Doing another grow log

Hello there,
I’ve come back to do another grow log.
Mainly for myself to help keep track of things. But I know you guys enjoy following along with most grows.

Started out 8, down to 4.
Beginning of October.

About 2 weeks in

Oct 22nd
The middle back, was looking a bit sickly.
Decided to try to tie down anyways.

Oct 30th. Found my first male out of all my grows.

Chopped back middle (sickly one)
And chopped the male.

Nov 11th

Trying a few different methods on each plant.
Gonna take some clones from the tallest.
Seems the healthiest. Growing like crazy, branches are getting long. Overall best of the 4

Using a few cheap LED light panels.

Gypsum, and a slight bit of CalMag

First time growing with some actual space.
Working out of a 4x4 essentially

A bit different than my normal “cabinet” grow lol


Welcome back , looks good for sure. What’s the strain ?


3 of 4 are SR-71 (purple kush)
And one is sour strawberry

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Oh nice! Always wanted to try SR-71 , looking forward to this ! I’ll be following along .


Welcome back! Thank You for sharing.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Nov 16th

Plants getting bigger.
Took a few cuts
Waiting till those start going to flip to flower.

Don’t wanna run out of space with the tall one.

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Nov 27th
Have been in flower about 4 days now.
The big one got too tall, too quickly, and I was running out of room… so I decided to just flip them all.

Trimmed the bottom fan leaves to keep decent airflow.

Pulled off bottom small branches, that aren’t getting any light.


2 of 4 were males
Chopped one completely
Still have one alive currently.

Isolating a few cuts of the more progressed one to try to maybe get some pollen.

Will maybe inoculate some female flowers and play with some of that stuff

Dec 3rd

Buds starting. Decided to thin them up a bit. And again pull some of the lower branches that would have gotten 0 light.

I need better lights.


Dec 10th
Buds are really starting.
Water intake has increased considerably.
Starting to slowly feed more.

Does anyone have any recommendations for additives?
I know people use things like “big bud” and “bloom” stuff.
Never really deviated from my simple ways


Plants look healthy, congrats. Personally I wouldn’t spend $ on anything until you improve your lighting, it’s obviously your biggest limiting factor at the moment. Looks like you are on your way to a harvest, good luck!


I did upgrade lights.
Got a way bigger panel.
A 500 Watt LED, rather than a few 45 Watt panels. Keeping a few smaller panels down lower, for lower nodes

Definitely brighter. Penetrates deeper into the plants 100%

I did pollinate a few of the flowers just 2 days ago.
Can’t wait to play with some breeding a bit.

One of the pollinated buds


The Pollinated flowers have started making seeds

Buds are filling out some.
I think the light upgrade definitely helped. Smaller flowers are thickening up.

Essentially having to water daily, as the 2 gal pots just aren’t holding tons of water. Will move to 5 gals on next one.

I’ll do a big water to runoff. Then next day I’ll water in-place to just wet everything.
Then repeat.


Dec 23rd

I’ve Started using some Bud Candy and Sugar Baby


Chopped about half
Only getting about 4-5 days dry time. Need to upgrade humidifiers. Then in jars at 59% humidity.

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Jan 4th

2nd half of first (tall) plant is chopped and drying.

2nd plant is taking a bit longer.
White hairs, clear trichs

Its definitely developing more color than the first one.

I feel the first plant finished super fast (as well as I probably rushed it a bit) most if not all hairs on buds were red/brown
Getting spots of amber trichs.

This is the one still going. The shorter of the two.

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I was a bit curious.
Some of the sugar leaves are pretty long, almost looking like fan leaves.

Spread throughout most of the bud

Whereas most buds you see, are more conical, mostly bud up top, them more leafy towards the bottom.

Are mine just not stacking properly because of too much nitrogen?
I know I kept my maxibloom pretty high during flower because I wanted to pack in as much phosphorus and potassium as possible. But I realize maxibloom has a decent bit of nitrogen as well.

Considering now I have some other supplements and whatnot, would reducing my maxibloom on flower, and increase the other stuff be my fix?

Did get about an ounce and a half from the first ‘bigger’ plant