DHG organic adventures 2022

been 12 days since my last update not much has been going on just got the plants in there new shoes should start taking off now today starts the first day of trim jail for my last batch :joy:


image image outdoor clones are rocking been having amazing weather and they been soaking it all in been about 2 weeks since transplanted in the 20 gallons


strained my citrus ferment insecticide and pesticide about a week ago did my first few preventative sprays on the outdoor this stuff rocks


Awesome! Could you direct me to the recipe for this? Sorry if you already posted :man_facepalming:
Glad your seeing good results!




Thank you! One of the last things I’m wanting to replace on my shelf with a homemade input :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


It says 2.5 weeks but that is minimum I did close to 4 for maximum extraction you are wanting to store in fridge sealed good for around a year once fermented you want the peels almost browned before straining


Copy… thanks for clarifying

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Pretty much a homemade dr zymes citric acid yeast based ferment and you want to spray this stuff with lights off or will burn @BeagleZ


Just starting to get into ferments and knf and homemade imputs that was one of my first going to make up a batch of faa and wca this weekend might even head to the local Asian market to see if I can find the stuff for ohn because some of this takes along time to make when and the weather cools down going to grow some fennel for some fpj and see about getting some pomegranates from a local farm for some ffj since I’m also starting to grow some food now trying to cut some costs and it helps bring diversity to the garden :grin:


I like the way you think :slight_smile:
I had a bunch of pomegranate seeds germinate in my worm bin over the winter.
Getting ready to plant 2 in the backyard for this very purpose!
Hope I can keep them going!

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Just got done trimming all the weed with a whopping total of 684 grams for the 4x4 :relieved: over a half pound more then my first run


the bodhi plants are looking good starting to get some size to them just topped them going to start lst tomorrow gave them all a little fresh ewc from the worm bin for a light feed and started upping the wattage slowly so they will start raging now can’t wait to get them sexed and into there 20 gallon home happy growing all will start posting in here regularly again :v::seedling:


the tent of bodhi is doing great starting to explode with growth gave them a little bit of some compost giving them another week or two then taking cuts to determine sex happy growing :seedling::v:


Looking good my friend. Get ‘em!

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Life’s been throwing me some curve balls lately sorry I haven’t been active to much this week got clones taken of all the plants thrown under 12/12 so should know sex soonish happy growing all much love :v::seedling:


I feel ya man, same here. Think it’s going around :wink:
Good vibes!


Only been a few days but got one ssdd showing her pistils :grin: still nothing on most but it’s looking like one of the two strawberry temple might be male still a little early to tell Put feminine vibes out there for the others :rofl: much love and good vibes everyone :seedling::v:


been along time since I’ve updated about the outdoor clones they are getting large and in charge :rofl: been taking the heat like a champ multiple 105 days and no signs of slowing down on them at this rate I’m going to have some beasts by the time they are in flowering


So far what we have for sex’s as of day 10 of cuttings under 12/12
4 ssdd females confirmed
2 strawberry temple males confirmed
1 old soul female
2 snow monkeys undetermined
1 ssdd undetermined thinking male
Think the universe is telling me to do a all ssdd run in the tent this run the girls are getting big have to get them in there final 20 gallon home and start doing heavy training to get them prepped for flower :muscle: going to take a few cuttings of the old soul to keep around in the veg closet to possibly run later and toss her outside in a shady spot in a 15 gallon and see if she will survive my other girls are taking the heat great so :crossed_fingers: going to cull the strawberry temple guess I won’t be getting to try it this round but will be getting another pack because I’m determined to smoke it after your reports @BeagleZ as for the snow monkey will be keeping them in the tent till I figure out sex any female snow monkeys will be gifted to my friend and any males get the :axe: