Doc D cannabis seeds

I ended up ordering another pack of the Santa Cruz Pure Haze x A5Thai yesterday haha!, after I saw potpotpot’s post re: the new drop at GLG. It’s like a Pavlov’s Dog thing: If Doc drops seeds, I have to order something. And after losing like a half-pack because of the fucked-up soil mix I started them in, I wanted a backup pack anyway.

Also ordered a pack of Bodhi’s White Lightning HP (The White x GHash), because why not? Haha. That one does sound interesting, though, and maybe a useful breeding tool if I ever get around to making seeds.


Does anyone have any Bandaid Haze seeds they might want to sell or trade?
Any help is appreciated.


I did the same. And despite my interest in the other A5HT crosses, I grabbed a pack of the TKLT too.


I have some F2s dude, but you have to throw me a bone with where to send them.


Yeah, that TK x LT sounds interesting. I think the only Lemon Thai stuff I bought when Doc released those was the f5’s, but I mighta gotten some other crosses, too, have to check my list.

Wait, never mind, I’m growing a fucking Malibu Pure x LT right now haha, so I guess I got some of those seeds, as well. That Malibu cross is suuuuuper-stretchy and lanky, tallest plant in the tent (until I tied it down), taller than the Santa Cruz Pure Haze/A5Thai, even. I wonder if that TK cross will do the same thing.


Im down. DM sent. Thank you.


That will depend entirely on where I grow it, more than the plants genetics. If I grow it in the little tent, it’s going to be a monster. If I grow it in the basement next summer with an 80” ceiling, it’ll be squat as fuck haha.
But seriously, yah, I’m sure they’re gonna be lanky. I feel like I read somewhere the TK does a 2x stretch, and I’m sure the LT side goes for the sun too. That’s ok, I’m used to it haha.


The one Nikah (TK x OMG) I’m growing right now is pretty lanky and tall. Both she and the Malibu x Lemon Thai are very pliable, though, didn’t have any problem tying them down. The Santa Cruz Pure Haze x A5T, on the other hand, is very “woody” and stiff, couldn’t tie her down at all.

So I cut like eight inches off of her last week haha.

I didn’t wanna do it, but it had to be done. Everything’s getting flipped tonight, so I think she’s had a decent amount of time to recover. That’s something I’ve noticed with the few A5Thai crosses I’ve grown so far, is that they’re pretty stiff and not the easiest to train. It feels like I’m gonna snap them in half every time I even think about tying them down a little bit.


I found the LT to actually reduce the stretch in the crosses I ran. I was also afraid of the monsters that would emerge from this male, so I went into the run with things more generative to reduce stretch as much as possible.

The Lemon Thai F5s I ran were about the same height as the Goji Razz x LT, but shorter than the Sour D x LT.

The Sour D x LT produced some interesting piffy phenos. The LT also imparted a metallic kind of mouth feel in single phenos of Goji Razz x LT and Sour D x LT. And the super high potency of some phenos. Markers we see in Piff and A5 crosses. Makes me excited for LT x A5/Thai and assorted hazes x LT.


Oh yeah haze crosses are resilient as can be. I kinda treat their first 2-3 weeks as veg time where they can take a beating/chopping. You still have ample stretch time to build that frame back since most will stretch into week 5-6.

That solo cup photo with the massive BHIX3.0 bud… That was a plant that I chopped the top 12" off of on week 5. Insane.


Yeah, but these have been vegging for 81 days now (don’t ask haha) and have been on a 14/10 light schedule for longer than I was planning on, about a month. They’re flowering right now, actually, started about a week ago. I’m switching to 11.5/12.5 tonight, so I’m not too worried about it, but yeah, this hasn’t been what I’d consider a “perfect grow” or whatever.


Good to know and that tracks with my experience with the Lemon Thai so farI haven’t grown any of the crosses yet, but the lady I grew out was topped and she did not stretch much at all.

The buds were growing into each other tighter than I would have preferred and ended up sort of bending them and training them out just a bit was they went down the cola to help them fill in nicer and prevent mold.


Does anyone know when Headie Gardens is doing their restock?


Early January


Hell yeah. Thanks!

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That was my experience as well. I got them to lie over, but I really had to roll the stems between my fingers and break up the fibers until they laid over on their own. If you tried to just bend them over there was a lot of resistance. Like “go ahead, try me, I can’t wait to snap”.

Now that is interesting. I know the metallic taste is associated with some hazes, so to see it coming from the LT is a fun insight to what may be hidden in there.


I need to remember that that’s an option, always forget. That probably woulda been useful for the SCPH cross and something I’d prefer to do, as opposed to just chopping tops off haha.

That happened to one of my Mexican Melons a couple summer’s back, totally split right down the meristem when I was trying to tie her down, ended up losing like 2/3 of the plant. I could feel that it was about to happen haha, but I kept trying anyway. Until I heard a “snap!” So now I try to be super-careful whenever I try any sorta training. I like the idea of rolling the stems around instead of floral tape and safety pins haha.

That Mexican Melon still yielded really well, though. I bet if she’d have been more than 1/3 of a plant, the yield woulda been incredible haha…


Hey. :slight_smile: Hope everyone is having a nice X-Mas so far. I had a 5 pack of Pablo’s Lemon Thai from Snowhigh. I got 2 plants out of them, and both are female.

Which brings me to the point. I know some of you have run Doc’s Lemon Thai F5, and I’m hoping that one of you had a killer male that you kept some pollen from. :slight_smile:

If that’s you, and you’re interested in doin a little tradin’, shoot me a DM, and we’ll talk turkey. I can send you a hefty pack of Pablo’s Lemon Thai x Lemon Thai seeds when they’re ready, or maybe some cuttings from the females.

Just let me know, and have a great Christmas. :v: :christmas_tree: :christmas_tree: :christmas_tree:


If this cross works out, it’s going to be awesome!


Dragon temple day 50