Doc D cannabis seeds

I’m very jealous of those seeds you germinating right now!


Agreed. I don’t think you can find those juicy fruit Thai x snow lotus seeds anymore


Yeah, I definitely haven’t seen those or even read about them anywhere. Do you know when Bodhi released those? They sound sound tasty…

Edit: just looked around, I’m seeing posts about those seeds from 2015-17. Shit…


:eyes::eyes: whole bunch of fire there

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Christ I need help lol. Just threw two packs each of Zang! x Afpak and Mullum/Oaxacan x Afpak into water as well.

No tails on the Juicy Fruit Thai x SL after 24 hours. :slightly_frowning_face: I guess we will just wait and see tomorrow morning.


You should definitely F2 that juicy fruit thai x snow lotus.


Definitely keeping the males around. If the seeds actually pop and the females show promise I’ll definitely be doing an open repro and letting them fly for nothing.

Edit: He’ll yeah I’m seeing a tail!!

No tails on the Lemon Thai F5. Seed hulls looks really thick so I’ll crack them tomorrow if I still don’t have tails. The Lemon Thai hybrids are all popping tails and don’t have near as thick of shells as the pure line.

The dragon energy crosses also seemed to need some cracking last time I popped them. I think I remember TK x DE having hard shells along with Temple x DE. I usually just crack them with my teeth but it may be helpful to get a seed cracker for this haha.


I only got one of four Lemon Thais to sprout, although I suspect that it was my fault. I wasn’t in the best shape the day I planted them. Or for a couple days after I planted them haha. The seed hulls definitely look pretty thick, though.

Interested to see how those Mullum/Oaxacan x AfPak do, too. I’ve got three packs of those, gonna plant them at some point relativelsy soon…


Do you have a seed cracker recommendation? I recently opened a few old seeds by filing off some of the shell but still no luck. sorry for off topic for doc.d seeds.

Back to topic, I grabbed a few clones of my regular Zang! and Hawaiian Web Heirloom to sex them out. I will try to grab pictures but I hate grabbing them, transferring to pc, and than uploading here. Such a cycle.


Run to the store and get an aloe vera plant. Put some of the aloe juice into your germination water, the enzymes help.


Use a micrometer


This is what I use.

Also makes a great rooting gel for cuttings


I like using a good serrated/grooved crescent wrench. The worm gear makes sure that the once the seed cracks, you can avoid smashing the seed when it “gives”.


Anybody ever grow shadynasty? It’s on headie gardens and thinking about grabbing it.


I haven’t yet, but I bought two packs about six months ago based on this review of it: Doc D Seeds SHADYNASTY — Higher Thought

Sounds like a really kick-ass cross.


Man that does sound excellent! Well, other than the baby poo part.


Here are the no tail Lemon Thai seeds after a 36 hour soak. I managed to get 6 tails unassisted. I cracked the other 30 and am seeing tails on most of them now.

Temple x Lemon Thai was the second lowest unassisted germing cross with 13 out of 36, but all seem to be fine after cracking.

Sour d and Goji razz x LT were much higher at 25-28 out of 36.

Black Energy and Ethiopian flame were all 100%. Afpak crosses were also all 100%.

I’ll have final above ground numbers in 2 days from what I can see.

The hulls on the LT crosses were some of the strongest I have ever seen. I’m not sure if aloe would make a big impact here, but it’s worth a shot. Someone should try it on these and report back. But based on my experience, I definitely recommend having a seed cracking device on hand.

Adjustable wrench with thin strips of 320 grit adhesive backed sandpaper in the jaws should work really well. I did not use sandpaper in the jaws of mine and the seeds were slipping all over the place while I tried to position them on their sides. Some grip would really help with that.


Vice grips work quite well snug them up to hold the seed in place then just turn the screw till you hear them crack .


That’s a really good idea. Yeah do that instead.