Dirt Wizard's Magic Wand Factory and Library Lounge

Ohh I understand now, yes it’s not a good way to go internationally to send cash. I don’t know of any other seedbanks that carry his work right now except for DC Seed Exchange, and they say they don’t offer international shipping. You could email him and them and ask anyways, worst they can do is say no and maybe they’ll have a suggestion for you?


Just got caught up on this thread great job buddy :+1::+1::+1::+1:


Thank you Mr @Papalag good to see you here


Nice! If you ever do it, I’ll send you some 88G13HP reproduced from his stock to cross it with and make a crushingly heavy indica F1 with!


Some pruning tonight before flip tomorrow evening, this is C99 before:

And after:

I start at the bottom set of main branches and take off three to five sets of nodes and side branches depending on the strain. Most plants it ends up being four. I prune symmetrically, because it makes sense and it makes me happy. The next set of main branches up I would do three nodes and then consider it, maybe keep moving up and do two then one. I usually have eight to twelve main branches in pairs so the top set or two stay unpruned, or I just take off the bottom node of a set.

Just in time for some greens in my soil bins to get them heating up and happy, they’re already cooking but this will bump it up:


Tent before pruning:

And after pruning (plants in different positions):

Room to breathe now, and everything left gets light for the stretch. I may defoliate a bit more in a day or two but I left some fans on for now, to limit and help them get over the shock. I’m going to have to LST or stake them in the first week or two of stretch to open up the baskets a little on some of them if I want to maximize yields and quality this time (which I do).


Hell yea thats a deal for sure


The big day is here, just got everyone into the big tent today, switched the light over, did the Day 1 defoliation and set the timer. Lights just turned off for the first night of 12/12, should be a pretty interesting week or three over here as stretch kicks in and I see how full this 4x4 is going to get:

It’s my first time trying the Day 1/Day 21 schwazzing approach, I’ve been getting more comfortable with aggressive pruning and defoliation with each grow. I’m not stripping every leaf this time, stuck to ones with an inch of stem or more. I can definitely see the results in increased cola formation and harder buds, I think this one could be my best yet with the dirt seemingly on point and the more planned defoliation.


A little under 24 hours since when I put the seeds into the Jiffy pellets and the first one to show its head aboveground is one of what I’m calling “Lou Dog Sour Chem”:

These seeds were not scuffed because I forgot, then soaked 24 hours in 1:4 H202 and water. The Jiffys get soaked in fulvic and kelp solution then squeezed out and fluffed up to break up the hard discs they make the pellets out of.


Got some more heads above ground, and one Blue Tara that ejected itself from the plug, put that back in. Helped a few with their seed helmets, looks like I’m getting 100% germination rate here, not everyone is up yet, but I can see that all of them have cracked and are unfolding, making their way up:


Today I ordered a few more things I’ll need this winter, both replacements and new items. My Ful-Power is running low, and I wanted to try something cheaper and more potent, so I ordered some Mr. Fulvic, which is AGT-50 from AgTonik for the consumer market. I’ve been reading some of the enormous thread over at Future4200 where the ag rep for the company is very active and seems to have great testing results backing up his product, also a lot of happy users on there:

It’s 4.6% fulvic from a water extraction of an ancient compost source, pretty excited to try it:

20% off with code GROWWITHUS20

And some SEA-90 after doing some looking around and thinking about organic micros:

I got mine from Boogie Brew because 4lb seemed like plenty and they have free shipping.

The analysis is pretty impressive, it’s some potent stuff. I really like that sulfur content:

I considered Seacrop 16, which has most of the NaCl removed, but I’m going to see how this goes with the whole dried ocean broth, salt and all. Seacrop is extracted in a chemical process, and I do prefer natural inputs as much as possible. I also know from spending a bunch of time in coastal estuary areas that salt water isn’t necessarily bad for plants, the areas that flood once or twice a year at the highest full moon tides have insane fertility, so I’m giving it a go, but I will probably get a soil analysis before I add too much SEA-90, I think I’ll mostly use it as a foliar often and a soil drench occasionally, along with a small amount in amendments.

Patent info on SeaCrop, also pretty applicable to SEA-90, as they’re based on the same research.



Currently trying to decide on some SolStix for my flowering tent, I’m between two X3s @ 120-150 watts as booster bars beside and parallel to my 550 R-Spec or four X2s in the corners diagonally or even upright on the corner poles, also at about 150 watts. I don’t NEED these lights, I could definitely repurpose the QB96 build I have never used for this, but I really don’t want more hot point sources of light. I might just post that one up on the used equipment thread if this works out.


Dude my mind has been on micronutrients lately too, won’t need em for a while since I’m about to start new earth boxes but had my eye on the “big 6” from BAS to have in the quiver for when the time comes


@LegsMahoney Yeah, I’ve been looking at all the major players for micros: BAS Big 6, Bio-Ag TM-7, azomite volcanic ash or the various rock dusts, Peters S.T.E.M., etc. I’m using Azomite this time but might not again IDK. SEA-90 is going in the rotation now, with my coconut water and aloe and other shit. If I wasn’t chasing the most unprocessed natural inputs, I’d definitely just reach for STEM, that shit looks awesome honestly. I’m just headed down the road of SEA-90 FPJ and whatever else happens once you embrace decomposition and fermentation. Salt fermented nutrients are pretty interesting to me, as a former sourdough bread baker. Salt mediates fermentations in interesting ways, selecting for some extremophile microlife that can be really good and healthy, mainly lactobacillus. Been reading @BeagleZ thread on homemade inputs and I’m going to have to try some cannabis FPJ instead of just composting my leaf trim when I defoliate this run for the last time in a few weeks.


Cool man, glad your dippin your toes! I just defoliated and made a new batch a FPJ with the trimmings last night, a lot of little bud sites so it will be good for crossover. I really need to get back to that thread and update it, learned a lot since I started that.

When using FPJ it is important to also use the OHN and Vinegar(you can use apple cider vinegar). the FPJ is the “food”, the vinegar will balance it out (lower PH, flip polarity) and the OHN is there to keep everything healthy(medicine). This is always my base “maintenance formula” adding the other stuff in as needed from there, but always FPJ,V and OHN together.

It is also pretty important to get your ratios right when doing fpj with cannabis as it doesnt really produce a lot so you want to give it its best chance. I’ve found sugar to biomass by volume is better than weight and make sure to keep the 1/3 air space, gives me the best results.

Contrary to my thread, I do not crush the material anymore( I still chop it up a bit though), just mix it like a salad till it starts to sweat, this way you keep the majority of the cells intact for the osmotic whatchamacallit

sorry if i gave you a bunch of redundant info, i just kind of start throwing up words when it comes to this stuff :crazy_face:

oh , and Sea-90 is bomb! 3gr per liter. i find it easier to mix a liter and add that to my mixes. You can find charts online how much to add from there, I do either 125mL,150mL or 190mL per gallon depending on when I use it


Thanks for the detailed help, that all sounds like important and hard-earned information!


I used to use SEA-90 all the time when I first started growing, recommended to me by my old “online mentor”; she SWORE by it. Never used it in an FPJ or anything (that’s too much work… haha), but I’d drench and/or foliar with it. I still have a bunch of it, always notice it at the top of my “grow stuff” closet when I’m grabbing other things and think,”Man, maybe I should get back to using that…” Those old grows when I used it always looked really healthy and always yielded very good, too. How much the SEA-90 had to do with that, I dunno, but yeah, I think I’ll bust it out for the current grow.

Let’s see what happens… haha.


I love Sea-90, but stick to foliar applications only in the notill beds. :+1:


I’m just curious, how often are you foliaring? Not with SEA-90, but just in general. I only ask because I’ve been foliaring way more the last couple grows than I ever have in the past. The schedule now is basically a weekly IPM thing (neem, essential oils etc), with a wood vinegar foliar three or four days after the IPM, once every-other week and a fulvic/other stuff foliar on the weeks where I skip the wood vinegar (which is only supposed to be used every two weeks).

I mean, how often can we foliar? Haha. And with what? If I were to start incorporating SEA-90 into the schedule, when should it be done? Maybe it should just be added to the fulvic foliar that’s done every two weeks? I know you’ve been having pest issues, so I guess I’m just asking about “regular”-type foliars, where they’re just being done for overall plant health and not necessarily for a specific issue that requires frequent pest management treatments or whatever.

Foliar foliar foliar… How many times can I type that word in two paragraphs? Haha…


Last grow I would foliar once a week with the sea-90. This grow, I got mites and was spraying neem/oils/spinosad every three days in rotation. That first week, I was spraying castile soap daily between the rotation. That burned the new growth, so there is a limit with the soap, I assume from the potassium in it.