DMTvape pen?

Anybody else heard of these? Was browsing around, and saw these. Looks very interesting, just wanted to see if anybody had good experiences with one. Im on the fence on whether to get one or not. Are they available in Oregon or British Columbia? I know both are progressive in terms of mind expanding drugs. :v:


There’s a few online places you can order from in Canada a buddy of mine tried it and said never again lol


I saw some for sale on east coast craigslist

They sell them at Zide Door church in Oakland but i’ve heard really bad reviews.

I’ve known a few people to try those and enjoy them, so, they are a thing. I’d be careful of sourcing – also, if you ever see a “psilocybin vape pen”, know that that isn’t a thing. Run away. For those sorts of things I really always recommend sourcing from self if at all possible. Turns out it’s not too hard to do even though the internet may make it seem as such. Although I don’t have experience with DMT.


Theyve been around for a few years now, and with the ammounts and types of new research chemicals, i wouldnt touch them with a ten foot pole unless you are in arms reach of the guy that physically made them. Even then id want to know and understand his process. Just one dudes opinion.

My wifes patients arent testing positive for the drugs they say theyre taking 50 percent of the time. Food for thought.


This. :arrow_up:
For sure.

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we have many (positive) experiences with huasca and analouges :slight_smile:

can anyone help me getting some over to germany, please? :pray:
this would be so much more practical than having to extract plants !!

Thnx for all the responses so it sounds lik a nogo then. Guess ill wait til i can source some nn dimethytryptamine crystals. Stuff just isnt in my area unfortunately oh well. Not intetested in 5 meo dmt only the real deal one. Ya ive looked into making my own but not really down to mix up solvents, chemicals etc. Anybody have a legit online source pm me plz. Im very well versed in psychedelics but this one hasnt crossed my path yet.

You could just make it yourself. It is in nearly everything.


You can order online from the Netherlands 5meo dmt. ( i heard 5meo would be stronger, black white and Ego dead being nearly guaranteed)

Nn dmt (the gate how i would call it) you can how you wrote yourself extract from pulverized material which you can buy as natural colors ( at least a few years ago).
this extract you can smoke/ vape in an bong or “crackpipe”.
I also experimented to solve it in to e liquids.
( dropper oder tröpfler works best so that you dont get any kind of dry hits)
It worked great and was much better to control than the pipe.
I really enjoyed smoke weed ( specially sativa) and then give 1-2 hits from the vape only for some optics and a bit feeling.
But it was much harder to get an breakthrough threw it because if the concentration was to high it got too “thick”
But an bigger stronger vape also rule that.

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