Doc D cannabis seeds

Thank you for checking @nobodysnursery !

Ill also +1 on y’all’s Discord?


Yeah, that’s the one with the Forum cut.


Curious about why your not into it. This is one that has interested me so curious on thoughts


Just not that interested in how it crosses to GSC. I’d much rather the GG#4, Nigerian, and Black Triangle crosses. His Sensi Star and other stuff gets me more excited as well. I’m looking forward to the mailing list in the Spring.


I hear that. I’m excited that the email is going to start again. The Nigerian and GG4 also are fascinating


Both Headie Gardens & GLG still have some of the A5T pre-nobody crosses left in addition to upcoming post-nobody drop at HG . HG has CBH , Beastie Boy , GSC , Sour D , FLB & Wat Pho for A5T crosses . GLG has Blk Tri , Chem D , Double DD , PCB , GG4 & Sour D A5 crosses left .


@nobodysnursery I too would be pleased with a discord invite. I have a grow thread here if you need receipts :bear::+1:


you should think twice about that temple x a5 (wat pho). it is one of his favorites.

yup, black energy specifically is prob the best ive grown from him and in general.



Just got the notification that those are going live on headie gardens soon!


Took me a few weeks to decide on what to plant next, but the Wat Pho was one of the ones I settled on, gonna plant some in the next couple days. I’m pretty stoked about it haha.


for sure! ill be on the lookout for your grow. i have a pack as well coming right after this batch ( corinto x de, blacktriangle x a5, black energy x dragen energy). the smell on the temples was more complex than the usual lemon - it had some green mango, sour, lemon. only reason i didnt save them was because i figured Docs cut of temple would be more interesting, plus the kick from the a5.


The two Temple crosses of Bodhi’s that I’ve grown (Tree of Life and Mountain Temple) both ended up being some of my favorite weed, that TOL in particular. I didn’t get any lemon smells or flavors from those (or the MT), which I’m fine with haha. It was more anise (from the Jack, probably) and tobacco and “spicy.” The flowers on those TOL’s were pretty unique and cool-looking, too.

I’ve loved the A5Thai crosses I’ve grown so far and expect the Wat Pho to turn out very good.


Wat Pho is a good one.
Here is a male I found in the Wat Pho.


Were they anything like the crazy looking Watpho flowers?


Ummmm, no, not really. They were more… I don’t wanna say “spindly,” but they weren’t super-dense flower clusters or anything, weren’t very calyx-y, either. They looked really good to me, although probably some people wouldn’t ooh and ahh over them.


I bought a couple packs of tree of life from an auction and got zero germ rate. Always wanted to run that one though.


I bought my seeds like eight years ago from a seed bank and didn’t have any problem with germ rates (that I remember). Those auctions make me a little leery.

What did you do with that Wat Pho male, nobodys? That shit is pretty crazy-looking haha.


I made some crosses with it. Crossed it to jack, Chernobyl, dutch Treat and a few other things.
I lost the male about a year ago though.

I’m collecting Wat Pho packs as we speak so I can hunt it again though.


Somebody sent me a sample of the Bandaid Haze #7 cut that they grew, I guess that’s one that’s making the rounds. Here’s my smoke report, copied-and-pasted from my log:

Bandaid Haze #7 smoke report.


Smell: To me, it smells like the “spicy/plastic” that I’ve decided is just a thing with those A5Thai crosses. The Bandaid Hazes that I grew had it and so do the Chocolate Blitzes. “Spicy/plastic” is so not the right descriptor, but it’s the best way I can put it. I feel like one day somebody’s gonna accurately describe what it is I’m smelling and I’m gonna go,“Ohhhhh… Yes! That’s EXACTLY what it is!” but until then, I’m just going with fucking spicy/plastic haha.

My Perfume Enthusiast friend came over last Saturday night and she had a really difficult time pegging the smell, too. It took her a while to even come up with,“Maybe… Pine-y…? And… sweet…?” She completely disagreed with me about the spicy/plastic thing, but I disagree with her about it smelling either sweet or pine-y, so…

Flavor: Not much. Just tastes like pretty good weed. Nothing mouth-coating and really not much that I can pick up on, but I don’t think anybody’s smoking Bandaid Haze for the flavor anyway haha.

High: I grew four Bandaid Hazes a while back and really loved three of them, so any comparisons I make between this #7 cut and the ones I grew will be in reference to those three plants.

Anyway, I really dig this one. The comeup on it is a little more intense than the ones I grew, but that rush is short-lived, maybe ten minutes max, same as the ones I grew. After that little rush, the #7 settles in very nicely. Totally pleasant and smile-y. The main thing I noticed about this one that I think differs from the ones I grew is that it is EXTREMELY space-y. And really kind of an “in and out” spaciness, too. When I blazed some with that perfume enthusiast friend haha the other night, I found myself getting very quiet for prolonged periods of time, just kind of listening to her and my girl talk, but not really listening at all. There were multiple instances of me not saying a word for like five or ten minutes (or what felt like five or ten minutes) and then kind of snapping back to reality and being like,“What? What’d you just say? What’re y’all talking about again?” haha. And I’d engage for a little while and join the conversation, but then I’d kind of get lost in my own thoughts again.

That in-and-out spaciness lasted for a while, too. Like, I’d think it was over with and then it’d happen again, seemed like it went on for two hours at least, but, again, it’s possible it just felt like two hours.

Another difference is that the ones I grew gave me big-time munchies; the #7 doesn’t. I dunno if that’s a good thing or a bad thing haha. I mean, I like getting the munchies sometimes, but I’m not gonna complain if a specific hybrid doesn’t make me hungry.

And one last thing: the BAH’s I grew completely alleviated any desire I might have to drink. The #7 did not. I haven’t really been drinking very much at all the last week or so, some days I won’t drink anything, actually (yay!), but I had no problem pounding a few White Claws after blazing this one. Again, I dunno if that’s good or bad, but it is something I noticed.

Anyway, yeah, I really like this one, but I think I liked the high on the ones I grew more. The spaciness of the #7 seems like maybe it isn’t the best to be blazing when you’re hanging with people, although I didn’t notice that aspect of it until my friend swung by the other night. It’s great for smoking when I’m just chilling on the couch or whatever. I’m not sure if this is a cut that really needs to shared far and wide, though. Or rather, it seems like it’s pretty easy to find something just as good (if not better) from the BAH seeds. I guess if you don’t have access to those, then yeah, I’d definitely grow the #7 cut. It’s very good. But I do have access to Bandaid Haze seeds, so… haha!

Thank you very much for sending me this sample, though, Mr. Mystery Man haha. I did really enjoy this one.