Did I spray too much STS?

Hello OG

I think I fucked up and sprayed three times as much STS that I should of have my plant. Causing this two days after

It’s fkd isn’t it ? To top it off I sprayed it again today because I wasn’t thinking. I just wanted to verify that indeed it’s this that’s killing it. Lol thankfully I have the same genetics right next to it and I think I might be able to save these genes and successfully reverse that other one. It is apparent that the spray does work after having some doubts in regards to some comments about my location of choice for the purchase of the STS.

Let me know if the plant is fucked, and if there is anything I can do. Other than that … clearly the spray works and it’s strong.

Also any other tips about the sorts in regards to safety ( obviously don’t drink lol )


You’re keeping it in the dark until its dry, right?

Maybe just to a plain water spray down to rinse her, then give her a break for a week.
Best of luck bud. :slightly_smiling_face:


Did you cover the top of the pot to protect the roots from the spraying of the sts ?


What was your STS mix?

I’ve SOAKED my plants in the stuff every 3 days for weeks and never saw this before! I use @Sebring 's math because it works and makes a small enough batch to not feel wasteful.

Video for formula reference:

I do make sure the plants are in the dark until fully dry and even then I may have blemishes on the leaves from concentrated spots but never a wilt like what you’re showing.

Following this because :thinking: .


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Shts look like having more problem with water uptake rather than any other things tho

Prolly it will be nearly impossible to bring it back but spraying anything more will make it worse and guaranteed to kill it


I’ve blasted plants and haven’t seen that. It looks like maybe the concentration was too high? Others have mentioned earlier, but I only spray after lights out and then I always cover the soil with a piece of cardboard with a hole cut in the middle and a slit to slide it around the stem.


Holy cow, did you use distilled water? What amount of each chemical did you add into your solution? And how much total solution did you make? Did you follow the posted instructions to make a single 300ml batch? That plant looks like it was burned, badly, have you tried spraying some of the STS solution on another plant? (Like, an outdoor or unwanted plant … just for viability testing). Sorry to see this, bud.


This is probably my fuck up, I noticed some of the spray fell into the soil. It wasn’t a lot but then again it is pretty toxic. Maybe it was over done. We’ll see today if it survived lol.

If not we live and learn, I’ll probably check out the homies video of Sebring. Thankfully I still got another plant next to it. I like fucking around and finding out

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Thank you ! I’ll do that if it’s alive today. Maybe it’s just tired :sleeping:

I’m going to watch this when I have time. I have the mix kit from eBay. I’m pretty sure I either 1. Damaged it from absorption through soil. 2. probably also sprayed too much.

Yeah, I’ll be lucky if it flips back up. I’ll give it a rinse today if it’s alive. If not there’s a bigger and better one next to the dead one. I like to fuck around and find out apparently haha this is pretty cool stuff but wow STS is powerful stuff dude

Distilled water yes, I probably messed up and allowed some to go into the soil and probably used too much. I sprayed way too often. Ah the art of fuck around and find out.

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Oh, I see.
I would definitely cover my soil before spraying. :+1:

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Won’t be long till the roots of the others plants find there way over to that soil , maybe a few already there ?

Maybe they will avoid it and it was just that one plant that obviously couldn’t , idk I don’t have any experience with sts

Probably best next time to keep chosen plant in separate pot from the rest when spraying

Treat it like toxic , cuz it is , plus spray travels invisibly in air ( mask gloves etc , think children pets plants foot traffic air currents even slight seamingly non existant invisible ( it’s there )

: )


Agreed. I remove the plant I’m spraying down and put it in a box and spritz it all down then cover the box with a towel to keep the light out. Once it’s dried in a few hours I then put it back into the tent and IF i have to put it back when it’s still slightly wet I turn the lights off until it’s fully dry.