Dirt Wizard's Magic Wand Factory and Library Lounge

Everything is looking really good, I really like the look of those G-Unit flowers!


Trich check Day F65- they’re going to 70-77!

BB x T-1000:


Chem D x BOO:

Big Don looming over everyone:


Pulled a mac1 nug and a fritter nug. The fritter is smokeable and dank Smelling. All around perfect buds. The mac1 needs a longer cure, same with the fritter. Just saying it smoked fine,…the smells are amazing and a lot more notable after not really opening this bag and another few over the last 10 or so days…these things are doing work. My fritter is curing freaking amazing in that big bag. The mac1 nugs are doing well too just today the tester nug was harshish not to my liking. I prefer a smoother smoke. The terps that rolled of the fritter mouth were very vibrant and got me thinking I would liken it to some fruity earth funk. With a bit of sourness to its smoke on the exhale. For the Mac 1 it was straight adhesive diesely and gave my nose a tickle…exhale like I said was not the best.


Nice. FAF. Looks great.


My experience so far has been that the best terps have come from throwing the whole plant into one big bag whether on branches or bucked off latter, the way you have your Apple Fritter. I think my logic is that as long as the bag has some airspace it makes it stankier when it sort of oozes onto itself, and also that the best thing for bud to be touching is other bud, since the trichs sort of tumble from one bud to another in my experience, I don’t get the sandy hash at the bottom some people do with most strains, but some still leave kif in the shake. There’s a cool cannabis fermentation thread now that’s beyond just cobbing and that’s one of the questions is about the self-curing aspects of fresh bud off-gassing onto itself in big bags. Glad to hear your buds are smelling and smoking good, dawg! I was happy to help out and I appreciate those seeds too, great strains you sent me.

The Groves are a real labor savor, and I think they make it easier to LITFA during curing, which I need for sure. I have ADHD so remembering to burp or reclose jars and zip bags was not something I was any good at, I messed up some bud like that when I started! With the Groves I dry down to 60% humidity and then hold there a few days on the whole plant dry, burp for a week or two in Sterilite bins to a steady 56-58% with snappy stems and then buck into a single 1/2 or 1 LB bag (I usually get 3-5 oz/plant of actual buds) and leave them there for a month or more at room temp before I heat seal 1/2s and OZ for the long term fridge cure at 40F. I haven’t messed up a dry and cure since I switched to this method, I hope something similar works for you too!


Me too, man! That description of the GB BX5 mom as “Dometop” is really accurate! Tony wasn’t lying:


Thanks man hell yes they are working well I overdried my stuff and it’s brittle and rock hard dense. Super dank in the groves. Game changer, love em. I need more someday. You hooked it up though bro. I appreciate the heck out of it.


G-unit will be the better hash producer!


That G-Unit looks absolutely killer! Look at the coverage. Making me regret putting that one back in the fridge last round, had RIL4 and GUnit slotted but replaced them with a couple of gems, I really gotta get back into Tony’s packs again. Him and Strayfox are two I NEED to have and keep in my garden


I know, look at those big fat trich heads!

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Frost coverage on this one is only paralleled so far in things I’ve grown by Icy Grape and Cherry Unicorn, maybe the LAPK I grew but I wasn’t scoping then.

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Nice little come-up at the hospice thrift store today when I was buying some shoes for the homeless, I was gonna grab a little Jacks for experimenting with anyways and this seems like a good blend! Unopened nutes for a dollar heck yeah


King of the score!


Schwooooop I go whenever I see free or dollar item, you know it!

T-shirt by Tittybats, one of my favorite swag makers


Nice score man!


Just got caught up Dirt, looking good as usual, quite the seed haul up there I got my eyes on some bubba for the future too. I’ll keep my eyes peeled for the Uzbeki you grabbed too, that’s one I wanna try pure outdoors here after running that cross from bodhi and if doing so well despite me not being into the terps. Was that one a freebie from CSI?


Helluva score! I love my thrift shop and yard sale scores, sadly I haven’t been much lately, got me itching now. @crownpoodle is another gem finder like us as well. Awesome


@Dirt_Wizard I love those places. Top Shelf has seen me nail some good scores. Most recent were 6 new Air-pots for $5. Those plastic covered stakes of all sizes. Pot risers too.


Ya for real! I’ve been wanting to upgrade to air pots forever, but those prices not a chance…. But 5$ even 10-15 for those 6 I could definitely do! He gets epic stuff often, Niagara has slowly been losing our thrift shops, goodwill is gone, GONE! Plus we had 4 little private ones which all dissapeared since Covid, and Salvation Army left last year too, now we have value village which is more like a store than a thrift store and their prices are ridiculous. So yard sales are all I have left….


It was, that order was just for the WiFi x TK and the Patient Zero, everything else was a freebie from CSI, that order was $200 for all that