Dirt Wizard's Magic Wand Factory and Library Lounge

I gave Gas Greg’s NL#5, NL #1, and Purple UW (all from Dirty Jim), but I am unaware of a Greg’s NL5/88Haze. I have some NL5/Haze (F4) from Gas but do not think that his original source was Seattle Greg.

As for popping Gas’ Nigerian Sunshine my direction to do that was the reports of it helping with anxiety and PTSD, both of which I have. I came across some really good phenos and yes, most of what Gas makes shows a lot of true F1 vigor, the NS was certainly no exception. I have also hunted through BOH and did not find a keeper. I would recommend popping any of his any his MOM A NL5 backcrossing (Church pheno), his Chocolate Thai x Pakistani crosses, or any of his crosses with Coot’s The One.


@SCJedi I’ll have to check what the tube says, that’s what it’s in my seed spreadsheet as. It might have been a cross he made with Greg’s NL5 to a haze he had, it was a period a few years ago when I remember him having tons of haze cuts growing. I have both of those too (recently diagnosed with ADHD, PTSD and anxiety in my late thirties) and the NS and other sativa-dominant hybrids, especially Africans really help with all of them. I am probably done ordering seeds from Gas for now but I’ll keep an eye out for that stuff in trades and if people do F2 selections or crosses.

I’m trying this year to plant more seeds with some Durban/Transkei (not Dutch Durban Poison), Nigerian, Malawi, and I’d love to find some Reunion/Zamal crossed to worked modern strains. Lebanese genetics also really interest me, with their mixed ratios and calming or soothing effects.

Edit: I looked back on the Swami Instagram and I’m pretty sure it must be the Greg’s NL5 x 88 NL5/Haze from the 2020 list. I remember getting a little spooked by his insistence that the 88 NL5/Haze was too jittery and electric for many people so I must have gotten that as a calmed down cross.


Here’s today’s daily update on seedlings and flower stretch on Day 13 of sprout/seedling and Day 11 of 12/12 in the 4x4. I probably won’t post as much as things advance, but I’m using this as a daily log to try and track some important stages with photos in set positions. I hope it’s helpful to someone else as well.


Oh! I forgot to add the other night but I topdressed the four plants in flower with this in each 7G pot:

3 Tbsp CoM Stonington Blend (5-2-4)
3 Tbsp CoM fish bone meal (5-13-0)
4 Tbsp CoM earthworm castings 100% (to help activate and chelate it all more quickly.

This mix will give me an NPK of 5 - 7.5 - 2 with some N now and some for late flower, tons of calcium, and some sulfur and magnesium. Planning on sticking to minerals, Epsom, biologicals and humics for the rest of the flower period now. Probably another few compost teas with that Boogie sample and some extra EWC and molasses.


All topped with about 1.5-2" more soil to max out the pots up to the lips, I always get annoyed at myself when the roots are trying to climb out of the pots, plus I usually leave a little mini BOG-style inch of the 1G rootball sticking up when I transplant, so mounding it wouldn’t be a bad idea.


I see it now. He used the Greg’s NL5 that I sent him and hit his NL5/Haze with it.


See, now I’m more likely to grow them out knowing that, thanks!


Good mail day at the Magic Wand Factory today! I got in my @Tonygreen order from OES, and a package from @Baudelaire:

From OES, feminized G-Unit and a Big Don freebie, along with an interesting looking $20 pack from Second Generation (how could Blueberry Haze be bad?):

And from Fleur Du Mal who I did a little trade with, their new, limited Ortega, Ortega mix, and some more Princess 88 for the vault:


Forgot to post these that I just received in trade from @SCJedi :

Update from the veg tent:

Update from flowering:

And some rosemary plants that were choking each other out in a small SIP so I divided them and trimmed their root mats way down and repotted them with some Hygrozyme to eat up the old roots in the soil and open things up:


I’m having a pretty great weekend, and I decided to treat myself today with a bowl of my oldest homegrown, it just turned a year old! This was a Copa freebie, still one of the best things I’ve grown and it made me fall down the Goji and Ancient rabbit hole, I have a bunch of crosses and F2s of both I need to get back to. This one’s what you’d expect, Goji but earthier, it’s pretty much held the same flavor through cure of creamy berries and kushy earth, and this cured perfectly in a Grove bag for the last six months since I pitched it in there as I finished smoking the rest of the pack.

I’m trying to get to a point where my stash is deep enough that I’m never smoking buds less than three months old and preferably over six, it truly is my thing to do the long cure, and it works well with my organic approach, I think. I find myself sometimes smoking newer stuff I don’t love but don’t hate, to give my favorite buds more time before I smoke them. It’s crazy!


Day 16 from seed:

Day 14 of 12/12:


Got some Black Friday packs and copa threw in 2 tester packs of 5 reg of the Local. Ancient ogF2 x purple skunk. I’m was more excited about these the. The beans i ordered. So I I pop a pack all 5 popped in 24-36 hours in cotton pads with myco water and heat pad innoculate from day 1 The F2 AOG has many pheno that pull from the Iranian land race. I’m so stocked. Got a sick pheno of the king banner x NorCal gooey that I’m dying to hit with some Copas males.


Nice job. This makes me happy cause I grabbed to pack it haze man white tiger on Black Friday. I love WW but wanted a more pungent the old fruit phenos I kept finding. A friend gave me a cut of a white tiger he was growing and I put her out side in mid June at like 2’ and she was a beast room topping like a champ and when grown organically she grow by herself. From my experience. Was my favorite plant from this last run


@Big-krill welcome to OG, dude!

She’s a nice plant! I still have at least half a pack of White Tiger and it’s gonna definitely get grown. One of the first really killer buds I ever got was back in the early 2000s when a local grower used to drop part of his outdoor crop on us townies when he’d harvest to send it to the city. He was growing a really nice Great White Shark line that was just so good I always remembered it, and growing the White Tiger was an attempt at getting that back, I didn’t hit it quite on the first try but I can tell that one’s in there, and what I got was pretty damn good, great daytime smoke if I want something a little foggy but not sleepy. I definitely didn’t get much fruit out of them, a little bit fresh but it cured out. The cured buds taste sort of cool and woody and frosty, just classic non-skunky weed flavor with a good lung burn.

Those AOG F2 x Purple Skunk sound good! Since it’s a male PS I wonder if that’s original Dutch Passion or Sensi Seeds stock instead of the Oregon DP PS cut? Either way it should be dank, Copa gives some of the best testers/freebies, right up there with GLG or CSI, and on packs that are often only $30-50 in the first place.


I think Copa really likes that AOG in particular because of those Iranian genetics that keep popping out. I know he’s held a fast, strong (tested at 25%) heirloom Iranian for a few decades now, he used it in the Project 25, and I feel like he’s probably hunting for the perfect AOG line to cross into that eventually. Or that just taught him he likes Iranian genetics, and I do think he and Bodhi are on the right track about trying to dial it back to some of the possible roots of OG Kush.

The Iranian heirloom thing actually makes a lot of since with him being from the Greater Boston area originally, there was so much Persian/Iranian immigration after the 1979 revolution when the CIA overthrew the Shah, so that the Ayatollah Khomeni and other religious fundamentalists could take over. Iranians are some of the most highly-educated people in the world, and a lot of them landed in the hospitals, universities, and bio/tech companies of eastern Massachusetts. So there would have been some raw Iranian import genetics floating around there through the 80’s and 90’s for sure. But the big one? Half of Iranian-Americans moved to California, the majority in LA, Orange, and San Diego counties, right in time for Iranian genetics to circulate in the black market and early medical scene. Just before we started seeing the proliferation of OGs. Makes you think!


Mail day again, I love this time of year when I do all my seed purchasing at bargain basement prices. Today it’s my @Tonygreen from @Great_lakes_Genetics :

Tony and DBJ stuff those tubes and baggies, dunno how many I’ll find in the breeder packs, but the freebies ended up being 23 Afrobub x RIL and 12 GB x Cake Fighter, sweet!


From my reasearch it a old Oregon purple flower. Crossed skunk 1. I grew out 707 seeds kush cleaner x blueberry muffin holyshit that guy got good gear that started me on my collection. He’s got amazing OG kush in seed form and price are for blue collar worker 50$ 12 packs of flame. Look him up Sha is a gentleman and will help u with any question. Give any of the kush cleaner crosses a try they all finished up in 9 weeks or less the blue nectar bbm x KC was done end of September outdoors. And taste amazing but kicked like a mule. But I’m a sucker for old school and been grow NL and WW and OG forever and every year I say I’m not I still more kush then anything else. So I’m looking for a plant I can make with good gear and keep it in our inner circle that old catpiss on a skunk nugs is what I want. My neighbors are cool but when late September hits I know they smell it cause I blow the block up. I’m from Jersey and it not legal to grow here and my cousin dog was hit by a car not bad she survived but the lady called cops they were all in my backyard flashing their light on em smelling em and laughing I was shook and gonna front had like 25 plants but he straight up said to me nobody complain about this I’m here for a injured dog. And walked away. It to much paper work and I told him it’s my medicine and can’t afford to buy it from store At80$1/8


So to say I was shook was a understatement cause it took down plants that had 10-14 left to finish cause I was scared. The. After chopping 4 plants I said u know what Fuck it I spent all the $ and time and work going organic and hiding them put up fences I’m not gonna toss em in river like all my friends said to do I said I’d rather die on my feet than live on my knees. I couldn’t hurt my girls. For 4-5 months they were my girlfriends I could just toss em. Well in the end it was fine dog was ok and I was able to harvest reat when ripe. But I was pissed I said to cuz u almost killed me and u dog at same time

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Tony’s green is a good dude his gear is amazing u will find a keeper I. Those packs. His GG4ril is the GG4 in seed form available


Day 17 from seed:

Day 15 of 12/12:


I was surprised how bright the light is lol