Don't judge me...I ❤️ roach weed

For yrs and yrs my close friends would tease and grind me up about my roach weed, I love smoking it and it’s great for emergencies like code red emergencies, but my close bros hate the taste of it, not me tho. Back when i was 16 my uncles found out i smoked weed they would give me their roaches to smoke so i guess it stems from that. Now, Is it an acquired taste? Well yeah sorta…it depends. Does it get u higher? Hell fkn yeah…heavy tokes makes my eyes water. Is it stinkier than normal, I guess, im nose blind too it…but my wife used to complain like “u down there (the basement) smoking that stinky ass roach shit again???” Lol smh Yes dear, then I’ll just get up and go in the yard. But, I’ve stopped smoking in wraps and use papers now and i think that helped cause i don’t hear my wife’s mouth about it as much anymore. Shit! I just went on a fkn tangent 🤦🏿 my bad y’all, ya boy currently creeping on cloud 9 :lips::dash: but whoelse out here loves roach weed?
Roach lovers stand up!!!

…I even have a grinder SPECIFICALLY dedicated to grinding up my roach weed…it looks dirty as hell and idc :hugs:


I remember back in the day making joints out of roaches when the bud was scarce, usually about this time of year actually. Once I had a 5th gen roach joint where you make a joint out of the roaches and make another joint out of THOSE roaches and so on and so forth. It was nasty af, not going to lie. But it did its job just fine.


Interesting. When I first started growing, I would save my roaches in a jar with the plan to use them. Then I realized I have more than enough fresh bud to last me, well, forever. So I composted them and now I don’t save any.

Wasteful? Maybe. Though I do ensure that 95% of the time I smoke it down to the tip, so there’s not much waste anymore.


every roach finds a home in my pipe or bong eventually :crazy_face:


I call that recycling :rofl:


Nothing goes to waste my friend. :smile:


My wife also knows when i smoke a roach blunt… she always says something along the lines of “smells like you smoked a thousand year old blunt”

Also sometimes when i have a half-smoked blunt sitting around she says the same thing.


Reminds me of those metal pipes with the chamber in them we uses to have back in the day. You would fill the chamber with weed and then when your Stash was gone, you would smoke the resin covered weed. Definitely had a kick.


One of these?


I usually throw my roaches in the BBQ grill and burn them up next time I cook. Incredible flavor to the meat!


My ashtray used to look like a roach graveyard man. I’d have roaches buried under like 2 inches of ash, :rofl: aw man the sight of my ashtray would drive my wife bonkers, cause I never dumped it and everyone knew do not touch my ashtray…I think I cleaned it like every 4‐5 months and smoking several times a day…yeah it looked like a baby ash dune, there were times when all the roaches would be submerged and I’d fish’em out with a screwdriver, butter knife or whatever was handy…I even used my wife’s tweezers once (which I’ll never do again) but yeah man, me & roach weed got a special relationship.


:thinking: really?..


What is that?!

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Haha. I have. But normally do not have roaches. I use a bong about 99% of the time.


No, one of these. :grin:


Proto Pipe. It has a resin catch under the bowl. Kind of sounded like what @ReikoX was talking about.

Yeah I know it needs to be cleaned. Dont judge me! :wink:


I’ve been trying to figure a way to get the tar resin out of the grinder, I thought maybe alcohol would work but that would leave behind remnants after it evaporates right? Idk, but this is like 5yrs worth of tar I think there’s enough there for one or three good rips (if extracted properly) my cuz asked recently why don’t u clean this jawn? I told him I want the tar out of it but idk how to get it yet, and that’s where the alcohol came in cause he uses it to clean his rig and his bowls but I don’t think that would work in this case. This is yrs and yrs worth of caked up mashed resin…I need a clean stripper.

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I generally don’t waste them either but have used a pipe or bing lately.

Back in the day my buddies and I saved them in a box and would roll “decades” and “centuries”.

“Decades” were a joint rolled with content of 10 roaches, and the “centuries” were the contents of 10 “decade” roaches.

I agree 100% they are stronger! The roach box was always a great reserve for when things dries up but that hasn’t happened in quite some time :joy:


If you’re wanting to save the tar, then you can use everclear (180 proof) and that will evaporate without any toxic residue.


Everclear works?

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