Dirt Wizard's Magic Wand Factory and Library Lounge

I just got in a half gallon of silica beads, don’t buy anywhere except a lab supply, this was $19 shipped and are food grade, with the tightest foil vacuum seal I’ve ever seen, I’m putting a teaspoon into each pill bottle of seeds.


Big Don makes some nice hash, real blonde and sandy looks like fat trich heads. Smoking on a doob of Durban Poison with some of that and I came up with the name for this cross:

Big Don x Vortex = “The Shit That Killed Henry Kissinger”

RIP Silverback the outdoor legend, cops never did catch him:


Looks like all this hash got you meme-high :laughing: Enjoying the harvest I see!

This beans looks really healthy, and that hash, tasty. Yummy yummy!

Good deal on the brewery, save as much as you can!

have a happy week end!

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Merry Christmas to everyone out there, hope you’re all having a great time wherever you are with whoever you’re with! I’m missing the days when I would be at the bar with my friends doing all the good holiday stuff like this:


Since you folks are my main social group now other than a few local friends that don’t smoke as much, I wanna celebrate with a giveaway tonight. This one’s a little different in that there’s not going to be one winner, I don’t know how many winners there will be! I’m gonna make this wiki and go pack some fallen soldiers from the Vortex F2s and my chucks with them, got a bunch all mixed up at this point after breaking down and sifting/separating 8-10 plants at this point so you probably get a 50/50 chance of a chucked hybrid or a Vortex F2. These are gonna be fat fat fatty fat no promises on a number but I’ll send each winner two flips as full as they go. Get to it below, and I’ll close this up sometime after dinnertime EST in a few hours, and start running the random numbers.

Vortex F2/chucks Fallen Soldiers Giveaway:

  1. @Shadey :canada:
  2. @JOHN1234 :us:
  3. @unomas :us:
  4. @Movement13
  5. @OnePassionateGrower
  6. @ShiskaberrySavior

Add numbers as needed.


Merry Christmas to you too man👍

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Thanks for the chance @Dirt_Wizard!

Merry Christmas :gift:


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Wiki is closed, everyone gets seeds! Hit me with an address in the DMs


Merry Christmas brotha! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Damn, so close! Congrats to all and Merry Christmas :gift::seedling::purple_heart:

That’s gorgeous hash and bud there, friend


Merry Christmas appreciate the great gift pm inbound .


Thanks @Dirt_Wizard!

You’re the man!

Merry Christmas :gift:



Thank you @Dirt_Wizard
Merry Christmas :christmas_tree:


Thank you @Dirt_Wizard !!! PM on the way

Merry Christmas, my man! Hope you’re out there smoking plenty of kief bowls :joy:🫡


Samples of the hash ! We’re does the line up start !


Merry Christmas everyone!


I’d know that cats face AKA squinty anywhere better scribble his out too. Merry Christmas.


Gotta post some updates tonight, I’ve been cleaning and rearranging the whole end of the basement I use for growing over the holidays, trying to beat back my pest infestation. Got mostly on top of it by now, had to chop some plants a little early that were just not responding and becoming reservoirs reinfecting my other plants, they got the most aggressive multiple wash I’ve ever done, H202 and then baking soda and lemon then water and a lot of soaking and agitation. Got them amazingly clean but it’ll all be going to dry sift that I may even only use for washing into shatter with ISO, we will see but I also needed the Vortex chuck seeds in there to mature. Managed to keep Sowah G F2 and Big Don going until seed maturity but it got ugly folks:

That was a Big Don clone, got plenty more flower from mom and plenty more clones flowering or flipping but geez it hurt to have a plant that bad come out of my garden.

I managed to get back to about normal to minor infestation with lots of BTI, PureCrop1, Safer insecticidal soap, and honestly the best thing was the 1:7 ISO:water spray, the plants didn’t seem to care other than shriveled pistils, but one good dousing of everyone was more effective than a week of soapy oils. Just absolute carnage, I also soaked the fabric pots as I did it to kill eggs that could be in there since I have a bunch of little holes in my pots.


Thanks to @JustANobody for these sweet 3D printed seed pucks, I’m getting those giveaway seeds packed up along with some extras, this was my Vortex mystery mix bottle- 44 pucks of twenty or more seeds in each, pretty good! Everyone who won the giveaway is getting two of these to explore, they should be mostly Vortex F2s along with some of the Janis and Sowah G crosses, and a few Frogspawn or Zip Tape, best guess is around 70/20/10 split so happy hunting everyone.


Damn. That’s terrifying stuff to look at. Aphids and thrips? I hope you aren’t too bummed out about it, I’d be pretty torn up. Anyway, I appreciate you posting that. And I’m glad things are getting back under control.

I use ISO in a spray bottle as a general bug killer where I need something relatively safe and I know will evaporate off completely (not on plants). I did it yesterday tearing out cabinets and cleaning out behind the furnace and water heater - nasty spiders back there. I had already turned off the gas before anyone says anything yes I am very aware it’s flamable. I don’t want black widow or brown recluse bites trying to wipe old cobwebs out of dark places. The 1:7 dilution seemed to work well with the plants? That’s great to know.

So what are the main lessons to take from this? I’ve only dealt with “big” issues outside, the worst being aphids in 2022 and botrytis 2023. What is the best of the three in terms of dealing with them? I always have BT, neem, and Dead-Bug Brew from the outdoor season, ISO and now HOCL always readily available. I’m wondering if I should preemtively purchase some other products “just in case.” I do live a long way from civilization so to speak so deciding I need to run to the hydro shop is a day or two from occurring. I think I’ll be avoiding some issues doing hydro in my little tent, but curious what you would keep in stock now. I’d much rather have something and not need it than deal with the other situation. I see it happen way too often on here - issue comes up, order some product and wait desperately for it to show up while the situation goes downhill. PureCrop1 is something I see pop up quite frequently. I also have some sample packets of SNS 203 (gnats/aphids/thrips/flies) 217C (spider mites) and 244C (fungus) that may already roundout an adequate doomsday/emergency kit.

LOL can’t believe I missed the giveaway I’m so happy for you and everyone else you wound up with such a bountiful harvest of seeds. Thank you for all the effort and time you put into that run!

FWIW I only do washing with H2O2 and water now, and even tried very dilute HOCL on buds that were around botrytis. I feel the H2O2 water (pretty strong, I used a 32oz bottles per gallon of water) actually works very well as both a wash and rinse [2 buckets total]. I’m not bothering with the lemon juice and baking soda anymore.

Have a great day man!


Going all in! I love it! The pucks look great filled with seeds.