Doc D cannabis seeds

Didn’t get it here and have gotten them the past few months.


No i didn’t. Maybe it was some kind of glitch where Minitiger was the only one to get the new email :sweat_smile:


Man, Doc is killing me. I can’t afford to buy more seeds right now, or else I would be placing a big order this month. :see_no_evil:


Same here , trust me I feel you


I got the list at 4AM
Not sure why others aren’t getting it.
I’d email him and ask .


I got it, but not till well past 10.


I hope he releases the Watermelon Hashplants pure too :pensive: although some of those hybrids sound delicious… I was hoping for [landrace x WHP] hybrids; mainly something like Purple paki x WHP


Doc’s email provider has a limitation on how many emails he can hit with his email blast at one time. It’s a pretty arbitrary limit. Generally speaking, if you don’t see it by like 10am local time shoot him an email because you some how got bumped off the first wave group.

Also…must resist buying more seeds…must resist buying more seeds…


Yeah, those sound hella interesting, especially the CBH and Black Lime Reserve crosses. Did you ever see those Watermelon Hashplant pics that Bodhi posted way back on icmag? I saw them years ago, it’s a pretty kinda “scraggly”-looking plant. Tried to find them a couple months ago to post on the Bodhi thread, after somebody asked about them, but I can’t find them. It seems like the pics have been deleted, which is weird.

Or maybe I’m just bad at using the search function haha. I dunno.


Seems like Strayfox also posted some pics of it when he was working with it. It’s definitely a tall, lanky one that would overshoot my lights about 5 days into flower.


Here’s the info that Doc sent on that Santa Cruz Pure Haze cut, in case anybody’s curious (I was curious):

“ the SC pure haze cut came to me from the guys out at kiona farms, I asked but they had very little back story… I will say the cut is impressive, unique, and seems to lack the dutch haze influence. This cut is a very refined NLD cultivar with great branching/structure, manageable stretch, excellent resin production and brighter SE asian aromas… seems like a colombian/thai cross IMO… tighter colombian frame with a thai nose. Hoping the A5 Haze/thai male can bring the flowering time down into the 12-14 week range and up the flower density.”


Dammit…I really need a Seedaholics Anonymous meeting…


I know. Me, too. I’m gonna have to run to the bank in a little bit so I can get that money in the mail today and I’m just like,”Fuck!” haha. Still, I’m pretty stoked about that Malibu Pure cross. That’s one that I will absolutely break my “no more seeds” thing for. I love Malibu Pure, haven’t smoked any in a long, long time. I haven’t even really heard anybody talk about it in a long, long time. Seems kinda random that it was on this month’s list haha.


I think you just sold me on that strain then. I was going to avoid it because I didn’t want to be a part of the “haze craze“… But now it genuinely sounds like something different


Dude I just got in the email list, holy shit are there some amazing sounding options in there!


Does anyone know when he lists “Afkansastan/X18 Pakistani” is that a cross I.e. Afkansastan x X18 Pakistani or are those just two names for the same variety? I know the X18 is a Tom Hill strain right?


It’s a cross. Afkansastan is one plant; the X18 is another. It’s a hybrid of the two. I mean, as far as I know…


Don’t need any more seeds at the moment but I’m really interested in the Sensi Star hybrids he mentioned that he hopes to get out in April.


Righton, when I look em up they both are listed as “landrace afghanis” so I wasn’t sure if it was the same variety with two different names


Oh, is there a “haze craze” happening right now? I didn’t know… haha. Just goes to show how the majority of people will fall for anything, if you post about it on IG enough. I mean, I’ve always gravitated towards “Sativa”-type plants, for the most part, but I mean… Everybody HAD to have GSC and now it’s “Haze”? That’s what people are after now? The two couldn’t be any more different from one another. But okay, I guess.

Anyway, yeah, that Santa Cruz sounds interesting for sure, doesn’t it? I’m stoked. I’d been putting it off for the last month, didn’t think I was actually gonna order some, but when I saw that Malibu Pure cross on today’s list… It was like a bonus “two CA strains in one shot” type of thing. Gotta get ‘em.