ELG's Lost Garden

Fuck, after a week they all had PM… It is what it is, I’ll try to spray it with sulfur tomorrow. It’s already at the spot in a 7gal pot.

Dessert runtz


Done, completely soaked in sulfur solution. 1 tbsp per liter as per @JoeCrowe recommendation. Will most likely apply again in a week or so.


Yah that’ll definitely kill it off. Where did those plants with mildew come from?

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From the indian reserve.

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I wonder if they know how to finish the colony off? Current evidence suggests they don’t know sulfur eradicates it. Hopefully they aren’t just suppressing the growth of the mildew with something nasty then selling everyone infested plants. wink wink

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@JoeCrowe I don’t think they know anything about growing, I bought the plants at a dispensary. They most likely bought a few just to have them.


Okay time for a full update. The dessert runtz outside is doing great. Indoors I think low humidity and bad ph pen are causing my issues. I now have a high tech ph pen so that’ll help.
The ABCs are doing kind of okay. The berry og kush is okay too.

The autos are growing okay.

And I have secret project, that I will present once they germ. :call_me_hand:


Okay, I’ll reveal the secret. This is a 10 pack of Kazakhstan seeds from Chui Valley.

I put them in a water cup with peroxide for 6h and in paper towel for 24h. Having no sign of life I manually cracked them. They’ve been in soil for 24h and there is sill no sign of life. I’m no expert at popping seeds and these had a warning that they were hard to pop. As of today there is 1 alive.


Aww man, that sucks! :cry: Some landrace beans are notoriously hard to pop though, so don’t feel bad bro. Give them some time and they may surprise you.

What temp are they at?


Around 24-28°C. A second sprouted this morning! Hope is not lost.


Half the pack is alive.


How about now? 7/10? :grin:

Care to share any other details about your project? Do I smell a seed run in the makings? :nose: :face_with_monocle: lol


@Oldtimerunderground You got it! 7 out of 10 are alive. I almost sure 2 more are growing under the soil (I dug u little). Hopefully they all make it above soil, if some don’t it’s okay. “Survival of the fittest”

Your sense of smell is accruate :wink: This will be a preservation grow. I’ll give more details tomorrow. :call_me_hand:


First I need to correct some thing. These seeds are not from Chui valley, I mixed up some info. Chui valley is a place were cannabis grows freely. A legend says that people would shave all their bodies and run naked through the fields there so the resin would collect on their skin.

I bought these some months ago from TLT. From the current info on their page, the ones they’re sell now are from a reproduction (they share some photos on IG) . Heres the info from The Real Seed co. who the seeds came from originally :


Genetics: Wild-type Kazakh Cannabis

Sourcing: Russian Landrace Bureau in Jambyl, Kazakhstan, 2019

Purpose: n/a

Latitude: 44° N

Harvest: Early to late August

Height: 2–5 meters

Aroma: Intensely pungent and sweet, fruit, melon

Characteristics: Very early maturing to day-neutral (‘autoflowering’)

Classification: C. sativa subsp. sativa var. spontanea x C. sativa subsp. indica

Grow Type: Outdoors, greenhouse

Wild-type Kazakh Cannabis seeds collected in the northwestern Tien Shan range, specifically in the southern Qarataū, a name of Turkic origin meaning ‘Black Mountains’.

Plants can exceed 4 meters and are heavily branched, with large colas that are denser than might be expected for wild-type Cannabis. Leaflets are predominantly narrow. Buds are intensely aromatic.

This accession originates from a broad region of eastern Central Asia that was among the earliest centres of Cannabis domestication. The crop was likely crucial to the first human settlement of this region’s grasslands and desert oases. Millennia of cultivation has innevitably affected any true wild populations, as the Russian botanist Nikolai Vavilov understood in the 1920s.

Cannabis is well-adapted to the desert–steppe of the Qarataū, with its meltwater-fed streams. The environment is similar to the likely centre of origin of the species, which is the Qinghai Plateau of eastern Tibet. This is where Cannabis apparently diverged from its nearest relative, Humulus, some 28 million years ago.

Archaeological finds from late-Bronze and early Iron-Age Central Asia provide among the earliest evidence for the use of Cannabis as an ‘intoxicant’. The nomadic and settled cultures to the west of Han-dominated China appear to have attached great significance to getting high, whether shamanically or recreationally. It’s in this broad region that the THC-dominant subspecies, Cannabis sativa subsp. indica (Small & Cronquist), was probably first domesticated.

This accession is difficult to classify due to the complex history of Cannabis in Kazakhstan, where drug-type and fibre-type domesticates have been introduced extensively in the modern era. Nevertheless, its very early finish, likely drug plant ancestory, and adaptation to drought conditons give it excellent potential for use in breeding projects. As a repository of biodiversity, like all wild-type accessions, it’s invaluable.

PLEASE NOTE: Seeds of wild-type Cannabis exhibit slow and uneven germination

The not so secret secret is to preserve this gem. This stresses me a bit as these are really important plants, but I’ll do my best.


I found out that my perfect spot is compromised. I see a trail that’s goes through the plants 1m2 spot. 100% human, there’s even a cone that appeared in the surrounding. I checked the city sewage plans and yup there’s a main sewage line going through my spot. I don’t have a back up spot yet, so I guess I’ll have to wait and see… I did take a cut though.


Aww man, that’s…shitty :joy:

You never know what you’ll get when growing outside. Some years it could be 50 pounds. Other years, none.

Outdoors is always a crapshoot :rofl::rofl:


Yeah it is what it is. I’m still waiting for the day I’ll be able to grow some trees like you did :slight_smile:


Lol that’s fucked up. Good luck to those in the corn fields.

The police invite citizens to be attentive to certain clues that suggest the presence of an illegal culture: the frequent comings and goings of unknown vehicles, the presence of unmanned vehicles parked near the fields, the existence of unusual paths on the land, the concealment of gardening tools and products and the presence of visual cues, such as coloured ribbons hanging from trees.


Well the plant is still there and has grown like crazy. I saw another cone, I’m pretty sure it’s the city trying to do something. I have to figure something out asap…


The Kazakh plants are doing okay, the official germination rate is 7/10. Here they are:

And the ABC, I have to put them outside soon. There are 2 tall ones and 2 small ones.