Doc D cannabis seeds

Killing it! :fire:


Twilight language is a great day time smoke. It’s my favorite from my last grow.


Man fucking beautiful buds you grow some fucking plants good shit @CamTheCannaman got those tkxlt next on the lineup after seeing that :joy:


Damn, those are stacked!


Sorry for the late reply. Yes, altogether 3 females and I ended keeping 2 of them to run again. Now I only have one of them.


Thank you so much! Yea the Tk x Lt really came out nice, super nice smoke even without a long cure, great day time meds but can def pack a punch if you smoke enough. It’s crazy hashy when dried. while trimming my snips kept gumming up every couple buds, I got a good amount of scissor hash off that one plant. really lemony sweet og candy with some of that classic og spicy peppery finish. I really do enjoy it. I still have the Bandaid haze 4.2 that I am about to chop in next week or 2. She’s starting to add some purple hues and new flavors; I’ll make a post soon
 Also, Thank you to @DesertHeartGardens @Vagabond_Windy @Knifeman @Tejas for the kind words! I’ve been pretty busy lately but still trying to post up here when I can. Growers love and respect y’all! Oh and of course, Thank you to @Doc.D for creating and sharing these amazing genetics with me I am forever grateful! :100: :pray: :raised_hands:


These were 2 different phenos from a few regs I ran. I ended up losing my entire grow, so I’m gonna get back to those after the next couple grows. I still have enough for about 2 more runs.

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You are going love it. How long did you veg your bah plants?


Nice looking buds love when they start making knobs all over .


Mhm, me, too.

I need to start getting back into that one, haven’t blazed any in a few weeks. The flavor is just so, so lacking, really doesn’t taste like much at all. Like, it doesn’t taste like anything. Which is kind of weird, considering the genetics (and the fact that weed should always taste like something haha). I’m much more into the Malibu Pure Kush x Lemon Thai right now, probably my favorite from everything this last round.

But the high on that Sour/Dragon Energy cross is very good.


I was surprised to hear this cause it looks like she’s dripping with flavor and aroma. But I know how that goes and it is a bit disappointing even when the high is on point.


You’d think / hope it’d be straight fuel .


Yeah interesting, read another report or two on the sourd DE cross that sounded like it was super flavorful. Maybe just a bad pheno or two.


I assume that Archive Sour D clone was used as it was with the A5/T cross ?


Yup same one.

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Grow reports I’ve read don’t seem to show a real Sour D expression regardless of the cross A5/T , DE or Af/Pak . I’ve got a bunch I aint popped , was rather hoping the A5 or DE would be straight fuel .


bandaid ix 3 pretty sure


Yeah, she was stinky when I was trimming her and the nugs still smell good, but the smoke doesn’t taste like anything. I dunno what happened. I keep thinking that it was something I did, but everything else I grew last round is very tasty, so I dunno. The best way I can describe the flavor is “styrofoam” haha. But, like I said, it’s been a while since I’ve gotten into that jar, so maybe shit’s changed. Maybe I’ll check it out today.

The high’s great (or it was the last time I blazed her, anyway) and that’s really all that matters. Still
 You definitely always hope for some super-tasty shit to boot. I’ve got a lot of those seeds left, for sure gonna check more out at some point.

Where’d you read those? I wanna check them out.


A lot of people wanna act like,”Yeah, this is the best shit I’ve ever grown and all of y’all should be envious of me! And you should buy the seeds I’m making, too!” every single grow when maybe sometimes the weed isn’t as great as they say it is. “This is the DANKEST weed ever!” That’s not gonna happen every grow.

Like I said, I definitely dug the high on that Sour/DE cross when I was blazing it a while back. I give a lot of weed to a friend of mine who’s opinion I trust completely and he’s very high (no pun intended) on everything from this round, seems to be enjoying it a lot, but I’ve just been feeling kind of,”Eh
” about most of it.


I think it was on a discord thats gone now
 definitely prefer forums for strain details as they stick around more. I think @nobodysnursery looked through the DE and x18/paki crossed with sour D and found keepers in them. Might just take a pheno hunt, it seems like Sour D doesn’t always pass on it’s best traits.


Oh, fuck THAT. I can’t figure that shit out at all, haven’t even looked at it in months. I actually got an email today saying that “PNWstrainhunters” had mentioned me, which, I dunno who that is or why they’re “mentioning” me. And I was like,”Alright, I’ll see what this is about,” and could not even find the thing. Gave my ipad to my girl (who’s a computer genius haha)(for real, though, she is) and she couldn’t find it, either. Which means that I probably got a fake notification from discord in an effort to get me to re-engage and get traffic moving there.

No, thanks. Fuck discord.