ELG's Lost Garden

I’m thinking light burn.


Is it rusting or purpling?


Thanks for stopping by @Oldtimerunderground :slight_smile: !

@Gpaw could be, air circulation was no good before defoliation, got a lot of condensation on the leafs. I wouldn’t be surprised that RH swings from 50 to 80%, when lights are off.

@JoeCrowe hmm also could be possible, they’re probably getting around 750 ppfd maybe or more… will have to check, I don’t feel this is the problem but could be.

@HolyAngel both, but I’d say more rust then purple.


Hmm… random purple spots on the leaves could be phosphorus excess which can lock out iron and potassium which could cause yellowing and pinholes… If just straight rusting and no purple I’d think calcium deficiency :thinking: maybe it’s a pH issue tho?


The plants aren’t looking too good. Sorry for the garbage photos.

I also went to the Indian reserve to get a plant, they sell these huge trees for 200-300$, but the budget was only 50 so I got this tiny 2 feet plant. I took a FPOG labeled plant but the shop keeper told me the “madarin” was better, after looking through his 50 unlabeled plants small plants… I feel like 50 bucks for a 2 feet PM infected plant of unknown strain is a rip-off, but hey it’s better than nothing!

Oh and of course I forgot to take a photo, but it’s planted at he usual spot.


lol! You should tell 'em to finish off the mildew once and for all, cause you’re tired of doing it.


The plants were able to recover and are getting thick!

And the “Mandarin”, still infected with pm.

Can you believe it? One of the seeds I planted germinated!


The plants are looking good. 6 weeks since birth.


So the I harvested the plants, I’ll wait after the trim to share some pictures.

I went to check on the mandarin and it grew pretty fast. It’s pretty much the second time i go check on it, the weather brought so much rain that it’s basically growing by itself. I cleaned the inside, removed lower branches and dead leafs. It didn’t look like the PM was spreading, it looked gone to be honest, but you never know…

Before the sulfur treatment.

After the treatment.

And the seedling.


The mandarin started flowering. Sprayed it again with sulfur. It looks very nice! Will have to give its flowering amendments soon.


I went and gave the plant a good watering of nutrients with microbial mass and chitosal. Also added a layer of soil with bloom amendments.
It still has all the sulfer on it’s leafs, hopefully it’ll rain soon :crossed_fingers:


Time for a smoke review. Last harvest was 3 strains: something Durb x BBG bx (sorry forgot the full name) by @Oldtimerunderground and the other strain was Biscotti Pipppen by tigerstripe. Here is a pic of last nugs of the harvest. Very tasty and more potent than anything i’ve grown up to date. The BP was a bit meh, but the durbxbbg was a terpy as fuck, I guess i’m on the right track!
On the right is the BP and left one is durbxbbg.

The Mandarin is doing kind of okay outside. It has a lot of burned spots, maybe some fungus or maybe it got burned by the rain and sun.

For now maybe 3 weeks, there a homeless person that made a camp 1 meter away from the plant… I’m pretty sure it’s the same as last year.

He definitely saw the plant. I think it’s a leave me alone and I’ll leave you alone thing. In anycase I left half a pack of smokes in front of his tent.


I Finally got off my ass and germinated some seeds. This time it’s going to be these packs.
Pac x rmh x purps secret by @Oldtimerunderground

After 2 days, 7/16 made it to the surface.


Hell yeah bro!
I’m smokin on some of that right now :triumph::drooling_face:
Glad you like it :smiling_face:

That outdoor lookin great too :star_struck: lovin those pink pistils :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


So the Madarin plant was robbed… It is what it is… Now I have to find new spot for next year, not sure if I’ll find the time and patience for that. I was really hoping to harvest the mandarin, it would have helped my wallet.

The cabinet grow is doing okay, a bit neglected but the plants are alive. Will post some pictures later.

Last picture of the guerilla plant.


Some teenagers are smoking it right now.


I fuckin’ hate thieves…grow your own…sorry to hear mate.