Dubbin' Around with mainerJ

Twist my arm :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


on the way. :seedling:


Lol, 2 hours later… Dibs?

Congrats @Gho13 :grin::metal:

Thanks again package arrived today.


Ohh yeah :+1: mine arrived yesterday!! Thank you @mainerJ


Looks like a dib party going on in here… you all are having way to much fun in here


time for a dub update. winters are long here and i def have cabin fever after being in lock down by the time spring arrives.

from late april / early may thru july i am a slave to the gardens. things explode and happen almost too fast.

it is like having two jobs. my regular job then being landscape boy, all the rest of the time. it is a lot of work and i know a lot of you can relate to this.

the misses and i dont have much, but one thing we do have is the front 40 with our gardens and natures wildlife. i have always had flower gardens and wild life where ever i have lived. i am so blessed.

when i was younger i enjoyed the work, now it feels more like just work but we both still do it because we both enjoy and realize how special it is to have the spiritual connection and blessing of the garden. it truly is one of life’s greatest gifts to enjoy.

bit of a recap.

had the best crop of asparagus ever this year.

check out how fast the weeds grow. :unamused: it is a never ending battle.

the xj-13’s for the seed run along with others for outdoors.

the seedlings are doing great and are past due for up potting. got some of the larger ones done tonight.

this is my comfrey patch. it is an amazing plant. i has really really deep roots that bio accumulates all the nutrients and minerals required for plant growth. it also is a source of protein that can be fed to livestock and poultry.

the humming birds absolutely love the flowers. i get an easy 2-3 harvest from them. chopping these soon as i get the chance. you can just mulch plants with it as a top dressing, or reduce it down into a gooey tar slime that you then mix with water for ready available nitrogen, nutes, and minerals. google comfrey fertilizer uses, if interested.

grandson came for a visit, put his good back to use. he helped install some steps to help get this ole dog with bad knees up and down the hills.

check out this pretty little thing that sprung up on its own right next to one of the steps. blue eyed grass.

some random garden shots.

the spring explosion of migratory birds passing thru is a treasure to observe. a few of the colorful ones.

scarlet tanger

orchard oriole

eastern blue bird.

the humming bird gauntlet.

@herojuana.tom did i mention that Mr Tom has also become my garden buddy?

he says enough of this garden shit for one day, i am worn out.

@Emeraldgreen @THCeed and cant remember who told the story about their dad shoveling shit on his birthday, but this is all i hve left to spread of what was 4 yards. down to a few wheel barrels left.
i am in training to see if i can keep up with @Pigeonman and his gardens. :laughing:


Looks great brother. You’re making me exhausted just looking at all the work!! :rofl::rofl:
Make sure you don’t overdo it


Your yard look AMAZING @mainerJ , it’s crazy how fast the plants can take over once it warms up, and those are some colorful birds! I’d love to have some land, but I’m probably too lazy to keep it maintained.
I can’t imagine what Tom went through in his lengrhy quest to return and re-assume control of your beautiful yard, he is such a good looking cat
I am glad your missus convinced you to keep “Mr. Kreuger” :joy:, I had recently reread and was just thinking about your post about Tom"s story of hardship in the Cats topic a few days ago and I had been wondering how things had progressed! I am so glad you have bonded, cats are known to choose their owners and Tom worked hard to get you to understand :joy:

Welcome back after your long cold winter bud! And thanks for all the updates!!!

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Wow, beautiful garden and plants :drooling_face:. They are a lot of work but it sure is rewarding connecting with nature and the spirit of the plants. Sending good vibes and positive energy your way growchacho. :green_heart:

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thanks man. i really have become quite attached to Mr Tom Krueger. :sparkling_heart: :cat:
and he seems to enjoy us too. :smile:


a bout time for a dub up date.

been real busy this year. @herojuana.tom i keep trying to get a pic of Mr. Tom enjoying his cat nip in his garden. :grin:. by the time i see him helping him self and get the camera, i keep missing him before he does his patrol!

check out him leaving the cat nip plant on his left rear. it is so funny he sticks his head in there rubs it around for a smell or two, and then bites off or claws a couple pieces and then head out. “on patrol” :laughing:

he so belongs here, it is his place!

i know it has been a bit but xj-13 plants for the seed run doing good so far. will post pics soon as i can.

having a hard time keeping up. had to pick these.

best season in years for the strawberries. bout a decade since they have been this big and melt in your mouth sweet and juicy. just delicious

jam, shortcake and pie here we come… yum yum :heart_eyes:

flowers is/was super stinky to gives the buds a run for the money. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

enjoy your grow, be back soon as i can off to dub around for a bit.

@MoBilly @ManyManySpliffs @Mrgreenthumb
@HighTilliDie @Hotrods_and_hounds @HolyAngel @Hapi @middleman @Rabeats2093 @AppalachianBiscuits @ItsintheGenetics @Bobgrows @VAkish @Reznfingeez33 @JAWS @420noob @Vagabond_Windy @ramblinrose @Indicana_Jones @Upstate

i invite everyone to come do some dubbin’ around. tag one tag all.


how is the farm grow doing so far @Emeraldgreen ?


Those strawberries look delicious, strawberries are my favorite.


Wow wow wow. Those strawberries look amazing J. Just picked up a pack from the store that I know will be substandard to what you have.


It’s going slow. We put like a fifth of what we did last year in. Both just tired! On a positive note the lab said we had the cleanest weed they had seen! That made me feel really good.

I’ll be right over for those strawberries :drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face:

How’s everything going with you?


big as apples been a while since the conditions were perfect for growing them. bountiful crop this year. we are going back again tomorrow to see what is left after the heat cooker the past week.

i flash froze a bunch of them and so want more. got a 3 yr old grand kid that love strawberries. gave her a big frozen one she was excited to munch down, then smiled at me like wth is this grand pa. strawberry ice Popsicle?

hard to pass them up when they are this good. i hope this is a good sign for the buds that will come harvest later in this season. bountiful!


What we dubbin?


always a dish here for you and the pups. :grin:


just had a moment and wanted to catch up and keep this thread moving. hope you are well and enjoying your grow!