
do you also got birds down there,they use to put their prey on spikes/thorns to store it?


This could be the case, we have all sorts of birds here


I found where the drain came out in the creek bank, I needed to push in 20 metres of hose down the pipe and blast water through it I eventually found water coming up through the soil where the end had been covered.

I installed one of my 6 inch extraction fans because I finally put in a hygrometer and whoa 82 percent relative humidity sprung me into action

I put the AC Infinity fan on a timer and set up the auto temps etc then remembered that it loses its settings everytime it loses power so I just set it to auto without the timer instead of in smart mode with a timer.

I need to buy a new controller for it I believe there is a version that incorporates both humidity and temperature. That would be much more handy.


I left the extra bend in the duct for more light proofing.

The little sump with the little bilge pump it’s manual at the moment I might maybe get an automatic one at some point.

A couple plants have some necrosis on the first and second set of leaves, I think it’s from flyspray.


Nice work man
 this little spot got you on your toes
 wish I was out there messing about with you
 looks fun bro


Fkn ay! That’s a yowie patch if ever I have seen one :joy:


Day 26 from choosing the seeds and planting them.

And this is the necrosis I was talking about, I think it’s from where I have sprayed flyspray.

All but 2 are the same strain which were all grouped together before they were up-potted.

There were more right at the bottom that had near completely died off but I’ve taken them off.

I am making a walking track to the area will be using for the outdoor plants and will have them finished in the next few days, that will make getting there with equipment alot easier to start working on the soil and fences and wherever else needs doing.


The main lights went onto flower mode today and the veg light turned on in the tent. It’s slowly starting to come together even though all the plants aren’t the healthiest
 one day I will learn how to grow :cowboy_hat_face:.

The Solstrips arrived today so I will be building and hanging them over the next few weeks.

I feel like this might be a good spot to have a beer or Jack Daniels or 3.

Just using chain and concrete bolts to hang the lights on

The local frogs moved onto the soil, these guys were living here before I moved in so I will let them stay.


Normally I don’t ask another dude about his “pole” but WTF is that pillar in the center? Have you 'conned us all? Is that a mast below deck on your pirate ship? Or golden submarine? :thinking:

Got to make use of that thing otherwise you’ll be cursing it every time you bump into it! :laughing:



As far as I can tell it’s just a PVC pipe full of concrete to help support the roof
 but it’s not even right in the centre of the room.

It does have some dates on it with ‘start’ that are all round 3 months apart. One of the previous owners used it as a grow calendar.


Awesome Sauce, Your very own bat cave that came with it’s own frogs! Nice fricken grow space! Looks like I got here right on time! Good to see you getting your grow on!


5c after much experience at guerrilla bush grows. Do not make trails, do not keep taking same path, do not plant them together. You do that and you will have problems. Find a high spot for a camo water drum that you run a 12 or 18mm irrigation tube up to with float cutoff, pump from down bottom, do not keep going up and looking making a path. Next run another 50 or 100m of irrigation tube on a meandering path down the slope and at odd spots along the tube plant your plant with a few circles of dog wire and barb around where plant will grow with a star picket keeping it there. From the air the plants will not be spotted by Heli, drones, planes as ppl do look for chumps that plant a crop all together and beat a path for a noisy quad etc watering on a cycle. Dumb ppl get caught or ripped off due to growers not thinking and advertising what is going on. You need to setup and design so u do not visit, walk slowly a different way each time if u check every few weeks, do not snap branches etc, never use a noisy quad etc. You only need to get caught or ripped off once and that will ruin your place forever moreas it will keep happening.
I would also put a filter on your fan instead of the kink but up to you.


Howdy @WrongPlanet, I do agree with all you have said about Guerilla growing however this is on my land and there simply isn’t anybody around to look for or find anything.


My experience ppl will be trespassing at some time on foot and above. Police use Helicopters and Satellites as it gives off an identifiable signiture. I have lived remote 30 years and I followed my experience even on own large properties and I walk around with firearms every day and observe at night no lighting. Fences mean nothing if ppl think you are growing or even just living there, others also trespass to grow on someone elses property instead of their own. Anyway, good luck not getting caught or ripped off


Cheers to that for all of us :grin:

@WrongPlanet, what do you think about extensive canine assistance? :wink:

:smoking: Suddenly I’m reminded of how the later days of the Berlin wall were something like a double wall or “moat” with cameras, robotic machine guns, & German Shepard dogs. At the end the dogs were adopted out supposedly & they weren’t vicious at all. :laughing: :+1:

or inverted 12ga. shells in the soil? :man_shrugging:


:evergreen_tree: wheee!


Well the necrosis definately wasn’t from the flyspray as I thought, leaves are continuing to get the spots and go crumbly and die off.

Here’s some pics hopefully someone that can actually grow can help with the solution for this.

pH was at around 6.5 untill I upped the nutes to 0.7ec and that bought the pH down to 5.7 I think it was (I will check again in the morning).

The pots have around 1.5 inches (for the people that use that language) of coarse perlite in the bottom which is at the same height as the nutrients when the Autopots fill. The remainder is Searles Advanced potting mix.

I use a 1 part veg nutrient till the 2nd week if flower then switch to the same brand Cultiplex of 1 part flower nute.

I have a temperature logger in the grow space and it records 20.5 degrees C overnight and 24 degrees during the day with the Inlet and extraction fans on the lowest settings.

I have been drilling the holes for the light fasteners in the concrete, maybe the concrete dust has something to do with itđŸ˜¶

My arms are sore from whipper snipping a trail and removing saplings along the fencelines with a mattock.

I have seen a few Tabasco pepper plants around so I took a cutting to see if I can grow one at the house, I gently sunk my teeth into one of the peppers and
 I won’t be doing that again I’m not one for hot food.


Oh it wasn’t the Solstrips that arrived (they should be here any day) it was the heatsinks for them but I hope I can grow well enough for this sticker to be effective advertising.


So hard to tell
 coukd be excess iron or phosphorus deficiency 
 have you given any foliar sprays ?.. maybe give em a shower of worm cast tea with some molasses and little bit of Epsom salts and see if anything changes


I wondered if it might not be good to just spray the walls with a fungicide? No telling what soimeone else has battled down in a damp cellar before you.


The Solstrips did turn up today, looks like I have a little building and wiring up to do :cowboy_hat_face:

Yeah good thinking, I had already planned on sealing the walls and floor then painting with an anti mould white when some money becomes available, But a quick spray will get the ladies safer quicker.

Nope I’m not too familiar with foliar feeds, or teas, or organic, or regular success.