Dirt Wizard's Magic Wand Factory and Library Lounge

Awesome brother
Your generosity to the community is outstanding


  1. No drying outdoor crops inside especially without a H202 wash

  2. No applying compost teas before leaving for a week of vacation

  3. Tents and space have to be kept cleaner and sterilized more often, especially floor liners and the bottoms of pots.

  4. Gotta start to use yellow sticky tape and traps

  5. Better quarantine and cleaning of plants from other gardens before introducing them to the main space

  6. Never ever stop doing IPM sprays

  7. Have more backup organic pesticides around like that SNS or some other things, I got caught flat footed at the holidays when I wasn’t really up for a grow store run and I should have hit everything a lot harder a week or two ago. Don’t have any LABS, that would have helped. Wettable sulfur is another one to keep here, and I need to get some beauveria bassiana aka Botanigard

  8. When I bring stacks of garden pots and pallet wood into the basement in the fall, it all needs a good bleach spray and air dry first


Bleach kills all

I clean all my Octopots and fabrics bags in bleach then clean water rinse



Yes I do too, they get a hot water rinse, 24 hours in a bucket of Simple Green and hot water getting stirred with a paddle occasionally, then rinsed again hot and dropped into a bucket of bleach solution for an hour before I rinse them and drip dry. Makes for some nice neat bins of fabric pots waiting for me, no smells or anything I love it. I scrub and bleach dip my plastic pots and saucers too, but I haven’t been cleaning my tents with it the way I should, my 4x4 has never been bleached in its life


Smoking all kinds of crazy shit nowadays with the goings on at the Magic Wand Factory, here’s Big Don flower dredged in Big Don kif, TurboWizard style:

And in cleaning I found a last nug from @catapult from when we did a swap a month or two ago, fun to find this when I have the clone in mid flower right now and she’s throwing it down like a mother at the moment:


Thanks for the concise lessons learned! Helps us all become better growers. Me in particular growing both inside and outside now. I’m going to have to be paying attention to new things

Space Wizard after that :rofl: :rocket: :new_moon_with_face:




Edit: shit I forgot what good stoner grunge-metal these guys made, and the side group The Atomic Bitchwax too

On their Hawkwind trip!


have you ever tried lady bugs? I lost 6 plants last year to aphids and I had to harvest this maui haze early, thank god for hash

but once I got those lady bugs they decimated the aphids. theirs nothing like having nature take revenge on nature you don’t like. and because lady bugs are carnivores they’ll eventually die without doing any real damage to your plants, just a few small bites here and there


Fuck yea dude! Love atomic bitchwax :call_me_hand:t2:

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Haha. Finally all caught up in here right on time to see a weed turducken!


One of these days I’ll actually make some honey oil and do some moon rocks up in the vac sealer. Did you know that those were originally a product from the rapper Kurupt, who was the first guy I ever heard of making the transition from hip hop to (semi-) legal weed? I remember when my dealer got them in 2015 and I found this video which probably remains the wildest weed promo video ever endorsed by a medical dispensary:


I had no idea. Can’t believe moon rocks are almost 10 years old. They grow up so fast.

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I wonder how those age, like do they get better or worse? Is there a market for vintage moon rocks and I should start cellaring some soon?


Lol. Let me see what I have that will pair well with funyons down in the moon rock cellar.


They’re definitely older than 10 years. I remember seeing shit like that in dispensaries in, like, 2009. And the Death Rockets, too, which is just Moon Rocks but in a pre-roll. Never bought any of either, although I did buy some weed that’d just been dipped in honey oil once, sans the kief. Even that seemed frivolous haha.


Really good looking plant


Thanks! I liked that freebie grow enough I picked up a whole pack to have in the vault, it was an excellent strain