DrGonzos No More Nonsense, just Growing

Not at all bud. I know nobody blames me. I just feel bad. I have been telling folks to give the guy a chance to make things right but there is such a thing as giving too many chances. I like to think pretty much everyone has the ability to redeem themselves but unfortunately, they have to actually do it. It’s just a real shame others have to pay the price for his actions. I have the seed stock to make up for his actions so I just thought I would offer.


That’s straight up decent of you, Doug.

I think it’s amazing that this No more nonsense thread has grown into a nonsensical thread full of giving and community, bringing us all closer together during tough times without any nonsense. Kind of ironic.


In all honesty you warned me about him…then he did an about face and seemed to be trying really hard to make things right with a lot of people. Then back to this.

You don’t owe anyone anything on here Doug…if anything we all you sir!


I was laughing at the “tune up” comment.

My mom had a 67 Camero when I was a kid…I thought she was so cool.


She probably was!


Come to think of it…you’re right!


Ah man, now u r talking my dream car, maybe someday

Something tells me, your mom’s coolness factor was never an issue if she was driving a '67 :wink:

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Yes please!!! Should I shoot you a DM? This is awesome I love me a Gelato!

In July I made my first OG post in the trading post looking to trade my auto seeds for reg photoperiods. Doc was one of a few people that reached out looking to trade. As a new member I was a little skeptical at first, but everyone I dealt with was friendly, knowledgeable, and got packages sent out quickly and with a generous amount of freebies (which I was happy to reciprocate). During my correspondence with Doc, he had mentioned his time was stretched thin due to the health of a family member. As someone that has lost some close family members recently, I told him not to worry about sending his end and put his package in the mail. I had gotten way more than I had hoped for from other members for my seeds and was happy to help out a fellow grower that was having a rough go.

I recently had my first child and between running my own small business, keeping the grow room humming, being a husband and figuring out the whole dad thing, my time to hang on the OG forum became very limited. When I was able to hop on recently I saw the thread about untrustworthy members. I was surprised to see Doc’s name come up. The correspondence I had with him was very pleasant and didn’t come across like he was trying to get one over on me. I was tempted to post that maybe his personal life issues were interfering with his trade dealings, but didn’t think it would be right to air his business.

After reading this thread, I’m truly bummed out. Not because I sent him free seeds. I’d gladly send any member going through a rough patch some beans to get them through. I’m bummed because it seems that he’s taking advantage of members that I have seen to be more than generous with their genetics. I’m definitely a newer member and don’t spend nearly as much time here as I would like. However, when I am here what I do see are people like @JohnnyPotseed , @DougDawson , @Yetigrows , @LedZeppelin and so many others in every thread being kind and super generous spreading beans to the whole community, and I couldn’t imagine taking advantage of people like that.

I’m a firm believer that regardless of legality the weed game will always be grimey AF. Since I’ve been here, OG has been an exception to that rule. While I’m not always here, it’s great to know that if I run into any growing/breeding issues, or want to make a trade, I can hop on OG and get the knowledge I need (and didn’t know I need haha) as well as make a trade without worry of getting duped. As shitty of a situation this is, I am super thankful to be a part of this forum and I hope that the members that were effected negatively don’t let this get them down. The rest of us are super grateful for you!


Man, everyone here has been cool as a fan, why would you risk that? I’ve always stood by the fact an honest dealer profits more anyway. Like, your little greedy paws are just gonna get slapped and everyone else is growing badass weed getting blessed up by the community. I’m brand new here and that’s obvious to me. Sorry to hear about your troubles man. It’s none of my business, but Fuck this guy.

Get his ass lol.


You just gotta know I running down “Seed Street” to get in that Line!! Aweful OG of ya to extend your generosity this way, much 'preciated. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: NOTE: Just in casa…"D-I-B-S!!"


oooops! :roll_eyes: My PM started here by mistake…

Sorry about things @JohnnyPotseed and anyone else. Please keep up with the mods as we look into this stuff. peace


Sad to see this again.


Yeah cuz, IKR? But one bad apple doesn’t run OG! Nor ruin OG! lol This community is ‘friendly-strong’. lol


Congrats on the first child!


I woulda thought this guy woulda came in an defended himself. I was kinda waiting on his story this time.


I believe his account has been suspended; check his profile to confirm. @BigMike55


He was this morning. Looks like the review is in, and he’s not anymore… I presume we’ll be hearing from him eventually.


Thanks so much!


I think he already used them all up.