Don't panic if it's not organic



Frosty. Nice. Turn off the 600 for 2 days please. Sounds like you move em regular. 2 days and see if the leaves flatten out. There is nothing to lose. They could be happier. Honestly they look hot. Daily watering hot. Like 1-2 days without water is a Big problem hot. I remember being in rooms with those lights and they were air cooled. How close are those lights? Looks like maybe 2’. 1kw per 4’x4’. 16 plants. AC ducted through. Good times. You aren’t wrong. They are growing and can finish nice.

Can you see the difference in the leaves? How yours are kinda folding down.



Hey hey @2-scoops I just saw this… I don’t get out much :slight_smile: Love that led/cmh combo, I have 2 of them set up… you been stealing my intellectual property mukka? :rofl: Coco for the win :yum:


Yes they look great mate, i will get some pictures tonight if i remember and get them online tomorrow mukka.


Yes Horsey my friend. I was running HID & LED combo but Marcus put me on to CMH & LED combo and after a little reading around it sure looks a decent spec for tasty weed.

Don’t know about intellectual man lol.

Coco for the win always bro you know the score.

Thinking of naming my flowering cupboard the “orgasmatron” in honor of Dude Abides.


I’m still not sure about LEDs. I went to buy a 400w hps because I’d had a 600w hps before in a cooler country and thought 400w would be a good compromise. But I was steered towards a 200w led at the grow shop, but the yield wasn’t there so I upped it to a 250w led. The yield is ok now but I went this way because in a warmer place I wanted less heat, but the driver on this thing is too hot to touch. I’ve got a veg/clone tent with just 60w of compact flouro and shit is going off in there. I swear we peaked in 1995. I’ve even been looking at LEDs to put in the clone tent, running a 100w led at 25% but they love the pure white of the CFLs and I reckon even an led at 25% would put out more heat than these CFLs.


Couple pics before light turned on only had couple min so I’ll try getting more pics tomorrow morning k ANYWHO have a good day stay FROSTY


I could raise the lights like 4-6 inches but I can put my arm out where tops of plants are it’s not HOT HOT like but warm


Do you have a little thermometer you could hang at canopy level?

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I don’t I actually need to get one cause not sure how accurate this dinosaur is lol

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I do have a dehumidifier in the room an I have it set at 50 humidity I been trying to get the humidity back up to 40-50 i accidentally put the dehumidifier on 30 some how an been very dry in their for 5-6 days it’s finally at 43 this morning but the humidity part on that wood thing never went down past 50 so don’t think that works lol


Do U or know anyone who uses unsulphered molasses for their ladies just wondering do I need to flush them days before done or week or weeks lol

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Absolutely, i especially love the coco bricks and they certainly come without bugs.


Here’s my grow on coco bricks.


So these are at 35 days on bloom now ferts and ph are same as previous.

Plants are really starting to frost up nicely now. Ok not best pics but I’m sure you can make them out ok.

Cheers peeps. #
35  days bloom (5)
35  days bloom (6)
35  days bloom (7)
35  days bloom (8)
35  days bloom (3)


day 35 bloom .


I used to use the stuff once weekly from time to time during my grows @ 1 level tablespoon per gallon just to keep shit happy in my medium.

I now use glucose from time to time the stuff fitness freaks use, but this is used more as a standalone readily available carb booster for plant unlike molasses which needs to be broke down first, but molasses is better to keep life happy in your medium and is more complex carb than glucose which is more a simple carb. Suppose it depends what your using carbs/sugars for.

No need for flushing pots through, in fact theirs never no need for flushing pots through until final flush towards end of a grow. Unless theirs a problem calls for it cus flushing pots out for no reason can do more harm than good.


I only use nutriment in the water of the tank for my low maintenance eb and flow set up. It works too. I don’t flush the medium neither, not even before reuse.


And flushing coco when there is a problem can turn it around pronto, saves my butt constantly, lol! I’m such a lazy git, I don’t even flush at the end. I used too, but I don’t think the buds store anything to flush out. I just feed them regularly right up til their end. Haven’t noticed any difference, and saves me from carrying all that water in and out! More nap time :rofl:


Day 32 bloom they got fed this morning how my ladies looking I’ll take better pics later headed out the door for my hike letting my aunts ashes go ANYWHO everyone have a great day