Does it ever boggle your mind that cannabis can smell like so many things?

I can pick out one or two scents. But I agree 110%. When I see “piney, with a hint of burnt rubber and earthy and oak overtones. Traces of grape and other fruits, with a touch of diesel.” I laugh and wonder if there’s like a class on scents, like a sommelier for weed…


There is such a thing


It’s definitely a learnable skill too! Started doing wine tastings for training at a restaurant I worked at in college and learned to pick out some subtle smells and tastes. It’s about creating awareness and noticing sensitivities you already have.

Don’t really sniff much wine anymore, but love sticking my nose in a bloom or bag to pick smells out.
I’m still not the best at it, but I’m a lot better than when I started. I really enjoy how the smell changes from the beginning of the whiff to the end.

Ranting a bit here… but sometimes I’ll make the experience of the scent the object of a short meditation and it’s amazing how much your nose will start to “tell” you when you are present for it.


I know what you mean about the rotten smells lol. Some smell better than others…

Today I prepped up a “care package” of various stuff I’ve grown in the past few years (for some friends to clear out some jars) and smells really did range from several kinds of fruits to rotten or spoiled food (or worse lol) and many smells in between that I couldn’t even really define.


I did a sommelier (WSET LVL2) course a few years ago paid for by my old job in a bar. I failed miserably. I very quickly realised my sense of smell was nowhere near as sharp as everyone elses. Probably all the years of.smoking, drinking and kilograms of drugs ive shoved up my nose have dulled my nose. I can pick out subtle smells if they are explained to me but in a blind test im hopeless.

In saying that though i stil get a lot of joy from the different canmabis smells. Garlic terps still blow my mind.


Oh yeah! Everybody has different levels of what they can do, just like any other skill, but the important thing is enjoying the scents you do get!

Garlic is super interesting. Smelled one that reeked of meat and caramelized onions once. That was cool, but coulda used some garlic in there too! :joy:


Fpog, orange blossom special, trainwreck arcata all had straight up hints of their name, my tw was almost pinesol.
I have strawberry sorbet dna selfies i saved all come out with some strawberry caramel smell.
Anyone else actually have a good strain in seed with straight up tastes?


Love a good TW! Curious, where did you get your TW cut from?


Twenty20 Mendocino genetics from seed though.