Discussion: Veg. plant maturity

Yes , like @Foreigner says when nodes start to alternate


Truth be told it was my Fathers friend who did the keeping of the flame… and the passing it on to me after my dad passed away. Pops wasn’t nearly as organized as his buddy. If not for his friend, I would only have memories and you all wouldn’t be talking to me now.


God bless the archivists


And the recluses who prefer plants over other human beings… :sweat_smile:


Hard to put in words , a drawing better


I would’ve loved a stick figure next to the plants for scale… :blush: :v:


Looks like we both have a similar art background!


I’ve always thought of it as “when new nodes stop being produced symmetrically from the main stem”


Ok, nodes got it. :100::ok_hand:

As for the topic though, my impression is that feminized seeds and in particular S1 fem seeds seem to be possibly more affected by plant maturity. I’ve seen it more times than I can count. People growing fems or S1 seeds and nobody has any issues with them… but then there’s that one guy who has such healthy looking plants and they all hermed. The common denominator is in those instances the plants are always young and not fully matured. I’ve seen this happen with my Romulan S1 seeds a few times and like I said too many times to count with others seeds.

I notice patterns in the background of my brain. This one is a vague pattern that I’ve been wondering about for a while now. I suppose the way to “prove” it would be to take clones, flip seed plants until you find herms… flip the clones early and again once maturity is reached. If they herm during everything except after maturity is reached, then maybe we have something?

I was hoping you all would save me from going down that road via stories and experiences. So please keep commenting… I don’t wanna go full blown Mr Wizards World with my grow rooms anytime soon. I’ve got breeding and testing to focus on, not the intricacies of plants and their sexual maturity.


Lol @potpotpot , I was never going to be able to spell that : )


That’s what I do and have had great results…the seedlings won’t flower until its mature anyways…all outdoor seedlings flower on 12/12 in the equator folks.


Yeah, wish I could take credit, but my phone auto corrected for me haha


Seedling maturity and sexual maturity are different things. Seedlings take typically 3 weeks or so to reach the maturity level to where they can start to flower. We aren’t discussing that aspect but instead the sexual maturity of vegetative plants.


@RomulanGenetics man I’m really glad that you came here! These are the kinds of discussions that I love to see!!


Here’s a question , of topic , but about veg and it bugs me lol

I have reveged twice in the past and flowered again , both times the bud lost its potency compared to the original grow , looked the same but lacked the umph

Has anyone that can get tests done ever tested this
Maybe this is what’s dudding older clones ie reveged in the past idk

If this is the case , then if seeds are made with a reveg mum , will they be affected too ?

Flipping seed straight to 12/12 power hasn’t built up to full potential yet and with reveg the power is somewhat spent the first time


Revegging damages the plant in ways I can’t prove but have seen over and over again. Many knowledgeable breeders will say to never breed with a reveg. plant. I think that is your answer.

Analogy = human > zombie
(I’m high :rofl:)


Thankyou for clarifying @RomulanGenetics , was always wondering , now I can ponder over something else : )


@RomulanGenetics great conversation starter! Great topic too, ive been wondering this, I always let my plants fully mature… I have the space to allow for that, except the odd time with clones that I’ll flip a week or 2 after rooting. But I find the terp profiles, the amount of trichome coverage and the bud structures are far better on mature plants


@RomulanGenetics thinking about this some more, if you take clones at ~6 weeks from seed and then veg the clones another 6 weeks will they be fully mature?

Or are you saying your clones veg for 3 months before flip anyways?

Yes, they should be mature at that point.

No, I’m saying that I’ll take a seed plant to around 45 days. Then I’ll take a clone of that plant. 2 weeks later clone has roots it gets transplanted into coco or soil, etc… Then I’ll let that clone grow and root out its pot fully… takes about another month roughly. At that stage the clones are about 3 months old.

When I plant outside, they start in April or May, getting moved outside around June/July. Flower starts when they are about 4 months old (120 days). Hence my 90-120 day brain fart/estimate thing.

I mentioned above my seed plants often get flipped when they are about 3-6 weeks old. The clones being 3 months old part is when I’m specifically hunting through selections for breeding or on occasions when I’m growing for my headstash.