile:


Peace All. @DesertHeartGardens I am not sure how long U are gonna do it but I would keep an eye on the heat mat situation. I have acknowledged that they heat up and keep temps according to the ambient temp in area. My heat mat has killed a good many beans that I thought were gonna be fine. Just a warning not to keep them on the mat too long. I say only on and off for a few hrs. Dunno any1 else’s experience but this was/is mine. I have a cheap hydroFarm heat mat from 08. Stay safe and be well… :fist:t5::call_me_hand:t5:


going to take them off the heat had it set to 78 with a thermostat keeping it regulated ive done fine with out it getting tap roots just figured it might not hurt but going to take your advice and just do without much love thanks for looking out <3 @7ANJA7OD


got 8 of the 9 plants potted showed taproots after 36 hours hopefully my 2nd strawberry temple will show taproot soon😅


got the last strawberry temple planted decided to show its tap root this morning now praying to the plant gods for females :seedling: happy thursday everyone and happy growing


got my 4x4 outdoor bed for veggies up and going :dizzy_face:‍:dizzy: was more work then I thought it was going to be


Oooh buddy, shit is about to get real!


got my 2 clones in the 20 gallons they should start taking off soon


Good morning all so I finally got things finally moving along! Got 8 of the 10 plants up I expect the other 2 to be up soon I planted them later then the others


Happy Saturday morning all my 2nd strawberry temple popped up above ground😁 waiting on the last snow monkey got around 5-7 days till harvest now in the 4x4 smells are getting outrageous and the fall colors fade are really setting turned my light down to 70-75 percent to help them finish up


its that day guys and gals! chopping the ladys tonight going to be busy getting my drying closet setup and dialed in will be getting the hefty girls untrellised and taken out the tent for there photo shoot for there last moments going to be ammending the pots for veg for there 3rd cycle and get my bodhi strains in the 4x4 will give them a few more weeks in the solos and up pot them to 1 gallons till i can take some clones and get them sexed much love will be keeping everyone posted happy growing :seedling:


little photo dump of chop day couldn’t get good photos of one once I cut the netting it flopped over from the weight :sweat_smile:


had a little homie pop up in my pot and my outdoor clones are getting settled into there 20 gallon and starting to fill out


:eyes: What cultivar is that again?


Colin’s og rbx this was my 2nd run of it been impressed both times real floral musty og funk to it curious to see how it smokes compared to the first 2 phenos I found

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