Doc D cannabis seeds

I think someone said you need an invite from him. It’s Headie Gardens though.



Ok. Thanks.


Here is a photo of a tent with bandaid haze 3.0.

Very vigorous and required very little staking.

I preferred the high of the bandaid haze 4.2 that I grew last winter. It was more energetic and had a softer landing. I did a miserable job of growing the 3.0 as I had a gnat infestation and was traveling too much for work. They didn’t get enough love.


Run them again and give them more love. The BH7 is better than anything cedary or piff related. Makes CBH look bad.


I don’t have the most sophisticated palate and sometimes I seem to have a different experience than the people I give samples to.

I am sure you are right about trying it again, but I want to move on to growing more of the doc d packs I have.


Ever since I started using these rocks as mulch havent seen much of them

They lay eggs on the surface of the soil And dont like sharp edges

These rocks add some mircro nutrients Make water way less and zero gnats

Prevents erosion from hand watering …might find someone with a better deal that this but this is where I found them


Water with mosquito dunks…good general practice if you end up with gnats


I have tried using mosquito dunks without much success. I have had much better luck with about 2” of sand on top and switching to grow bags. I prefer using plastic pots. I tried putting landscape fabric on the bottom of the pots, but it didn’t seem to work.


Here are my last two bandaid haze 4.2 clones I placed outside a 4-5 weeks ago. Very vigorous and grew well even though they were covered with aphids. Ladybugs came out of nowhere and cleaned them up. These were my 68 day pheno which had alot of purple. Hopefully they will finish in time.


Nice work…looks like happy home for them

Yeah, its amazing to me that these rocks did that…I didnt really expect to never see them again

…sounds like the sand had same effect…I used sand before myself but never worked like these rocks

Also the rocks make watering much less often…Less disturbance to the gnats

Its lava rock and if I get good layer it stays in there so maybe thats a factor

Outdoors is in the ground can be best…just dont forget your friend crimson clover Makes a good living mulch and keeps gophers out And adds enzyme activity gets life moving around in there…

I thought about mixing in the “mosquito bits” in with the soil mix but that could get spendy

Neem meal can be mixed in with your soil…I have never tried it but its been known to help w/bugs in general


Purple Corinto Budder x Dragon Energy (times two). Fingers crossed these things finish in time, it’s been such a crap summer in the NE (there’s a different plant hiding behind the PCB in back, you can kinda see it through the plant).


Fuck mosquito dunks. They are a pain in the ass. Nothing against you, I just despise that product haha.

Look into BTI:

It is the same stuff that they soak the corn cobs in for the mosquito dunks/bits. I started using it 2-3 years ago and never looked back. Much appreciation @nube, as always, for the knowledge. Positive vibes…



Yeah, its made with corn!!!

Yeah, I just switched back to sand

Had to open my big mouth about not seeing any gnats in years or whatever

I havent used mosquito bits in years

Had a gnat buzz my ear and fly over my shoulder WTF

I caught 3 of them in vinegar traps

Back to the drawing board on that one…

Back to sand


i’ve been experimenting with top dressing mustard seed meal to fight gnats plus living soil loves it so long as you aren’t dosing baby plants or putting the meal right on the plant material in which case it will stunt/burn/deform as it is strong stuff.


Mustard seed powder diluted in warm water, sprayed on plants up until week 4 of flower is fine. 1/10 teaspoon diluted in water works well in keeping pests and thrips away.


Few pics of Bandaid haze 4.2 and last pic of the Piff s1 x A5haze/Thai bx


That’s Excellent!!!


I planted five seeds of Doc’s Chocolate Blitz a while back, ended up with three females. Here they are on flower day 17:

It looked like I got a nice mix of an A5Thai leaner (left-hand side), maybe a sort of 60/40 hybrid in the middle and then a full-on Chocolate Trip leaner on the right. That one plant on the left started growing LOTS of nanners shortly after I took that picture, though, way too many for me to feel comfortable keeping “her” in the tent with the other stuff I was growing, so I killed her on, like, day 25 or so.

Here are the two I kept:

Chocolate Blitz #2 (hybrid-type plant in the middle of the above pic), veg day 28:

Veg day 35 (topped, obviously):

Veg day 47:

Vegged her for two more weeks and then flipped. Here she is on flower day 2:

Flower day 9:

Flower day 17:

So she was a little stretchy, but nothing crazy or unmanageable or anything.

Flower day 25:

Flower day 35:

Etc etc etc… I chopped her last week on day 67. Here she is pre- and post-stake removal:

She was a little floppy haha…


I think I probably shoulda let her go a little bit longer, maybe like five or seven days more, but it’s too late now.

And here’s the Chocolate Blitz #4, the (I think) Chocolate Trip leaner that’s on the right-hand side in the first pic of this post, veg day 28:

Veg day 35:

Veg day 47:

Like the others, she was flipped a couple weeks later. Here she is on flower day 2:

Flower day 9:

Flower day 17:

Etc etc etc. She started growing just a ridiculous amount of nanners around day 40 or so. I’d pluck them and find twice as many two days later. On day 55 I decided I’d had enough and chopped her, but even if she wasn’t throwing nanners all over the place, I probably woulda chopped her around then anyway. She looked pretty done.

You can see the nanners in some of those pictures. Also, I trimmed and jarred her a few days ago and found a ton more on the lowers, which I didn’t see while she was growing even though I examined the fuck out of her. They were more visible on the tops; somehow I missed them on the lower portion of her. Either way, I found like twelve seeds while I was trimming her, so it doesn’t seem like they were sterile or anything. I expect to find quite a few more seeds once I start breaking her up and blazing her.

I’m gonna grow this cross again at some point, just because I’m interested in it, but I do think I may cull anything that looks like it might be a Chocolate Trip leaner (shorter, less stretchy, super-dense flowers etc), which isn’t something I normally do. I usually just let everything grow, don’t really care if something looks runt-y or whatever, but somebody else told me they had the same nanner issues with their Chocolate Trip leaners of this cross, so… I dunno. Pretty annoying, though… As much as I love Doc, I really don’t know if I could in good conscience ever tell anybody that they should grow this hybrid.

I’ll post the smoke report in like three or four weeks and I’ll try not to let my personal feelings about the way that #4 plant grew affect my objectivity haha.


I will looking forward to your smoke report. I passed on that one and I am afraid I will regret not buying it. Too bad the a5/Thai leaner hermed, it looked really nice