Visualize your tolerances (how much you smoke in a day)

So I’ve been smoking for most of my life and I’ve yet to be able to smoke more than a gram of flower in a day. It’s like I physically cannot smoke more than that lol. I rolled a 2 gram joint earlier just for shits and giggles but then I realized I had only taken 3 hits before I put it out.

So that got me thinking…

How much do you guys smoke in a day?

I weigh out my weed an eighth at a time and it generally lasts me a few days.

Mostly I’ll smoke a bowl like this in the morning and I’ll be good until night time.


Im a lightweight. Very rarely do i finish a whole joint. My wife is a monster. Wants hash on top of weed that stones me off 3-4 hits without the hash. So im like a zombie most days when were together. :rofl::v:


I’m right there with you lol my ole lady can face joints as I roll them. It’s insane lmao if I smoke too much I start to get the jolts and heart palpitations :joy::joy:


You guys are lucky ducks! Do either of you use for any sort of medical purpose? I have a chronic pain condition and I go through a lot 🫠 it can be annoying at times.

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No I just smoke for other peoples medical benefit lol I’m surrounded by idiots :joy: no I smoke for anxiety and depression as a replacement for my Paxil and for insomnia


I smoke bowls constantly through the day. Medical user always in pain


And take edibles.


I’m estimating you have about 3x the weed that I have in this bowl. This is one hit for me, and I load this bowl 5 - 6 times a day. Depending on what weed it is, sometimes I will top it with hash/keif/whatever.


Here recently (past couple days) I’ve been packing 1 hit into the bowl and seeing what that does for me before I load another. It’s satisfying to snap it through lol. Plus packing two bowls (even if it’s one hit) sounds better to me and makes me feel like less of a lightweight lol


Same here chronic pain forces me to consume half an eighth to an eighth of flower a day…Meds have 1020383828 side effects most of the time.


Man I wish I could get away with that! I smoke roughly one bowl out a bong an hour like a pack a day smoker


I’m an pain and inflammation sufferer and have been a cannabis patient for 9 years. And at one point I was using at least 5 grams of top shelf stuff a day. My condition has improved so I’m down to about 2 grams a day.


I broke my back in a snowmobile accident in 2000. Weed helped me alot. I was trading vicodin for OZ’s. I make edibles for the
Pain in my hips and back now. Really its all about the pleasure when i smoke.


That’s my maximum size bong hit and smoke about 15 of those a day. And always top shelf smoke.


It’s been years since I measured but I’ll do so tomorrow! For you all. Somewhere around 7-10g daily for me


Id be comatose or in the hospital having a panic attack :joy::joy: you’re a trooper in my world


Concentrates or flower and regular old hype shit vs cannabinoid rich unique plants are really going to make a difference here.


I should mention that a primary reason I pack my bowls so small (i.e., one hit per bowl), is I don’t like the taste of “used” weed. Once a bowl has had fire put to it, I don’t want to light it again. I admit that I’m a bit of a prig about this. If the weed has turned a color other than green, I don’t want to smoke it. Not that it may not be just as effective, it simply no longer tastes as good.


I smoke 20+ joints a day plus bong hits, vaporizer (in the morning) and edibles. I go though a little over a half pound per month for my own use.

Plus I give away 50 to 100 joints a month. I usually smoke my indoor and give away my outdoor. I give it to servers, the FedEx guy and the UPS guy. Neighbors, friends, strangers I meet in the bars and restaurants. I put them in plastic test tubes with a little cannabis flag. I’ll say this… I NEVER wait for a table at a restaurant and when I walk into a bar, my beer is jedi fast. LOL I don’t sell any more (no money in selling weed any more) and since I grow my own, I always have plenty of extra. It’s funny, I live in the Palm Springs area and everyone around here is a bazillionaire. Leaving a $100 tip just puts you in the same class as the other zillionaire that leaves big tips. But, I leave these little joints that probably cost me less than a quarter, and I get better service than the $100 tip guy. LOL

I am making new flags that say… Comparte’ Amore. (Share Love).

So, to answer the OP question… about a half pound a month for me and another quarter to share.


Those test tubes are à brilliant idea. I’ve been offloading my surplus on pretty much all around me, mailman and fedex guys included. Test tube tip idea is awesome!

To answer op, I vape with a S&B mighty. I go through 2-5 capsules a day. I believe it’s.0.3gr capacity.
