Dogwalker OG Reversal Project

That lady is starting to look like a dude! I can’t see a pistil on it, nice reversal @hoss8455 .


Nice job Hoss, that ExE seems to be some good stuff. I am not hassling with DIY anymore, that has been hit or miss for me (mainly miss :rofl:) so not f’ ing around next time.

Killer project, glad you decided to dabble with some fems :muscle:

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Shits getting hot in here!!!

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Put these 3D printed brackets in with ½ PVC. She still bows in a hair but I might say fuck it and put another set on.


A set 1/3 of the way up and 2/3 of the way up might work out really well.



I did the same to keep the sides from sucking in. PVC pipe. Works ok but I might go with electrical conduit, no flex.

I had to make my own corner brackets with a hack saw and these. Two vertical cuts leaving a space and they snap on the tent bar.


Calling my folks with reversal experience

I’m getting nervous about the timing of this reversal, I gave the pollen donor a 14 day head start over the mothers so at the time of this photo, the moms are on Day 6. I’m scared these sacs will begin to open and pollinate the girls before they can get a full pistil set. I’d like to have pollen really start flying as close to 4 weeks as possible. I know that once the plant determines she’s been pollinated it’s like her focus shifts into mom mode and the seed yield goes down if you dont wait for that maximum fertility zone with big full bouquets of white pistils. Some of the bud sites aren’t as far along as this Pic.

Should I separate the pollen donors until my desired time? Or do reversals different timelines and I’m jumping gun?


You’ll still get a lot of seeds this way. If you separate the ‘males’ for a couple of weeks you’ll probably get three times as many though.


I think you’re good @hoss8455 . A 2 week off set is just about right to catch your female recievers at 3-4 wks. I know the male flowers look close but a reversed female takes forever to actual start opening and releasing pollen, in my experience. I started 2 weeks ahead when i did Sour Taxi fems and was a just a little early at the middle of wk3 on the females. So it took 5 wks to get pollen. I had to harvest, dry, and screen the male clusters to get any real amount of pollen from them. It definitely wasn’t flying everywhere. Anyhow, best of luck with the rest of your seed run.


This tracks with my experience as well.


Dont worry is my advice. The real secret to creating a ton of fem seeds is to do the pollinating by hand. I wait until the pollen sacs are fully formed and slightly open and use a tweezer to gently pluck them and put them in a small bowl lined with aluminum foil. Then I use the tweezer to open up the ‘bananas’ and you will see white/yellow pollen come out. Then I use a paintbrush to pollinate the pistils of recipient plants. I do this method mornings and evenings for about a week. You must be patient in letting the pollen sacs develop before you pluck them. If they arent completely mature you wont get much or any pollen. It does take experience to know when they are mature. When in doubt, wait longer.

Narrow nosed tweezers like these work so well for this task.


Thanks boss. Bought em. @ChinookKing



:thinking: Can’t say I’ve seen this actually happen.
The other one I always hear is, ‘once they’re pollinated they focus on making seeds and not bud’ and that’s false too.
I pollinate on days 21 and 28 for most ~10 week lines and come out with 2-3k seeds per ~2.5ft plant.

When I tried reversals it took 3-5 weeks from first spray to get any pollen. And it wasn’t like a male with pollen wafting in the wind. Have to pull off the sacs and get the pollen out manually. Then use it.


I’ve seen it for sure. You get wildly different seed yields pollinating at day 14 vs 28. Regular breeding at least.


Interesting. I haven’t ever pollinated that early but definitely no issues for me at day 21. I pollinate and by day 28 there’s a fresh set of 2-3x as many pistils to hit. All reg breeding of course ^^


21 isn’t bad. Some folks don’t want to let their seed cook those extra weeks so they shoot for an earlier pollination day. I don’t mind the extra, I shoot for the latest date where I can still safely get 7 or so weeks of time for maturation.


I also for sure see a difference in plants flower production when seeded. Here are some examples:

Chocolope seeded at chop

Chocolope unseeded with weeks to go

Dogwalker seeded at chop

Dogwalker unseeded

I’ve never not experienced this imbalance.

They won’t take high levels of phosphorus in my experience when seeded.


A plant thats making seed will make less bud, it’s not false at all, it’s a power shift
Making seeds requires much more, and much of the plant priority is focused on that when pollinated
I think maybe you meant a seeded bud will not be less quality which is true, the smoke is the same.