Environment here changed

I fully admit I am ADD / ADHD. In any given conversation I am thinking about 8 other topics, and somehow linking and incorporating them, creating so many tangents that I eventually forget the subject at hand. Thats actually one of the reasons I smoke. without it, I am thinking about 100 other topics, and then shit NEVER gets done! :wink:

I try to stay on topic, but its hard for me some timesā€¦


I was going to say the same thing as part of my issue has been things in threads that derail or add posts that are off topic. Iā€™m glad some got moved. It makes it hard for an old stoner as well here to keep up and I have seen people including myself in the past get slapped for having side conversations in a thread. If this has changed please let me know and I wonā€™t bring it up again.


Ok im sorry to bother anyone again, i didnt know i was doing anything wrong, ill go ahead and close my account on here and not bother anyone again, im so sorry just new to this stuf but you all have a good day, and thanks everyone for some of the info to help me be a better grower, bye

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If Iā€™m ever fortunate to do a seed run again, Iā€™ll be hitting the members here that deserve payback with a pm, and get them to sign up first.
Then itā€™s first come, first dibs.

I fight with this myself all the time.
A couple thoughts going through my mind right now:
Is there a way to make a new locked area that any level can access that hides from a google search to put things like the free seeds thread in? Iā€™m not techie enough to know if this makes sense.
This one might not work as it might limit new members but could new members be sponsored or referred so that there would be less potential of shit going south from scammers or trolls?


Here here!

This is a good idea.


thatā€™s not what I was getting at, I was showing an example of someone, like yourself, that only stalks the free seed posts. While your able to do that, this is what this whole convo was about. Sorry to put you on blast, but you checked all the boxes.

We donā€™t want to shun people away from our site, we just want some people who lurk to make some contribution.


Iā€™ve had some good convos with him, mostly in that thread since it was the water-cooler for a while. Good example of that thread hiding contributions too. Posting in logs shows that your contributing rather than just chilling.


Yeah, my post was to share the concerns we all have, and using @Worstsideman63 was a bad example, due to the fact of making him/her front and center. My bad.

They have been making their liking rounds tho.


Seed giveaways have dropped way off since this discussion started and chat has moved from free seeds thread to chat thread. These particular concerns have been voiced and actioned. Not trying to discourage discussion, just pointing out that this particular issue is being addressed currently so clearly these concerns are not being ignored.


Itā€™s not going to change overnight. Just the fact that we can see how each other are feeling about the topic will affect how we handle things (for the better I hope) in the future.


Liking rounds? Not sure what that means.

?? So, whatā€™s this about, now?

editā€¦ So now am I supposed to just keep my mouth shut? ā€¦Or, exert some kinda control over how many times someone/anyone likes a comment I make?


Same thing it was about before buddyā€¦

Kids today not respecting the old ways. You know how it is.

" The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers."

Socrates, obviously an original OGā€™er upset over this.


ā€œmaking their rounds (going around) sending likes.ā€

??? where did you get that anywhere?

im saying that @Worstsideman63 has been making his rounds sending likes, that hes been actually doing something in the forum, i wasnā€™t attacking you at all, the only thing that shows is he likes your posts.



Positive thinking and onward through the fog ā€¦ beer3|nullxnull


Pump the breaks people.


This could be taken the wrong way. It seams like your upset these fellas and ladies get a lot of likes


Well sorry if someone took what I said out of context, I wasnā€™t attacking anyone in the post, I was showing that this OG member was going around liking posts, so he wasnā€™t absent-minded and just coming here for beans and fucking off.


Thatā€™s how I read it tooā€¦sorry if I somehow misconstrued your meaning