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Found this interesting info on coconut water when I was checking to see if I should use it in flower, the answer is yes, it’s got the same cytokinin/zeatin enzymes as corn SST:

“Young coconut water, the liquid endosperm, has a caloric value of 17.4/100 gram. Coconut water contains vitamin B such as nicotinic acid (B3) (0.64 microgram (μg)/milliliter (mL), pantothenic acid (B5) (0.52 μg/mL), biotin (0.02 μg/mL), riboflavin (B2) (<0.01 μg/mL), folic acid (0.003 μg/mL), trace amounts of thiamine (B1) and pyridoxine (B6). Other compounds are sugars, sugar alcohols, vitamin C, free amino acids, phytohormones (auxin, 1, 3 -diphenylurea, cytokinin), enzymes (acid phosphatase, catalase, dehydrogenase, diastase, peroxidase, RNA polymerases) and growth promoting factors.”

“Young coconut water contains a group of phytohormones, auxin (150.6 nanomolar(nM)), gibberellins (GAs) (54.5 nM), several cytokinins (186.12 nM), and abscisic acid (ABA) (65.5 nM).”

“Young coconut water is rich in minerals, the inorganic ions such as potassium (290 milligram percent (mg%)), sodium (42 mg%), calcium (44 mg%), magnesium (10 mg%), phosphorus (9.2 mg%), etc.”

And then this paper which looks even better but I am not cracking tonight:



It’s pretty bright for a gimme keychain light! LEDs are amazing


I’ve always used aloe in veg and coconut water in flower. Nice to see the research to back that up. :+1:


Might have to do a top watering tonight with some Coconut, Silica, Comfrey Extract, and molasses. So, would Coconut replace a Corn SST or are you doing both?


I copped some pollen from time to time fro. Tony green especially the sour double


I buy coconut water in powered form it’s much cheaper then using Goya it really helps seedlings cause that basically embryonic fluid for the coconut seed to grow


I think it replaces it AFAIK


Ironically, I always heard it the opposite, corn SST as a replacement for coconut water. :grin:


Fuck yeah I love that Tony and @LouDog420 and other breeders (I’ve seen Useful sell a bunch on IG) are spreading pollen around from breeding males, I think that’s super OG and cool to see that stuff not being hoarded, they’re trying for preservation and I think confident enough in their future selections and breeding that it’s not a threat to them. Can’t wait to see what you get from that magic dust.

I buy the powdered coconut water too, the fresh young freeze dried stuff from BuildASoil, a one pound bag for $25 or $30 on sale lasts me at least a year or two. I could never buy the fresh stuff for my plants, I can’t even afford it for myself!


I mean, corn is cheap as hell and everyone has popcorn sitting around, I think it’s super legit and maybe makes more sense for people, I just have a mason jar of coconut water powder and everything looks like a good chance to use it lol


Day 18 from seed:

The flower tent update is going to have to wait until the UV fixtures finish their cycle for the day. I just turned it up yesterday from two 30 minute cycles separated by 90 minutes (for a total of 60 min/day exposure) to two 45 minute cycles separated by an hour, so now 90 min/day. I’m ramping up towards a continuous 2.5-3 hours through the middle of my day, lights come on at 7AM, so the UV midday spectrum boost is noon to three, this seems to be the way to best use UV for both terp/trich enhancement and also crop steering, from what I’ve read. I might eventually get into the Emerson initiators before and after the light cycle, I think that’s how they use them? Baudelaire sells Solstrips with dual spectrums that you can run off of a controller to do day simulation which is pretty neat and something I’d consider. Here’s a peek through the window at the girls and the creepy light, you can see the blueish UV to the right of my HLG.


Here’s that Day 16 of flower period update, the stretch is real! These ladies have taken off and I don’t think they’re done yet, looks like we’re gonna fill this tent up all the way, just how I like it! The Cindy Mix was the early champion on size and speed of flowering and it still is, bigger than Mom Cindy and at the same flowering stage. But the Mom Cindy and Smart Move have been catching up a bit on size and don’t look as small next to CMix anymore. NSxAP is still the smallest but that was expected and it’s a healthy size, much better than the last Apollo mix I grew that I didn’t train well and it stayed a dwarf bush, though a dank one. Supercropping/LST combined with selective but thorough defoliation seems to really be the ticket for maxing out yields in a smaller space like this, I’m sold 100% on it as I learn the timing and how to do the plant manipulations better.

The plant reference from a week ago, still accurate:

Edit: yields of top quality bud and less popcorn and larf


An update on an old post: I used this fresh frozen C99 to make tinctures with, they were ok orally, very bright and fruity, honestly too clearheaded for me, which sounds silly. I used most of it for salves for my partner and friends, just evaporated down to a thick liquid but still a tincture not oil, then mixed with nice hand lotion and some sunflower lethicin. They say it works really well, so I’m happy with that outcome. It was the absolute loudest tincture I’ve ever made and the lotion smells exactly like a fresh Cinderella 99 bud at harvest, more so without lethicin, which my theory is holds the terps in a little better from evaporating on the skin but that’s just a guess. My partner thinks it smells a little stinky and I think she smells great :+1::slightly_smiling_face:


I’m never buying papers in a store again now that I know I can get them for just under sixty cents a pack online, for the same good brands. I just ordered all this from www.420packaging.com they have a bunch of clearance stuff for cheap and the shipping isn’t bad if you buy a decent amount, I imagine it’ll be that up to a flat rate box full.

I go through maybe 5-10 packs a month between my own smokes and depending on how many joints I’m rolling to give out to people so this should get me set for a year or so. I also like to give out packs of regular cigarette papers when I give bud to the homeless so they can smoke it or tobacco if they have it since lots of people buy those big pillow bags of “pipe” tobacco to get around the tax


Research paper dump so I can close some Chrome tabs:






Made some more compost tea, this time I brewed the recipe below for 36 hours and got a much better frothier tea with plenty of biofilm, still need a bigger pump and wider airstones to get this right, I think I can’t get enough air into the mix within the ideal 24-36 hour brew time to make it the thick Guinness head I’m looking for. I also need to find or buy a six or seven gallon brew pail instead of a 5G bucket so I can put a whole 5G in there and have room for the froth.

-4 gallons of tap water
-1/2 cup Boogie Brew mix
-3T Oly Mountain Fish Compost
-1T Plantation unsulphured blackstrap molasses

I cracked the Oly Mountain from BaS for this one, I wanted to get some diversity in my mixes and topdresses and I figured it would help here too. The odor is…pungent, though subdued- you know right away this is dead fish but it’s a fascinating smell like the dirt next to a fishermens dock. It’s more pure death in a bag than I was expecting, especially as a former garbageman I had some feelings when that hit my nose, but in the finished brew it’s just mildly fishy, and overall it looks like a very good and unique product. The closest thing I know of that I still have to track down is the CoM Lobster Compost that they use in the Stonington dry blend I like. The two gallon bag I got of Oly should be quite economical used this way mixed with EWC that I get locally and I feel like it should give a great 1-2 punch of soil web life.

Day 20 from seed, these need to be potted up tonight or tomorrow, they all have tons of little white roots reaching out into the tray and have for a few days now. In my experience the roots in these little pots stay white and healthy as long as I keep on the wet dry cycles, plus a fan in there, but I also know they’ll ball up real quick at this point if I slack for a few more days. Time to get all of them into the 1G pots.

Day 18 of flowering: we got buds baby! Starting to see the budsites thickening and building out on most plants, especially the two C99s. When the Day 21 defoliation hits soon, this is going to be really interesting to see, I have been supercropping gently outward as they stretch to make them spread, it seems to have gotten things separated out, at least the main branches. The vining on the two C99 might need a little pruning but I’m waiting until defoliation to see, I think I stripped my budsites fairly high and I can let the undergrowth come up as smaller tops, but we’ll see, it’s a little crazy under there! I continue in my favorite obsession of spinning the plants at least ninety degrees at least once a day, and I think the benefit in this stage besides managing light stress with the 1100 umol hotspot in the middle of my light by rotating tops in and out, is also that the smaller lower ones all end up getting their time in the light at some angle in the rotation and actually reach out and form real budsites


You’re always researching haha, so I’m sure you’ve read this, but if you haven’t, check it out: http://www.microbeorganics.com/

After reading that, my compost teas are always just four gallons of water, 1.5 cups of compost/EWC and 1/3 cup molasses. In fact, I watered with one just a few days ago and the plants exploded. Which isn’t good right now haha. I realized last week that if I flipped the older plants when I was planning on it (yesterday), there wouldn’t be any place for me to veg the plants that are one month behind them, so… Gonna have some 90-day-vegged plants getting flipped in a few weeks, a couple of which are a Santa Cruz Pure Haze cross. Should be interesting haha…


I carry my stash a bunch of ways, depending on how and where I’m smoking, but this is a common one to throw in the bag if I’m bringing a small pipe for a hike or bike ride and I don’t want to bring glass. There’s simpler and smaller ways to carry a quick toke, but this ultralight carry gets me a luxe smoking experience and the ability to carry up to a quarter at a time if I take out the Boveda or the nugs are dense. Or I can throw in some papers and filters in another snack bag with some folding Fiskars sewing scissors and roll fresh, perfect joints all day. Fully loaded up with humidity pack and bud the whole package comes in at 110g.

A tall, not child-proof polypropylene pill jar for the stash, often with a Boveda in there. Storz and Bickel Tritan grinder with a stash lid on one side for small things (meds, hash, whatever, sometimes I keep an alcohol wipe folded up in there to clean my pipe with), a Bic, and a shorty preroll tube holding the one of my titanium chillums that’s small enough to fit. My other ones have a flared head to be used as either slides for a DangleBong or as a hand pipe. All that’s held together with produce bands, the stoner’s Ranger bands. I might toss it into a quart Ziploc if it’s wet out along with a second lighter in its own smaller snack bag and a folded paper towel to take up the moisture from my hands.


I haven’t, but I will, looks really good!

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Yeah, it’s super-informative. I can’t remember if he gets into the whole “foam” thing, but I never worry about whether or not my AACT’s foam; sometimes they do, sometimes they don’t, no idea why since I always make them the same way. Doesn’t seem to make a difference either way. My plants always explode after watering with one, foam or no foam haha.