Doc D Chocolate Blitz; Freeborn Yesca x Jaro f3; Relic/Professor P/Dynasty Grapefruit f3; and (1) Bodhi Hasplant D

Congratulations on your new addition! That yesca Jaro looks fire!!!


Cute doggy you got there … what’s her name ?


Psssshhhh… The dude who previously owned her went to prison and left her with his 90-year-old aunt, who obviously couldn’t take care of her. I only mention the prison thing because that dickhead named her Teeter, which apparently is a character in that show Yellowstone. And I fucking HATE that show haha. For real, I sat through three-and-a-half seasons of it trying to understand why everybody likes it before I realized,”Oh, okay! This show is just really bad! You’re not ‘missing’ the thing that makes it good! It’s just a bad show!” haha.

My point is: we’re not gonna keep calling her fucking Teeter. Right now we’re calling her Ginger, but I doubt that name will stick. We’re trying to figure out a good one. I like Whiskey, mostly because I think all dog’s names should end with an “ee” sound, but I dunno what we’re gonna call her yet.

Suggestions are welcome haha.


Welll…. She’s kind of refugee … you could call her Fugee :joy::joy:


Congrats on the new member of your pack! Doesn’t seem disrespectful at all either. The exact opposite to me, especially given it’s a rescue.

I think often trainers recommend single syllable names or names that can at least be shortened to a single syllable. My rescue came with a name that I dislike and I regrettably kept it to not confuse her. Later found out the rescue renamed her a pop culture name to appeal to people searching for a pet. So I’d definitely recommend picking a name you’re good with. The dog will adapt and learn it in no time.


Oh, come on dude. What’s her name? Beyoncé? Lady Gaga? Harry Styles??? Haha.


Something like that! Don’t want to put the name out there publicly since she’s registered w/ that name and is a pretty uncommon breed. Safety first!

Have been too busy to read the past 2 days much so I got a lot of catching up to do. Didn’t even know potpotpot has a thread, thanks for mentioning it! Will be checking that out later. I don’t click on people’s profiles so I’m clueless unless a thread happens to rise to the top when I’m looking.


Hoping all fared well out there between the wind rain flooding and earthquake, jeez. hope your enjoying your pup as well!!!


Hope all is well for you and you didn’t get affected too bad!


Thanks, dude. Yeah, we’re fine, it just rained a lot, didn’t even get windy. I know a lot of other people got fucked, though, saw a bunch of crazy floods and mud slides on the news last night. I heard like 50,000 people lost power, but we were not one of them, thank gawd.

Oh, yeah, I forgot about that haha. I didn’t feel it, but my girl did. She was sitting down when it happened and I was kinda walking through the house, so maybe that had something to do with it, I dunno. I went into the grow room while it was happening to see if the lights were swaying at all, but they weren’t, so… I guess it wasn’t too bad. I didn’t look to see where it sat on the Richter scale, but it couldn’t have been that high, although I did get an alert on my phone.

I’ve lived in LA since 2001 and I swear I’ve only felt like four earthquakes in that entire time period. The one I remember the most was a few years ago and that was just because it made the water in our pool slosh around like a wave pool or something, dumping out over the edges and spilling out into the backyard and shit. In general, though, I barely ever notice them.


Glad to hear that you made it through unscathed. I saw something about 5.9 maybe could have been 5.6 but in that range.


5.1 a friend texted me after it happened.


And much respect for taking in pups like you do. People like you guys are awesome and I’m sure have saved many dogs from an early end. The new addition looks awesome . Have a big soft spot for boxers as many people I know absolutely love them and always have strictly boxers. Very very cool


Nooooo wayyyyy. Really? 5.1 seems high, never mind 5.9. But if that’s what they said it was, I guess that’s what it was. I didn’t feel it haha. I even stood still for a second when my girl said,”Earthquake. Do you feel it?” but I didn’t feel anything. Like I said, I went into the grow room while it was happening to see if the lights were moving and they weren’t, so… I feel like even a 5.1 woulda made them sway a little bit.

Let’s not talk about this anymore. A lot of times those little ones proceed a bigger one a day or two later; I’d rather just pretend it didn’t happen at all haha. I mean, I didn’t feel it, therefore it must not have really happened, right??? Never mind what those Richter scales say! We’ll will it away the same way we willed away gale-force winds yesterday! By ignoring it! Haha.

Just kidding, we didn’t get any wind at all yesterday; there was nothing to ignore.

Haha, thanks, dude. We’re really not that good, though. We’ve returned just as many dogs (two) as we’ve taken in in the last couple years. The one we have now is staying with us forever, though, regardless of whether or not the rescue knows it just yet.


Congrats on the new addition, she looks like a sweet dog! You are probably a few miles closer to Ojai than me but we didn’t feel anything either, although we were outside at the time it happened. Most earthquakes I have “felt”, I didn’t even realize it was an earthquake at the time. Something in the house will rattle or something like that and then later once you hear an earthquake happened, you’re like “Oh, so that’s what that was.” haha.

I think that is likely one that I definitely remember feeling, I was in my backyard of course, haha, and it felt like the ground moved, almost like an ocean swell. At first I was like, “Shit, how much have I had to drink?” and then I hear my neighbor telling us through the fence that an earthquake just happened.


It’s been so long for me I can’t even remember what an earthquake feels like 25-30 years at least here.


I hated talking about it out there. Ignorance is bliss. Haha Don’t want to tempt the law of attraction and stuff.


Haha! That so funny, dude. And exactly right. The one I remember second-most was like fifteen years ago, when I lived on Vermont (a very busy street) and my apartment was on the first floor in the front of the building. I heard (and felt) a “Kaboom-kaboom!” and thought it was a truck with a flatbed hitting a pothole or something in front of my place, but I guess it was, like, tectonic plates or fault lines or whatever crashing around haha. I didn’t realize it was an earthquake until all of the cabinet doors in my kitchen popped open simultaneously.

Yep. That’s pretty much exactly how that one happened for me, too haha, right down to me sitting in the backyard and the “How much have I had to drink?” part haha. That one was definitely crazy and the only one where I knew right away what was happening. I even yelled into the house,”Earthquake!” and my girl was like,”Uh, yeah! No shit!”

When was that? Like four years ago, right? Five?

We’ve got some pretty cool video of that one, with the pool sloshing around and flooding our backyard. I’ll see if I can find it and post it here if anybody’s interested. I thought it was pretty interesting, anyway, just because it had never really occurred to me before what would happen with allllllll that pool water, from everybody’s backyards, when a really big one inevitably ends up happening.

The streets will run, uh… Blue? Yeah, okay. The streets will run BLUE with pool water….” haha…


At least it will be semi sanitary :thinking:


Haha, good point. The chlorine from the pool water will balance out the sewage.