G’s first autoflower grow

Just got a second tent recently and I plant to make 1 a veg/mother tent and 1 a flower/pollination tent.
Doing this run of some autos to stock up on some headstash so I’m not in a rush to harvest and have something to smoke when I start my next round of photos.
I’m already having fun planning out starting to veg a couple seeds in the new tent in a few weeks so I can clip some clones, veg them out a bit, and have them ready to go into the flower tent when these autos are done!

Anyways, this will be a run of 4 5 gallon pots in a 4x2, 2x mars hydro ts1000s for 300w light,

2x tres grapes sky by mosca,
And 2x Pinot noir x galaxy brain from @SubzeroIceKold

Reusing my fox fam ocean forest soil with all the fine roots broken up, a little new perlite mixed in, and I will be using Hygrozyme in my watering regiment to help break them down as well. Mixed in a 3lb bag of craft blend from build a soil and about a cup of some espoma tomato tone I had left from my veggie garden, as well as some calsil+ (wollastonite) from bokashi earthworks.
Dampened it a bit with some water with Hygrozyme and their line of beneficial bacillus, hygroben, to kickstart some microbial life and breakdown (maybe?) while the seeds soak in the paper towel for another day.
Seeds went into shot glasses of water with a splash of peroxide lastnight, into the paper towel tonight, and should go into the soil tomorrow!


Woahhhhhhhhh this is awesome ! Here’s my chair :chair:

Thank you for running my testers. I’m flattered.


Good luck, i enjoyed autos and grew a lot
Sadly dinafem got pinched and …
Some vary a lot, dinafem had theirs
Nailed down
Oh what i give for some Moby Dick
Frostiest auto I ever ran.
Good luck


Seeds started soaking around midnight 2 nights ago, 3/4 have taproots poking out and the 4th is split open and working it’s root out!
Into the soil they go!

2x Pinot noir x galaxy brain on the left, and 2x mosca Tres grapes sky on the right


Watching! Good luck on your first auto grow. I can’t figure them out but hope you do.


Thanks, I hope the both of us figure it out!
I’m pretty confident in my general green thumb but hearing how many people have issues with autos worries me a bit.
I feel like not over or under watering early on will be the hardest, but I’m not too worried about that.
I’ve also heard to go pretty light on nutrients


Just gave 2/4 seeds 2 spritzes each of alcohol before smelling it and realizing what I’d done…
Don’t normally have the alcohol out but was using it to clean the tent and tools between grows, oof…
I scraped the bit of soil off the surface above the seeds and faned the dirt to evaporate all I could, gave the seeds a spritz of WATER to rinse off any alcohol residue and covered with a bit of fresh soil and gave that a spritz of WATER :joy:
I have faith they’ll survive!

Alcohol bottle was removed from the room after this picture


Sounds like an exciting setup. Good luck with the grow!

That’s what you call baptism by fire(water)! Only the strong survive. :smile:

I’ll be following along. I’m planning on running my first batch of autoflowers soon too, so we can help learn from each other.

Good luck! :four_leaf_clover:


With this crazy cold hitting most of the US, I’m in the majority being affected by it!
I was thinking these seedlings were going a bit slow, basement lung room has been about 65, tent about 68, could be warmer but not too bad.
Just looked lastnight and temp was down to 60 in the tent, no wonder these poor gals are struggling!
I put the 1x2 foot seed heating mat I have under 2 grow bags to warm those 2 and hopefully the tent as a whole a bit, ordered a 4 foot by 20 inch vivosun heating mat off amazon to cover the whole bottom of the tent which will be here tomorrow so we should be good after that.
I think this is the coldest my house and basement has ever been, and I’m only on the east coast! Can’t imagine you guys in the west/midwest seeing -40 to -60° with wind chill…
Anyways, here’s a couple shots of the girls, 1 week today since hitting the soil

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Okay so things got a little wonky, basement lung room was super cold, 1 seedling never made it above ground, 1 I thought was dead I pulled and it was growing new roots even though it wasn’t growing topside so I put it in a jiffy plug for the hell of it, and restarted a few more seeds.

Got the 4x2 heat mat on the floor of the tent keeping it a bit warmer now, still just barley holding 68 soil temp at the surface but that the best I can do for now, I’d like to build a wooden box for the heater to connect the intake to so the heat is more efficiently taken into the tent, but that would also cause it to be directed almost right at 1 plant/grow bag disproportionally heating that one…

Now I have 3 @SubzeroIceKold Pinot noir x galaxy brain, 2 in 5 gal pots and 1 in the can , 1 DANG from brandon rust, 1 mosca tres grapes sky, and a random Blimburn freebie seed in the pint container because why not :joy:
Might have to move the can and pint into my new veg tent eventually but we’re back on track!


Tent temp has been around 74 the past few days, soil temp about 70 at surface level and 75ish 5 inches down, and temps are set to drop again the coming week :grimacing:
Atleast everyone has gotten a nice start by now. Front left and back right grow bags were original seeds, the middle 2 grow bags and can/small pot are all from the second round I planted when I thought the first round all died from temps dipping to 58-59 for a night or 2


Oh man, sounds like you’ve been through the wringer! Glad to hear you’re getting things back on track.

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Boring update, they’re slowwwwww so far but they’re growing! Waiting for the take off :rocket:


Finally something worth reporting, everyone is starting to look good! Got the electrician in the other day to give me some more juice, got the heater halfway sorted out, going to build a box to encase it and channel the heat directly to my intake so it can be on a much lower setting.

3x Galaxy brain x Pinot noir, 1 Dang, 2x Mosca “tres grapes sky”, and a random Blimburn seed because I thought my good ones had died off from a few cold days
2 groups of them slightly staggered in planting dates but all about 3 weeks old, bit slow growin until I got the heat sorted, so I’m glad I over planted :joy:

This and the next 2 are @SubzeroIceKold Galaxy brain x Pinot noir

DANG auto from brandon rust of bokashi earthworks

Blimburn seed on the left, GB x PN in the can


Hell yeah !! Sorry took so long to see this I’ve been on a mental leave. I’m so happy to see these out there ! :slight_smile:

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Some fun/interesting updates today!
1 GBxPN has a double branch on 1 side of the second node, and my random Blimburn seed that was labeled as a fem auto “mimosa cake” as a NASC freebie was only planted 2 weeks ago and it’s already showing a couple pollen sacks on its second node, with pistils showing on the third and top nodes. It was just a backup seed I decided to keep in a pint container, guess shim is getting tossed though after watching what it does for a few more days

The growth train is finally speeding up!
Pics 1-2 GBxPN, 3-4 Blimburn


OoOooooo this is so cool !!

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Look closely and you can see a third branch emerging from under the other 2 it looks like :joy:

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Top that :skull:

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