Do you smoke Thai?


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The ”chocolate” isn’t a plant it’s a curing process and the sooner everyone understand this the sooner people will be able to pin-point these types and lock them down. You’d be surprised what their ”original” terpenes are as they smell nothing like the finished curing product but they are a product of their curing. Green mango, ”lemon” and most of those tags that people put on fresh cut thai are all pre-cursers to the ”chocolate” flavor. I wish more people would get out and ”Indiana Jones” their own theories in practice where the answers are abundant like ripe fruits in season. Don’t get so hung up on the history you think you know, explore and find out for yourself. Don’t listen to ”experts” make your own knowledge through experience and independent assortment. This is true for so many of the ”thai types” of cannabis and do it now before it’s too late cannabis brethren, soon it will be washed away by all these fake tales of tails and names people don’t know the meaning of…


I’ve always told people that was my opinion. The way they came to you in the little bricks in wax paper and the way they smelled wasn’t terpenes as much as a fermentation type of complexity. But, that taste, and the high were so great. I wish someone would share their old curing technique. I figure it’s something akin to cob curing but it seems like they did a whole brick at a time. I forget how many were in the brick, but a lot.

I was recently gifted some local Thai seed from another OG over there, and would love to try the whole curing technique. peace


yea I have been having this thought for a long time and recently did a few things myself with curing that sort of points in this direction. I think the ”cob cure” isn’t a bad place to start to look, it might be close. Yes definitely seems like they did whole bricks and I can still get this kind of stuff at some places and especially one place where I got weed from this guy who is now my friend for more than 2 years and when I got back last year it was also the same. It was always the same quality any time of year which is not the case with most of the green/dry bricks they have a short shelf life if you’re concerned with he whole package, effects, smells, flavors. They sure knew their shit back in the day and there’s still some that do. My friend couldn’t shed any light on it when I tried to ask he could only give a general direction where he bought it from but I got the impression he didn’t know the grower nor the technique used for this special cure.

Try it, come back and tell us what you found hehe! Cheers


You can’t have old Sabbath without weed. I always liked Black Sabbath, but didn’t understand it until I smoked weed and listened to it. I remember the first time I did that. It was Christmas time, and I got Paranoid (on cassette) and a bag of weed. I rolled one up and put on some Sabbath. I was about halfway through the joint about halfway through the song Electric Funeral when I had my “Weed and Black Sabbath Epiphany”, when I realized how intertwined the two are. Good times.


hahaha I would say that I had Sabbath without weed but when I smoked weed and listened the first time it was like people said about Henrix in the 60s, I could really ”hear” them. I remember getting to see them during the reunion tour in 1998 in Denmark and before the song Sweet Leaf Ozzy had a little speech before the song, if I remember it right, damn it’s 25 years ago now, it went something like this:

”One of our first gigs as a band abroad was right here in Copenhagen at a place called the Reunion Club, does anyone know if it’s still open?” 75 000 people yelled and he laughed continuing ”yea it’s probably a gay bar or something now” and then more yelling and he turned back to the crowd saying ”Does anyone still smoke dope around here” and the whole audience drew a lung full and blew it out and a big cloud of smoke went up in the air and the wind seemed to carry it towards the stage where Ozzy sniffed loudly in the mic and said ”this next one is a song called Sweet Leaf and you all know what the fuck that one’s about”… I was front center with my white tight shirt that my mother had sown red letters on spelling out ”OZZY” and she even put the fringes under the arms. Still remember him shaking his head when he saw me and the other guy with a white shirt with black letters (slightly better done) as we were standing on the front crowd breakers with our arms in the air when they entered the stage. Great memories and a world of difference from going to see Bod Dylan in front of 50 000 people the next night…

little tidbit: after the concert me and my friends would smoke haze that we bought in Christiania, the free town, and listen to The Wizzard on one of those old cassettes in a battery driven player through the night… good memories…


Whats his name :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Dan Chang Thai


fucking Saturday come one brothers…


I use big Thai plants crossed over short squat Afghani type plants, the more indica the better, from the Thai you will get crazy vigour and good mould/rot resistance, even when they are reasonably dense and you will get shorter flowering times and more bud density from the indica… and the hybrid vigour is insane…

This is a Thai X GG4

Those are 8 foot pickets lol.

And this is another one tied down.


Awesome! You’re in South Africa, aren’t you? I’m about to drop some of my KD Koh Tao (Thai) seeds today. And, yes, that’s a good time to make some crosses. Sativa and Indica make great plants.


I’m in Oz, similar climate to SA, I try to select the sativa with the thicker stems/structure so they can support all the weight as falling over when they get wet during flower has been an occasional issue I’ve had.


You’re right that Hendrix is another you can’t understand until you’ve done psychedelics. Hendrix pairs well with 'shrooms and acid as well as weed. You have to set the right mood for that. Low lights, a positive atmosphere, and a relaxing indica beforehand make your Hendrix and 'shrooms journey quite enjoyable.


psychedelics is all about set and setting yes


One thing that 'shrooms do for me is render language meaningless. 'Shrooms allow me to stop trying to quantify things in words, and instead feel/think in terms of sensations.


Having a 3D experience and using 2D words to explain it doesn’t work huh!


Never thought of it that way, but that sums it up perfectly. The experience transcends language.