Doc D cannabis seeds

Curious to see how long this strain takes to finish. It seems like most PU5 crosses are going 80+ days.


Yeah, Iā€™m curious, too. That Purple NL2 I had (which used the PUf3, if I remember correctly) got chopped at day 82, but I bet it couldā€™ve gone a couple weeks longer. If I didnā€™t resent that plant so much, I probably wouldā€™ve let it go longer haha.

Edit: it seems like Bodhi isnā€™t concerned with reducing flower times in the PU line.


Damn itā€¦ Had no clue they were taking that long! I was just looking at mine at day 60-ish thinking they donā€™t look anywhere near done. :roll_eyes:

Do the PU crosses take longer to flower also? Anyone, anyoneā€¦ Ferris.


Seems like it. Like I said, my Purple NL2 got chopped day 82.


Damn, thatā€™s really good to know as I was just about to drop seeds for fall. :v:


Well, itā€™s weird. I think I probably could have chopped the Purple NL2 around nine weeks and nothing wouldā€™ve changed. It just kept throwing white pistils, so I figured Iā€™d let her go. But it seemed like one of those strains that would just keep going as long as you let it, keep throwing white pistils etc.

I also gotta say that the Purple NL2 is some of the weakest smoke Iā€™ve ever grown. Actually, it is the weakest.I did four bong rips of it a few nights ago and was like,ā€Is that it?ā€ Seems like one of those strains that, no matter how much I smoke, itā€™s never gonna get me really baked. And Iā€™m kind of a lightweight, soā€¦

But donā€™t let that stop you from planting your seeds for a fall run haha!


Oh, Iā€™m still gonna drop seeds for fall, but theyā€™re not going to include any PU crosses until I hear more reasonable flower times lol. I am however dropping these no matter what. :wink:


Nice! When did Doc make those available? I donā€™t think Iā€™ve noticed them on any of the emails the last few months. Then again, my eyes are always drawn to the more exotic Sativas and I kind of ignore the other stuff.

Iā€™ve got five of the Mexican Death Sativa x Dragon Energy vegging now and one of The White x Dragon Energy. I planted two of the latter and they both sprouted really quick. Like 48 hours, they were above dirt. One of them was so eager to grow that it just kind of leaped up out of the dirt haha. Seriously, I saw that it was coming up before I went to bed, woke up the next morning and the entire tap root and everything was laying on the dirt, all dried up. Tried to save it, but it didnā€™t take.


My Purple Wookie v2, which is RKU (PU x Snow Lotus) x Wookie wanted to take awhile too, probably 70+ maybe 80 days.

Those swamp magic are gonna be :fire: keep us posted on those, you doing both packs?


Bought a pack a while ago, and grew half of it out. They were such fire I saw a pack on auction, and I had to pick them up. I asked Doc a while back if he was going to rerelease them and he said no plans. Please tag me on the MDS x Dragon Energy. I have those as well. Do you know how long they are supposed to flower for? I donā€™t mind longer flowering as long as I know what Iā€™m in for so I can pair them accordingly lol.

Damn, more long flowering PU crosses lol! Gonna have to find something really fast finishing that it is paired with. So I have like 18 swamp magic seeds total I think? And at this point in time, the plan is to drop em all. Probably happen next week. :v:


On IG, he said that they were finishing in just under ten weeks. Which seems a little quick to me, but I have no reason not to believe him. ā€œDoc D is a liar!ā€ haha. So yeah, if he says thatā€™s how long they take, I believe him. If they take longer than that, no big deal. So far I have one that looks like what I assume is a Dragon Energy-leaner (rounder, fatter leaves) and four that look VERY Sativa-ish. I just transplanted everything from their starter pots into their veg pots yesterday, day 29 of veg. Iā€™m just waiting to get them and everything else (Black Triangle, Chem Fuego and some Pura Vida f2ā€™s, along with that one The White cross) sexed before I start my log, but Iā€™ll definitely tag you.


you probably use the tips of your scissors to trim more than most my moms scissors rarely need cleaned she kind of nips the leaf off with the tip

meanwhile i make a big mess everytime lol


Tag me too, Iā€™ve got a pack of MDS x DE and would love to see how they grow for you.


Okay, so @Chiefer88 @PlantShepherd @lambchopedd Iā€™m gonna tag you when I start the log. Is there anybody else who wanted to be tagged? @HolyAngel Was I supposed to tag you for that grow, too? I canā€™t remember. Anybody else who wants to follow this grow, lemme know here and I can just refer back to this post, because Iā€™m probably not gonna remember on my own haha.


Iā€™ll hop on the MDS x DE train


donā€™t forget me either, have been looking forward to this one!


Ooooo Ooooo tag me tag me. Feel free to tag me for any of your logs really (one of my favorite people to follow along with), but I picked up some MDS x DE packs as well. I was hoping to look through my packs of Bandaid Haze IX 3.0 sooner than later, but russet mites suck fat fucking cock. Maybe one day I will be lucky enough to start my op back up again. Positive vibesā€¦



Alright, so @stanknugzz77 @iamyou_youareme and @MantisTobogganMD (what the fuck kind of name is that, BTW? Love your avatar, though; ā€œItā€™s Always Sunnyā€¦ā€ is one of my favorite things ever).Iā€™ll tag you guys, too. Yā€™all are putting a little pressure on me haha. Hopefully we get at least three females from the five seeds I planted.


Are you still dealing with the russets? Jesus Christ, man, I didnā€™t know it would take so long to get it all cleaned upā€¦ I thought youā€™d be back up and running by now for sure.

Note to self: donā€™t get russet mites.


Me!!! :slight_smile: