Dope Beard Durban organic outdoor


Thought I would share my journey through looking through 2 packs of dope beard durban from akbb.

Every thing was started in 50 cells trays on May 10th. Soil is coast of Maine potting mix. Got 21/25 for germination. Promptly transplanted to 2 gallon plastic bags. I amended all holes and fabric pots with an organic dry fertilizer revita pro (5-4-5) 8%calcium. Put all the females into the ground between June 20-July 2nd. Here are some pictures I took today.

















Please feel free to comment!!!





Hey RR, looking good here! I’ll be following along w interest. I have a pack of the Dope Beard in the stash too, but haven’t really seen many reports on it.

Should be a good choice for outdoor. It’s supposed to be a fast finishing Durban right?


This is the description from akbb

The dope beard was a fat leaf cross like lots of Durban’s I’ve seen definitely not pure african, the ones I sent you were the pope beard / sssc crossed to Rhodesian poison that I picked up from dirty Jim from ACC he collected it in 86 so your going to see lots of sativa leaners , I’ve seen them go to 14 ft and be very racey up strong high , some will be much shorter and fatter leaf like the dope beard cut only

I have run it in the past and plants were done from early october to mid october.


Durban is one of my favorites, i have a pack from dutch passion.


@radical reefer, great thread! Love me some Durban, I have two plants going in my greenhouse.
Peace brother :pray: farmerlion

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Nice I have only run the sssc durban and this dope beard. I’m curious how they all compare to each other. Keep us posted if you pop the Dutch passion durban.


Thanks @farmerlion . Looks like your durbans are a more raw sativa. Also, they were battling that heat wave which could make them stretch out.

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I’ll be popping them soon, i’m curious to see how they turn. I been considering posting and may post what i have going on soon.


I’ve got some Dope Beard Durban seeds in my stash too I think :slight_smile: will be lovely to see yours grow!

Thanks for taking the time to # and photo each plant :slight_smile:


Cool @RainToday ! The numbering really helps me out with identifying and keeping everything tracked in my mind.

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I finally got around to another update. Things are going great! The durbans have shown themselves to have the best septoria resistance overall. I have seen this change later during flower. But I can confidently state for veg and stretch the did really well.

Anyways, the are seemingly finished with stretch and are focusing on flower production.












Looks like the #12 is the frostiest looking so far. Kinda hard to capture in a photo, but if you zoom in you can see it better.

Also, I am noting that this could just be leaf frost and might not necessarily correlate to bud trics. Anyways, still a stand out plant.

The males on this line exhibited resin on the leaves at a really high percentage ~80%. So I am expecting good things out of this line in terms of resin production!


Mr. Reefer, how’s the garden coming? What is the goal here? f2? Open Polly? I kept 5 males this year. The ones I think would be good or want to keep never work out right. The plants chose me sometimes and not me them…

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Garden is looking good! I will take some updated pictures soon.

The plan is to f2 them and select through the best females. Open pollination of the males with female selection to narrow down the best smoke and outdoor northern grower. I will keep you all posted.

Thanks for stopping by and asking good questions @freddy-Foo

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Here is an update on the Durban’s!












My favorites so far are the 4, 6, 1, and 12. Also, all seem to be the golden pistil types coincidentally.

Also, I pollinated all the plants and everything seems to have worked!


Looking good Mr. Reefer. what seems to be some attributes of this seedline? smells? How many weeks do you surmise? There is a North American/Colorado Durban floating around that was mislabeled. Have u head anything about this?


Yeah, great questions!

I have only run the plants outdoor 100% organic at 42N.

I have run the dope beard durban in the past and I ran into a lot of flintstone vitamins terps. Unfortunately that is the easiest way to describe it. More of a broad leaf type. Chunky indica nugs on a small/medium Christmas tree frame. Amazing resin production!

The SSSC Durban is a Christmas tree framed thin leafed loaded with long sativa buds. I had some fade purple in the cold. Here is the description from akbb

Pinetown Durban Sativa. Known also as Durban Poison. A great high. One of the earliest maturing original sativa’s. Very suitable for making hybrid crosses. This plant is excellent for producing exemplary concentrates of extreme potency (especially rosin). Heavy metallic terps are the norm. Flowers 77 Days.

I definitely ran into the metallic mouth feel and licorice terps.

The 86 Rhodesian poison I have no experience with. Seems like it is a more raw durban line than the others.

So with this whole combination I am seeing some bigger overall plants with dope beard type buds. Some later plants with longer sssc sativa buds. You know a combination of all plants combined really. Everything seems to be much bigger in stature overall compared to the dope beard and the sssc. More will come to light after harvest.

I have no experience with the Colorado cut, but have heard about it. I think it is the Myrcene dominate one? Hopefully someone else can talk further about that cut?



Durban #6 - She is so pretty and I caught her with the perfect light!

She is stacking up fast! Really is unbelievable how quickly this plant is growing. Looking like some amazing bag appeal potential for outdoor!