Edibles from AVB

Question, can you make edibles of newly cut weed, or do you have to cure it first?

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Iā€™ve always avoided trying to make any edible recipe with AVB because I was worried about taste and lack of potency but seems like this could work after all. I have about 7-8lb of AVB just sitting in a garbage bag. I was going to make topical cream with it (eventualy lol) but maybe Iā€™ll try one of the recipes if anyone has any recommendations for making a strong batch of butter or something without it tasting like :poop:


Great question! I gather that curing is largely to make a better smokeable product. I have pressed buds for rosin that had been drying a few days and that was fine. Iā€™d think you could use that for edibles after it has been decarbā€™ed. I wonder how wet it can be - or if you benefit from giving the plant time to lose some of the chlorophyll.

I noticed last night that my ABV jar is quite full. I think the contents weighed 9g last time I used it for cooking. That should be good for a couple dozen cookies, Iā€™d think. I tend to vape only one or two 5 minute sessions at lower temps before reloading, so thereā€™s plenty of active ingredient left in the ABV.

@neogitus Youā€™ll leave behind most of the bad taste if you infuse coconut oil or butter with your ABV and strain out the plant material. Some flavors I like to use that seem to fit with the ABV include chocolate, coffee, and lemon. I like to bake from scratch, but any box from the baking aisle of the grocery could be used. Youā€™ll just use your infused butter/oil where the recipe calls for regular butter/oil. You wouldnā€™t want to use it for frying because the temp is so high it will diminish the active ingredients. You could totally spread it directly on toast - or melt a pat of butter over a steak hot off the grill. The options are virtually endless!


Iā€™m making a batch of avb in a sous vide to activate and then draining off the butter through a cloth.


i figured this would be the biggest challenge.
hard to say how much product is left after itā€™s been vaped.

is there a particular reason you decided to go butter as opposed to coconut or MCT oil?


Mostly just because thatā€™s how we started, have it dialled in, and go cookies. I do a sous vide and you could easily go coconut if you prefer.

We donā€™t do the ABV anymore, it was just one too many jars on the table.

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Seems to me, if worried about taste, why not just encapsulate, the AVB?
We find the 00 size capsules, to be a nice buzz, and it still keeps my wife sleeping perfectly at night, without getting leg cramps, and night sweats, she would suffer without using cannabis at night.
A cookie work perfectly also,( for 16-17 years) whether it was butter, coconut oil, I never used the MTC oil.
She loves the caps, as almost no calories or flour or sugar, are involved now.
The super simple machine to cap them, does 24 at a whack, and I can cap a hundred up, in a very short time, after Iā€™ve prepped the items.
Just a thought.


understood. makes sense.
was just curious if you preferred that as a medium for cooking. seems to be the case as you mentioned doing cookies as the end product.

i chose the oil as it (seemed at the time) was a bit more versatile on how you use it. for abuela, it goes into her g-tube (feeding tube) the easiest.

beyond that i have only made gummies. cookies sound pretty friggin good. could go so many different ways.

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i get these something terrible at night. i have found 4 things that help me:

  1. full hydration before bed (if iā€™m not peeing clear, i aint ready for bed)
  2. magnesium
  3. calcium
  4. potassium

all the doctors i have taken my leg cramps to are clueless/useless. so i fell back on my medic training. what is best for proper function of muscles? calcium, magnesium and potassium - and full hydration to help remove the built up lactic acid embedded in the muscles.

i have been doing the vitamin and water ritual 2hrs before bed for almost a year now. i can count on one hand how many leg cramp episodes i have had this year. massive improvement. iā€™ll take it.
the only night i had cramps were the full days of strenuous work out in the sun with dehydration during the day. my fault, as i wasnā€™t drinking water enough during day.

i know a lot of people donā€™t like to drink water. too bad. whatā€™s worse? soul tearing leg cramps at 2am or a quart of water?

hope this helps your old lady. good luck.

= = =

i have seen pictures of people putting their kif in capsules. seems the AVB would work just as well. i guess again the big issue is unknown dosing.

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We often drink electrolyte supplements before bed, and other times. It helps.


Thank you for your reply!
Right after, I found OG in 99/00 , time frame, my then SO, now my wife, got the bad news that her cancer, returned from when she had fought a few years earlier, before we met.
There was a wonderful member his handle was Dr. Jay, a real doctor, with terminal cancer himself.
He welcomed questions, and he also give out what he was doing, for himself, and gave out information to anyone, bless him.
We both went into lifestyle changes, ridding our shelves of all processed food, well as much a possible anyway.
Started getting bi yearly blood test, that we still do but just a yearly vampire visit now.
Learned about sprouting, and green drinks, exercise, walking, and what not.
Really educated ourselves about vitamins and supplements, tailoring to what we each need, with blood test information.
That is why I know your 4 suggestions are golden answers. Thank you again.
Honestly, not until she added cannabis edibles to her daily diet, did she get any relief from her god awful leg pains.
Itā€™s not really an amount (of cannabis) as each person will differ in amounts.
But well under the amount the good stoner cookie would use. But enough she was buzzy, but not really high, high, if that makes any sense.
We did discuss all this with her cancer doctor, he was very nervous about speaking about cannabis, as it could cost him his license. PA is sickening concerning medical cannabis.
She has been cancer free (knock 0n wood) 19-20 years now.
We both chalk it up to radical change to what we thought was food, to cooking real food, zero sugary drinks, as close to zero processed stuff. Cut almost out all alcohol, but will do a glass of wine on occasion.
Hell we found we both enjoy cooking, so much more than going out to eat something that may or may not be healthy.
Not trying to be on a grandstand, but we are born with cannabinoid receptors, and I say, lets fill those rascals up!

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this is it. what you put in is what you get out.

gotta eat and drink as clean as possible. and drink lots of water ā€¦ even though its an ā€œunexcitingā€ drink. thankfully i have kept the water practice since i got out of the military. it is the simplest of things, but it just works.


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