Discussion: Veg. plant maturity

thanks for clarifying

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No problem brother :v:

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@PineScented a clone is as mature as the mum it was taken off , it’s already mature , if the mum is , so when rooted it’s ready to flower


Do you think you can veg too long? Will it effect quality if I veg for 6 months? Terps? Density?
There is so much to learn about this plant.
My current run I plan to veg maybe 12 weeks for training purposes. I want to fill my canopy fully


Okay sweet, the part I was confused about was whether clones inherit this maturity moving forward with their growth. It doesn’t intuitively make sense to me that a 6 week old clone could be 3 months matured, but I’m learning new things every day

This cleared it up

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I don’t think it causes any negative effects no. Consider how many clones come from mothers that are years, even decades old. As long as the plant isn’t showing signs of dudding, it’s a good thing in my opinion to be vegged longer.

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I’ve never grown or had experience with autos I’m old school, when do autos become veg. plant maturity?

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Autos are completely different and vary from cultivar to cultivar. They are bred with Ruderalis Genetics and don’t really grow in any traditional Cannabis way.

@PhilCuisine , I don’t do autos either : )


This was what I was talking about above when I said that clones carry on thr age of the plant. They keep the maturity or age of the mothers they were cut from. :wink::v:


Do autos stagger when they flower? Is my question…



Just don’t do autos is the moral of the story here.

Opposite of Nike. :green_heart::v:


I think autos have their own schedule and there’s nothing you can do about it.

You cannot “force” them to flower with 12/12 as they don’t care about light. You can grow them 20/4, 18/6 or 12/12 from the beguinning, only yield would be affected I suppose icon_e_confused|nullxnull, they have no room in this discussion … beer3|nullxnull


Not totally true. Sometimes you get a stubborn auto that refuses to flower and switching to 12/12 for a week or so kicks them into flower then you can put the lights back to 18/6.
Had this happen to me in the past :v:

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Those are “false” autos … frech|nullxnull


This is the thing. If they were photoperiod plants when you switch back to 18/6 they would reveg and not continue to flower. Plants are like women. They never do what they are expected to do :rofl:


That’s not an autoflower. :wink::ok_hand:

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Yup, like those feminized seeds throwing males … ejem|nullxnull

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To be fair, that is different. Males within feminized seeds is actually normal, albeit it should be very rare and in the 1 in 500 range or so.

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Sorry man, it was a private joke about and “accidental pollination” we had in some Sebring feminized seeds … beer3|nullxnull