Do you believe in fate or destiny?

Not sure why you are lols ok buddy me but w/e.

The article just seems like it points towards the fact that maybe we actually can make a positive difference… and that decrease in violent crime, if accurate, surely helped shape someone’s fate or destiny maybe.

Alls I said was I didnt agree with you entirely… that not ok?

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I’m lolling at that article that has zero links to the actual study which showed that people participating in meditation made them do less crime and not that the power of their meditation changed things around them. Lots of scientific evidence supports meditation and it’s effect on an individual. Zero evidence you can meditate the world’s issues away.

All of these though processes that are geared towards positive outcomes only work in certain socio-econmic brackets. Mid or Upper class people can personally benefit from thinking in certain ways to reduce stress and help them cope mentally. It has zero effect on the poor and destitute.

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I believe in the universal law of attraction…so maybe he willed his destiny


Maybe this is a little more solid for yah. Seems like a hard thing to prove, but having a correlation to outcomes that comes from analysts and professionals that were baffled by the lower homicide rates, etc during an economical downturn, because it was the only time it had ever happened holds some hope for me, anyway.

I am not sure why these outlooks geared towards positive thought processes wouldn’t also help relieve stress and help them cope mentally in poverty. As I said in another post I have been to some really poor areas in the world, and the people if anything seem less stressed out and happier than people around me who are in the middle or upper class.

Only trying to share some potentially plausible information rather than just my opinion


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@TheShowMeHomie I am with you on the law of attraction :+1:


I’m familiar with that study because it’s often quoted by meditation websites even though the actual study says there is no correlation. At most the positive effects on individuals made them not commit serious crimes (robberies dont go down). That’s not people changing destiny or fate it just them being less shitty. I’m glad you found some happy poor people. I don’t see many of them and even if all the poor people in the world meditated and felt happy it would not change the shitty situation they are in. But hey at least they’re smiling right?

Sorry to be so cynical but I live in South Africa and when you see what people have to go through and how they suffer, all this happy clappy, lets think the world better, BS really gets to me. It has zero effect on the world.

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All good man to each their own.

I am going to drop it after this but I do not see anywhere, at least in the article that I linked, that they are stating there is no correlation.

In fact, to quote the linked article

"Nine peer-reviewed articles, comprising 14 studies, have now been published that support this hypothesized effect.

While the earlier studies were based on groups doing their advanced meditation programs for periods of several weeks or months, this current study was for a number of years, giving researchers an opportunity to study potential long-term changes."

"They also found that alternative hypotheses, such as economic trends, incarceration rates, seasonal cycles, demographic changes, and policing strategies, weren’t sufficient to explain the observed reduction.

For example, violent crime rates fell significantly during the severe recession of 2007-2009 rather than rising as widely expected. According to a leading expert on crime and the economy, this was the first time since World War II in which crime rates failed to rise during a major economic downturn."

I understand that the world is a very sad place with a lot of suffering, bombings, etc… but I do believe that positive thoughts and intentions, especially followed up with real action, is what makes changes.

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Its a study done by a “university” that was formed by a Yogi who 1st proposed the effects of meditation. You linked an article that the website it is on doesnt support and if you go to the “study’s” origin it’s a journal written by a member of the university trying to tie the the actual studies together (which themselves don’t make that correlation.) The author makes use of p-hacking which is notorious with flawed and skewed outputs. No other pier reviewed study on this journal can be found (well by me)

I find it hard to trust a study with a per-determined bias like this.

I also think the law of attraction is a bunch of fairy tail bullshit, so I think it’s safe to say we have very different outlooks on life.

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The interesting thing about the law of attraction and personal reality. Personal reality is always what you believe it to be, if you believe there is no law of attraction there will be none because your making it so in your life.

People who believe in that law of attraction have it because they create it in their life. You have to work to break the negative programming, you have to be mindful of how your internal dialogue with yourself runs, and you have to keep moving towards what you want and making connections to allow the universe to connect you with the things you want.

It won’t happen if you sit in a room just thinking, I want this, whatever, it is in my life.

I am a skeptical person until something demonstrates it can be believed in. I have been practicing and testing the law of attraction theory and it does work, it happens in our lives all the time, usually with what we don’t want because that’s what people usually focus on, not what they want or the desired end scenario.

7 years ago I was constantly saying I hate my work, I am bored my body is wareing out and construction work is miserable in the summer and winter here with tempreture extremes. After 2 years of wanting out but making no effort to change I had 3 falls within 3 months and ended up no longer being able to work.

I had also been looking at growing weed illegally, but the wife would not go for it as I could be deported for a crime with a custodial sentence. My doctor offered me opiates or weed to control my pain, I chose weed obviously, and can now grow as much as I need legally.

The universe hit two birds with one stone, lucky me eh!

I have now gone from $45,000 a year take home to $7,500. We are eating into the equity in our property at 1500 a month, and only have 12,000 left before we have to sell our house as workers compensation are dragging out the compensation procedure.

I have a money chant, I started to use it after testing the law of attraction.

I started using this, for the universal good of all, I could certainly use more money, for the universal good of all I certainly expect more money to flow to me now.

This just got me lots of credit card offers, so I changed it to cash money. Usually you don’t have to be specific, as this can cause missed opportunity.

Shortly after using the modified, I was contacted by a gov agency as I am now on disability last year and was told that as my daughter was in uni we were entitled to child allowance, and back pay as well, several thousands, this week after doing 3 or 4 chants I got a call from my union rep who said someone came in looking to re connect with me that I worked with, and while looking at my records for my info noticed I was now on disability but not collecting my union disability pension, they called me to ask why, I did not even know the union had a disability pension, worth $800 a month to me, plus 4 years of back payment.

I keep saying my chant couple a times a week, usually money comes in from an unexpected source, sometimes it’s just a dollar on the side walk, sometimes a lot more from somewhere else.

There is no such thing as coincidence, only synchronicity of the universe, bringing what we ask for wether, good or bad.


I started believing in it a couple years ago and will say without a doubt manifesting thoughts into reality is real…still haven’t figured out the lottery though lol


Great story! I am glad you are using it and having such great successes. I am in total belief, and although sometimes I get distracted and get into a funk, as you were, about the crappy job etc, I am always coming back to needing to put this energy out there and focus on creating my own reality. Years ago I read Deepak Chopra’s - The 7 Spiritual Laws to Success, actually have the book “The Secret” here with me on my travels and I am listening to some Alan Watts as I type this :+1:

It has worked for me and helped me to manifest where I am at today in my life. This is part of why I created the new years thread I did. Just like I said, I wanted to put my intentions out into the universe. I am trying to influence my 2020 and attract the things, not only for me, but that I would like to see in the world.

Sadly I also see many people attracting more negativity and being unconstructive in their lives around me… often times my close family.


Great to hear as well.

Let me know when you do figure out the lottery part maybe we can go in on a ticket!!


I win Powerball I’ll fly everyone on here somewhere weed friendly …I wish everyone could smoke worry free even if just once


Hah what a good gesture that would be.

Nothing new but always such a damn travesty that we can get legally shitfaced, brew beer, etc… yet we cant openly revel in growing one of the most beautiful plants and share it with anyone without fear of reprimand.


Yes I do !! Good energy feeds itself and manifests in it returning to the sender … Example? When I posted here about gifting my Sherbert bag seed , I was unexpectedly gifted about 20 packs of some rare genetics from a friend … Also a Chem 4 cut and GMO.Not sure if that is construed as faith or destiny but it reinforces sharing and putting good energy into the universe …


Just opened an email from the power company, I have been expecting the charges to go up, as we now have 3 extra young people in the house, who asked if they could live here, I wont go into details, but have been paying us 800 a month between them to stay here. Power company has dropped the monthly bill by 110 $ :slight_smile: I said my money chant over the weekend.

Just waiting for the big one now from Workers comp, they have refused my claim 3 times now, last summer I was asking myself in meditation, how can I prove my injury was caused by my accident, as WC says its a previous condition, although if it was I wound not have been able to work back then, when it was previous lol.

A week later we went to a barbecue around a neighbours place, I didn’t want to go as I was suffering bad that weekend with a lot of pain, but thought, I may as well, it might take my mind of it, I met one of their relatives who lives a mile up the road, and we chatted, turned out her neighbour is an advocate for people dealing with WC and getting shafted like me.

He has given me loads of info and doctors names who specialize in my problem, and is also arranging for me to see one. Apparently whatever this Doc says, goes with WC, they don’t argue with him at all, they even tried to recruit him as he was costing them a lot of money.

When you understand how it works, you can look back through your life and see, where you have created good and bad.

Check out Abraham Hicks on your tube, you probably already know of her and her channelling ability of the entity Abraham, but I am mentioning it in case you haven’t, and others may be interested as well.

A good book to read that simplifies a lot of the info and gives you exercises in manifestation is called, Playing The Matrix by Mike Dooley, one of the people in the Secret. Great book easy to understand, and use, with good explanations of why things don’t work sometimes and how to change it.

I know, my wife is starting to experience her negative thoughts about her job as well, she hates it, and wants out but will not do anything about it, so like myself the universe is causing it to change, whether she wants to or not now, she has a lot of wrist and finger pain, so she is finding it hard to use a computer and keyboard, essential for her job. I keep telling her to stop thinking in that way, but I cant do it for her.

I have many experiences of synchronicity for meeting people, and achieving things, when I need something to change my life, some so crazy you would not believe it.


That is my prorrogative, but i also dance like nobody is watching…



down to @Sunvalley’s place :fire:



Lmfaaaao yeah all Good… just come during harvest season :joy::rofl:



Makes me scared that being sick is my faith or destiny.

That first post is similar to what happen do Donny Darko when the jet engie fell from the sky.
I need to smoke and think about this more now.