ELG's Lost Garden

For some reason the dessert runtz is still there. I might have found a safe spot for it, we’ll see tomorrow :crossed_fingers:

Kazakh plants are chilling. Some are growing sideways because I only have one of my led panel above them, the other one is busy illuminating the almost done tiny autos.

Harvested 2 of the 3.


They would be messing with all the hunters here.


@GrowingInThePines That’s very true! I went fishing deep in the woods last month and it’s the same thing, I had to leave my car by a trail that brought me to a lake…


Please allow me to say What The Fuck. This monstrosity was on the path to my plant luckily I had 2 other access points… I’m giving it until Tuesday, this area is full of sneaky snitchy people.

It’s too bad, I don’t have a safer spot… fuck.

The Kazakh plants showing balls already :thinking:


They just setup camp on the walking trail.


:joy: that’s fucked up. Is that a red design on the towel draped over the chair? Or is it Blood?!?! I would be running outta there lol, I’ve seen one too many horror movies. The Lebanese guy is always the first to go :rofl:

Wtf? Didn’t you just pop those like last week? :laughing:
I know it said autoflower in the description, but that is some quick stuff bro! At that rate it looks like it’s gonna be bustin some pods within a week, gotta call that one the minute man :rofl:


@Tejas They did! A full fucking camp on preserved land lol. (My plant is not on the preservation territory)

@Oldtimerunderground It’s a design lol, I’d be the first one gone :joy:

I’m as surprised as you are. Really not sure what to think about that. Maybe the plants are sensitive to the far red light from the led.


Okay so it’s pretty crazy, I have 3 confirmed males that are about to flower, most likely tomorrow. 21 days since germination.

#1: Fast, tall, strong, good symmetry, little to no side branching, narrower leafs.

#2: Wide leafs, good side branching potential, variegated.

#3: This one is my favorite for now. Hybrid leaf shapes, great side branching potential.

I’ll try to stem rub them later. The others have not shown sex yet, so I’m assuming they’re female :crossed_fingers:


The dessert runtz. The cut I took died after I introduced it to the tent, so I took another one. This time I’ll try to rootit inside the tent.

The Kazakh males still haven’t opened their flowers.

And this one looks like about to grow some balls too.


I think I saw a pistil. Here’s a view of the tent.


The males started to drop pollen. I have 3 confirmed males, one I’m 80% sure it’s male, one I’m almost sure I saw a pistil and 2 mutants.Here are some beauty shots of the confirmed males. Sometimes their top leans, I’m not sure why…

The dessert runtz is now getting big. Moving it will soon be unrealistic. I feel so exposed and there’s not much I can do about it. The homeless camp is still there except the tarp is gone. I never saw anyone there all the times I went. And it doesn’t look like anyone has been near the plant since I noticed the spot had been visited.


The pollen is falling straight down so I added the newspaper. I also separated the males so I can hit all the pistils at the same time.


Okay just to add a bit of info. They are under 16hrs of light. Here’s everyone:

KZ#5, she’s the best female, just started flowering. Stem rub is really stank and sharp/pointy.

KZ#4, hermaphrodite female(more pistils than balls), really interesting structure, stem rub is similar to #5 but deeper and funky without the sharpness.

KZ#6, mutant female that woke itself up.

KZ#7, mutant male that’s still fucked up, it’s got weird leafs and odd leaf color. I hesitate to end his days… It will flower soon so I have to make up my mind.

KZ#1-2-3 are isolated males. I collect the pollen holding the plate beneath the flower and touching the anthers with scissors tip. It kind of works if I catch the flower on time. In any case I’ll put them back in the tent once the females have a bit more pistils. In the plate is all I was able to collect up to now.

All of the plants ended up being autos. It could possibly be because of indoor conditions, but I’m not sure about that. I’ll share more tomorrow.


It’s not the conditions they’re in, but the genetics. I’ve successfully kept photo plants in veg on 16 hours light for months before.

These plants you’re growing are adapted to a climate where they get practically no rain in the summer. They have no choice but to finish early. When you look at other auto/day neutral-type varieties like Moroccan Beldia, you can see the correlation. Little to no water in the summer months means only the most drought tolerant and fast finishing ones would be able to make seeds for the next year’s season, effectively passing and reinforcing those traits in the offspring over time.

I look forward to seeing more of your grow. Plants are looking great :grinning:
:thinking: You planning on using that pollen on anything else you have going? :face_with_monocle: lol


@Oldtimerunderground Ah! There you go thank you! I was wondering about what made them day neutral, that makes a lot of sense. The amount of light was just for note taking. I thought maybe root restriction could be the reason.

Thanks! They’re pretty easy plants to grow for now. Like you and the description said, they are really drought resistant.

For the now the priority is to make as much Kazakh beans as possible to increase the population. Then I want to possibly work the progeny to make it a good indoor sinsemilla plant. I want to use this opportunity to practice and learn more about breeding. Hopefully this strain brings new and interesting traits to the table. No plans for hybrids right now, but it’ll have to happen once I get enough pollen.


Everyone is doing good. The males are almost done dropping pollen. Kz#1 got hit by the led thing and was being supported by a mop stick thing. But the stake fell and its been on the ground since… I mean it’s still alive. Tomorrow everyone is going in the tent and everyone gets some food

All the pistils should be pollinated with the cloud I blew on them.

The one on the top left is the neglected berry og kush that’s waiting in line for the next 12/12. And you might have noticed the ABCs, they’re stuck in traffic too…

Now about the dessert runtz. They started working on the sewage or whatever theyre doing and brought a crazy machine. They fucked all the vegetation around the plant, just exposing the plant and destroying my cover. And obviously they didn’t see the plant as they drove just next to it… Imagine they are actually good people and will leave my plant alone.


Shit I think I got some undesirable insects on the plant. The leafs have white spots if you look closely. Hopefully mother nature will take care of it.

I’ll update the KZ plants soon.


Thrips have a tough time taking over when it comes to the outdoors. Other bugs are always looking for a snack!


The plants are growing so fast is crazy. That crazy female just passed the light, I put a bulb above the light to keep it going. The only hermie refuses to herm completely. I love these plants, but I really need to get a full sinsemilla crop after this, I’m tired of paying so expensive for weed. Here are some photos.

And the dessert runtz… It’s okay to laugh

BTW thanks for the bug ID @JoeCrowe


Everyone is doing okay. I’m wondering if these plants have any thc.

And the dessert runtz, it just started flowering.