Does Anyone Hate Kiwis?

That is just wrong on so many levels. :man_farmer:

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You’re supposed to compliment people on their outfits. Even if you don’t like them.


You are correct. Please forgive my ignorance. :nerd_face: “Those are the most wonderific, splendiferous pants that I have ever seen. I wish I had 2 pair. 1 to s…t on, and 1 to cover it up with. “ :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Thank you I got them on sale.

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And now for something completely different.


Dogs consume 12% of the world’s coconuts.

They can have all the kiwis too if they like.

Look directly under his feet. Is that a marijuana plant ? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Please keep your cannabis talk in the cannabis thread. Where it belongs.

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excellent! that would suits You perfectly

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…could be a Cassava Plant


“Pot nazi “. :face_with_monocle:

I’m beginning to hate kiwis.

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Then my lifes work is a success. Now if only I could force @Foreigner to love kiwis ….???:thinking:

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I hereby donate my unused lifetime supply of kiwis to anybody with no taste buds who wants them.

Do you actually HAVE an “unused lifetime supply of kiwis”. Hhmmm…???:face_with_monocle:

Yeah they’re at the grocery store. I’ll never use them so you can just go grab ‘em. Don’t tell them I said it was ok though.

From Kiwipedia:

A close-up picture of a Kiwi skin

I prefer Shag Kiwi as opposed to Plush Kiwi.


Obviously God did not intend for THAT to be eaten. :face_vomiting:


“So, uh, this fruit, do I wash it or vacuum it?


I would stomp on it.

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