DON'T do like Dank!

So what do yall have going in your gardens? Let’s see some pic’s. See if you’re doing like Dank :wink:


I can’t get fresh pics (wife’s sleepin), but im super impressed with the white crack and double grape! White Crack blows the commercial/dispo out of the water for this area and it was all pulled before day 60. They’re 65 today. Gonna give em another week or so. All of em popped fast and the double grape already has its dome off. Here’s an assortment of different pics.


Yeah that looks pretty frosty glad they turned out good for you. I think you will love the double grape mine were very terpy


I think I’m going to buy a bigger veg tent and turn this into a drying tent. Getting a little packed and holding me up.


Supposedly 1/4 of your flower space needed for veg but I found it takes more myself too. Been a pain in the ass figuring out how to get into a perpetual cycle, you‘re doing good.


Thats in the ballpark of what I have but it ain’t enough.

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I had great success with my cloner that was very similar to yours and it was a do-it-yourself but I never ran a humidity dome it’s not necessary when you’re running an aqua- cloner and my sprayer timer was set for 15 minutes on 15 minutes off and had great success with lots of roots I just found it more of a pain having to ph 5.9 all the time and change the water I like the simplicity of rock wool now.


You turned yours off?! :neutral_face:

Are you supposed to turn them off? Maybe that explains my forearm length roots :thinking:

Actually I think I would turn them off overnight. Been a minute since I used it.


Mine runs non stop lol, should 8 put a timer on?


Just for shits and giggles I just tested the run off on the wolfpack which was just transplanted into ocean forest a week a go. The tds 1200 / ph 7.4 im not concerned about the tds as is loaded with organics so no biggie but don’t understand the 7.4 ph when its supposed to come adjusted to 6.2 i believe. I gave her a little extra plain water at 6.0 but ph still didn’t drop.

I dont want to flush out all the food and the plants look really healthy so im not going to mess with. Instead ill just monitor it and watch for any early signs of deficiencies.


Did you test your water before the runoff test? Just checking.

Citric or sulfuric acid are good at lowering ph.


Yeah I watered with a ph of 6.0 and the run off still tested 7.4


Yep lemon juice or white vinegar are good for lowering and baking soda for raising ph.


My pH down is phosphoric acid.

Just like in Coca Cola :rofl:


I’ve heard that’s better, but harder to find. I don’t know, I had citric acid from candy making and battery acid on hand. Can’t beat free.


If they look healthy and are growing right I wouldn’t sweat it too much.


Yeah I’m trying not to pull out lesson #2 just yet. Ill just keep feeding them 6.0 but if it still low 3 weeks into flower im going to flush them medium. All the organic matter will be gone by then anyway. Im guessing thats why my root ph is high but as they get weaker I should see the ph come down. I hope because I hate flushing plants and try to avoid it.


Was mid to high 90s here all week so im pretty happy

I’m definitely liking the ac infinity app but still tweeking my settings.


Little update…it looks like I’m seeing roots starting on my clones so I guess the new pucks and nozzles were worth it.
As for the stink box the ladies are looking great thus far. They were about 3 to 4 inches above the screens so started some training.
I’m guessing they will be full throttle by the weekend they are extremely happy and loving life.


Atta boy, moving along very nicely.I leave my domes on always for the first 7-10 days then remove , once I see nodules and the beginning of a tap I usually remove it or at least put it on cockeyed so there are large gaps. But I use vents on my domes as well for some slight airflow . My place is perfect for the cup of water method, there are a few strains that absolutely refuse to grow that way and some take like three weeks, and even the normal ones usually like 18-20 days but it’s so easy , just change the water, daily, I add like 1-2 drops of clonex sometimes snd it speeds it up, I literally just use mugs, glasses. Done this for so so long it’s crazy, literally did it my first time at 15 when we found my buddies dads plants and took a few clones to put outside, boom :boom: worked snd we were off to the races. The beginning of my passion/obsession with cannabis for sure.