End of week 7 problems?

Captain Boron is very… resilient… yeah…
…let’s work with resilient…
:vulcan_salute: :wink:

…and I was just thinking I haven’t seen him in a while…



you have some great anwers - ever think that you are “over doing it” in reguard to feeding > you didn’t mention your light distance here are afew thing to throw into the mix : watering , over use of nutrients, clawing can result in to much “n” also go to GrowWeedEasy.com for a picture of all plant issues To fix flush for 5 days and re-adjust nutrienit use if in weeik 7 of flower STOP everything except a little water

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I would say a big yes!

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Yes, they will claw with too much Nitrogen, but the leafs will also be a dark green… I’ve got pictures… :vulcan_salute: :grin:



Doing organic dry amendments. They don’t get fed through water solubles. I got 2 100w lights reading @ 1150umol/m^2/s at the moment

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I’m gonna let them go for about 3 more weeks probably. (I’ll be checking trichs). Think I should dissolve some langbeinite (0-0-22) in the next watering? I only top dress or mix into the soil before hand but people tell me I can dissolve in hot water then mix with cold water and PH.


you have the right idea. Rememebr this “once you see a p[lant issue you are all ready 2 weeks behind in fixing it” SO - just us water the next three weeks what ever you do NOW will really have no affect except cause some taste issues if you use. them -


What kind of soil are you using ?I had a problem with molasses because I was using Ocean Forest soil and my plants looked like this.

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20% Happy Frog - 20% Ocean Forest - 20% Roots Organic - 20% Worm Castings - 20% Perlite

Then when I flipped to flower I top dressed 1/4 recommended amount of 4-4-4 / 0-11-0 / 0-0-22

Down To Earth Dry Amendments