Does Anyone Hate Kiwis?

You are free to disagree my friend.

But yuck.


“Out of respect for @Foreigner “. Now that is not something you hear very often. 🫣

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Foreigner takes enlightened disrespect as respect.


Well, of course! As a Bodhisattva Flaneur should. We must do things properly. Its the English way. :guardswoman:

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(Neither of those words are english)

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England owns All words. They also rent many individual letters. Da.n it! D.d.t p.y f,r these. :cry:

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I see you getting out of paying royalties to royalties.

1 Like ? 🤷 10 char

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That’s it I’m telling the monarchy on you. We have a governor general. She’ll listen.

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Oh yea??? I have a govenor too. Its on my carburateor. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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Well that’s hardly an international agent of the queen. It doesn’t even have a stupid hat.

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This is a picture of your “international agent of the Queen”. :poop: I guess he lost his hat. :rofl:

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It’s a she. And it’s glued on.

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Like this? :cowboy_hat_face:

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Yes but more regal less cowboy

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That is NOT a cowboy hat. It IS a chamber pot. I think it is quite European. :grimacing:

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Where you choose to store your excretions is your own business. The queen will have no part of it.

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News report…
Not only does @Foreigner hate kiwis…

He also hates the sound the vacuum makes.

I have to agree with him. Noisy ass vacuums these days.



We have made a deal. I will not vacuum. Ever. I will sweep all the time. But I will never vacuum. I hate it.