Do you believe in fate or destiny?

Hey Shadey, it wasn’t me that created the thread it was @anon58740919.
I’m sure he will appreciate those fine comments. :wink:


OK, cheers man, I am sure you’re just as nice :innocent:

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I’m nicer. :wink: (20 char)

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Your fate and destiny change with every descision you make and all the rest is just chaos , the chaos being everyone else’s decissions , nothing is set in stone
Winners make it happen
Losers let it happen
Kaizen : )


I believe that your destination is predetermined but the condition in which you arrive is up to you.

We all think of ways to change the world, but we never consider to change ourselves.
I found 4 half hour videos called Inner World, Outer World. I’ve watched them like 80 times now, and for me it made me realize,
For any change to happen, I must change.
For so many to be hungry today, with all the technology available, the only reason starvation happens, is someone wants it to.
We are the Gods. We are the monsters. Religion has destroyed itself by hiding it’s monsters as good things.
I do not know any answers, but I sure as hell love my ride, as long as it lasts.