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Nigerian Sunshine purple x Goji OG by @SCJedi after a nice long cure:


She really is a beauty
Smoke report please

Inquiring minds need to know


Heck yes, I second the request for a smoke report!


@Papalag @SCJedi OK, here goes, I’ve been smoking bowls of this all morning drinking plain water and thinking about it.

Smell in the jar:
When it’s moister and the bag just opened from cure, the odor is mostly funky spicy berry and exotic wood sawdust. After sitting in the jar and drying down a little from 58% I’m getting light dank fruitiness that’s sweet and bright and makes me think of dried apricots and sultanas.

Flavor when smoked:
So it’s definitely a Goji cross, with some berries and cherries and sorta soft OG dankness, but with a spicy hit, anise and myrcene clove-y-ness and light earth, but the baseline is less earth than wood. I was unsure earlier in cure but as it’s developed and matured it’s definitely a wood flavor, somewhere between light cedar and sandalwood. Kinda halfway between the scent of those woods burning like incense, and the smell of freshly sanded cured lumber.

Smoke is medium bodied, not a choker in any way. It’s a spicy and powerful hit but smooth, it smokes like a sativa to me, the crisp woodiness is very satisfying to a mostly retired tobacco smoker like me, I think that’s a flavor profile I like about a lot of African hybrids. This is one you can session easily without your lungs protesting.

This is my morning/daytime/get stuff done smoke besides Cinderella 99, it’s up and focused and has enough functional indica in it to make it mellow and very pleasant. I would grow this one again any time if I could find more seeds for it, it’s a very positive and present sort of high that works great for me as an all day smoker. C99 is very get up and go sort of sativa high, this is that other one that’s buzzy but a little playful and goofy, I rarely feel on edge smoking this like C99 occasionally will do to me. I think the Goji’s reported happy, positive stoniness mixed well with the reported anti-anxiety effects of the Nigerian Sunshine, along with doubling up the purpling, this was a very pretty purple/red/black strain!


Nice report! The wood/sandalwood/incense is the Nigerian Sunshine. A buddy I gave some to, who has a rather unsophisticated palate, calls it “cardboard” and said he doesn’t like it but the same guy would grow and smoke the green pheno all day long. LOL Anything that is purple/magenta is also a strong NS influence. The spicy berry/cherry/earth sounds like Goji so it sounds like you got a good mix of the two! Thank you for sharing and enjoy!


Awesome report my brother

Thanks :pray:


Flower tent bushing out as it stretches and I spread them more, trying to keep the heights sorta level without using pot risers as possible. C99 genetics continuing their tendency to spread and vine out over the space, probably going to be some wild staking going on later but they’ll be heavy yielders, I can tell. Definitely gonna be leafy as heck by Day 21 defoliation:

Seedlings are great, 2/3 Blue Taras are slow goers but they’re going, I had one Sowah Grapefruit damp off so the current score is 11/12:


Hoku is having a sale:


Hey @Dirt_Wizard excited to follow along with ya! I’ve picked up some BT recently and it’s moved near the top of the list. Sending good vibrations!!


The blue tara I accidentally popped and have vegging was slow too, top/pinch early and they’ll bush out proper, the mom I have going right now till after the holidays looks real nice, bushed out flat canopy without a scrog


That’s good to know, thanks. I figured there would be some weirdness with any Blueberry strain, they have such a reputation as light feeders and my dirt is pretty rich so I figure it could be that. Or they’re just slow! Not worried, they look healthy and growing now. Inevitably that littlest guy will be the dankest lady I’ve seen yet…


For sure, they take a while to get their shoes laced up but once they get established I feel like they move pretty good, I’ll snap a photo of my BT mama later today and share, she’s a very pretty plant


There she is, like I said only a little bit of topping/training and she basically wants her top to grow as a flat canopy. Very cool


Woke up today to find out that @Tonygreen used my Gorilla Bubble photos on his IG! Must be doing something right over here, I guess, I just wish I had gotten a better high res photo of that GB plant, I need to get a real digital camera back in the tent. Much love to Tony for keeping the genetics strong and cheap, he’s a real one:

Can’t wait to get some G-Units going in the next flower run late winter, this will be the theme song for them:

One of my favorite classic rap songs TBH


Ten days from flip to 12/12 and all indications are that this is going to be a heavy flower round, I’m excited for it. The day of flip after defoliation the tent looked like this:

Today they look like this:

Looks like I’ll be ending up with my usual 30-40" bushes, just the way I like them. Growing over and over in the same size pots now has been good for getting an idea of how big plants will go. The undercanopy got some reflectors draped over the tops of the pots, they’re the shelf liners for the 1x3 compartment in the veg tent I don’t use. One of the nice things about getting that partitioned design was lots of extra high quality AC Infinity tent material to play with. I only use the bathtub in the 3x3 so I have two 1x3’ bathtubs (here as reflectors) and the entire divider wall, which is double sided silver pebbled, and then the big zipper case like a snowboard bag that the tent came packed in, which is made of the same stuff. I keep meaning to get around to cutting up the bag to make some pot discs and floor reflectors, my 4x4 tent floor is black so I’m losing light down there. For now this is the trick I use to get the PARs up in flowering and it works pretty good, the floor fan blows right under it and comes up through the gaps.

Seedlings are healthy and spreading out their first pair of leaves, fattening up nicely, soon they’ll get a fan to stiffen up the stalks and in a week or two a transplant up to the round Pro-Cal trade pots I use for veg, first a “1 gallon” which is 2.9 quarts or about 5.5x7 inches, then later a “3 gallon” which is 2.1 gallons or about 9x9 inches. Each repotting they get a little Mykos granules underneath in the hole. Sometimes I just run them in the 1G till sex shows with maturity and then transplant directly to the 7G final pot but that does let them get rootbound a fair bit. Some strains do better than other with it, especially if I remember to slash up the tangled shell of roots with a clean knife, but either way the root development in the 7G through stretch is better if they make it to the 3G Pro-Cal first. Later on they’ll get potted up to 7g cloth pots for post-sexing late veg and flower, with a topdressing in early flower, covered with an inch or two of soil maxing out the bags once it settles.


Here’s a time-lapse and timeline of the seed to seedlings phase of getting growing, all in one post to flip through:

11/18: seeds dropped into 1:5 H202:tap water mix, left for 24 hours

11/19: Jiffy pucks soaked in tap water, with a little Ful-Power and soluble kelp, squeezed and fluffed and seeds inserted. Put on tray with closed dome and heat pad under 23w LED shop light strip.

11/20: first seed breaks ground, a @LouDog420 Sour Chem, one dome vent opened

11/21: both dome vents opened, heat pad removed, pellets remoistened

11/22: both dome vents opened, with small fan pulling air out one for exchange, pellets remoistened

11/24: pellets remoistened with a weak GO Bio-Thrive Grow mix

11/25: potted into 3x3 inch pots with recycled homebrew organic supersoil rested for a few months, moved into the veg tent under a single HLG QB288 B-spec board at about 40w @ 12"

11/26: misted with water and dashed with a bit of the Boogie Brew compost tea, maybe 2oz each

11/28: foliar with PureCrop1, moved light to 18" and turned up to 60w

11/29: watered with Mr. Fulvic and aloe about 2 oz each

11/30: 11/12 survivors, one stubborn runt that won’t die or get any bigger but looks healthy, and its slow sibling that’s starting to grow out of it, light goes up to 80w in another 2-3 days, foliar tonight with Ful-Power and SEA-90, next watering probably tomorrow or the next day with some AgSil and coconut water.

EDIT 12/1:


Thanks @CrunchBerries


I’m in the middle of reading this incredible thread by Loompa about the history of his Headband/Underdawg OG and how to grow it and I came across this, which feels good to read after figuring out a similar approach to slow curing and the fridge I use for bud:

Check out the fucking fade on these gorgeous mixed beds of OG cuts from Nspecta in this thread:


Always nice to get validation from a credible source, right?! :bear::+1:
I hadn’t heard of that method, so maybe I’ll give it a go after my next harvest. Thanks for showing me something new brudda!
And that fade looks like a full spectrum prism of color… mesmerizing


One of these days I’m gonna crack open the tube of Nigerian Sunshine I got from Gas along with some other things and pheno hunt that stuff. I gotta take a different approach than I normally do but I’d love to find even a decent keeper of that or the Greg’s NL5/88Haze I have. After my experiences growing his stuff straight from seed I now know that’s a way to grow a bunch of hemp buds, but I am curious to try some fast veg and flowering out seeds in 1G pots to sample and reveg or clone. It seems like NS is one of the lines from him that people are more consistently happy with, along with the purer BOH and The One crosses. I want to find a female keeper but also a good male to take some pollen from and cross up to other things, especially a C99 or Durban to double down on the up head, or maybe Ancient OG or Gorilla Bubble. I just got some Afrobub x GB from Tonygreen as GLG freebies, which is ((Pure Power Plant x Malawi) x Sour Bubble) x Gorilla Bubble BX5, I’d be really curious to use that. Or maybe a Vortex from the run I’m going to do if I clone or reveg any good moms from that, I bet that would be a spicy mix.