Does Anyone Hate Kiwis?

This is where @Foreigner keeps traveling to.

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In fact, it’s possibly where he is right now. His “hatred” is probably a feint, a ploy, a canard, to keep us from realizing his long term investment strategy in the green and black. I shall not say it’s name out loud.

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You guys are ate up. :joy: I wonder if @Foreigner wishes he had never started this thread? 🫣 Hatred is a terrible waste of time. Even when its against the kiwis. Kiwis is people too. :cry:

Hatred is such a strong term, @Foreigner has more of a Divaish Disdain.

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Hate hate hate. Hate.

That’s some hatey hatey hate for hate.

Thumbs up!!!!

Double hate

Yep. That is a DIVA for sure. 🥸

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This is me on my days off:

Still not eating kiwis though.

That is exactly the way I have always pictured you ! But I didnt know you had a custom made shirt with your name on it.

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All my clothing is custom couture and I go to the salon on a regular basis.

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You look so young, for an old french guy from Canada. But you may want to wear a hat. You are getting a really dark tan. :fist:t5:

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Mais non Monsieur je ne suis pas Francais.

But I do have a tan that’s more of a burn.

Did you just call me a dumbass in french? :rofl:

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Ici on dit le fucktard

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Thats what I thought! :clown_face:

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He peut vous parlez en français si vous préférez but I’d rather talk English.

To be honest, I can barely speak “american”. :adult:‍:ear_of_rice:

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Well, that’s almost English :joy:

But the Queen would not approve. Because she’s dead.


I had refrained from posting in this thread out of respect for foreigner, i like him. But it keeps getting bumped and i have a very intimate, personal, childhood, lifelong, affair with kiwis. And i will not tolerate any more of this slander.

They were the only fruit i would eat as a kid, and i buy kiwis whenever im feeling fancy. They are delicious, elegant, complex, luxurious, a delicatessen if you will.