Environment here changed

Even better would be to promote our Discord more… Forum is focused on more long-term archiving-worthy content. Chat can be dumped each day because nobody will want to read it…


the discord needs a cleaner layout, its kinda limited

this is an example of mine


If only the unexpirable link would stop expiring…


This. I tried the discord and was even excited at the thought but it’s not user friendly. I tried to adjust for 2 days and just couldn’t. I don’t even bother anymore.


The discord isn’t meant to be a second site to flood with free seeds crap, that’s why it’s laid out that way.

You wanna talk plants, go to the growth and progression tab, wanna chit chat, stay in overgrow chat tab…

How is that not simple


use this, itll be perm



This is the first place I ever completed a grow journal, and now I have 2 concurrent ones rolling. Also the first place I traded, gifted or was gifted seeds. 15 years ago I never interacted so much with any online community regardless as to its topic.

I really enjoy growing and breeding my cannabis, and I’ve found such a wealth of knowledge, such a diverse resource of skillsets… I also felt very at home and welcome here, so I’ve tried to give back how I could. I’d really hate to see you go buddy, your one of the people I conversate the most with.


simple is easy to get lost in, good info gets lost in random crap

some people rather use discord to put out info vs using a forum

@toastyjakes dont take this as a personal attack, these are my views on it


Shit now I feel bad about what I said about the discord. I appreciate the effort involved and the idea I just much prefer the forum layout where I can catchup with comments from last night and quote and respond, etc. That may be available with the discord but my tech ineptness wasn’t allowing me to get used to it.


It is but it’s not meant to be a site layout… It’s for general chat… We all share pics daily and know where we all are with our grows so to us it doesn’t matter…

Also keeping in mind that I’m the only one running it and keeping it wiped every few months and verifying new users by site checks and yada yada yada on top of my full time 12 day straight job lol

Long story boring: Simplicity is fine for us haha

And @Syn not taking it as an attack, just waiting for my coffee to kick in :joy:

Edit:. Also for something that was started by a Super Troll, it’s had a damn fine 3 year run so far lol


understandable, im OCD so i like clean and organized layouts.

this was just one persons feeling about it, and not a general judgement.

@toastyjakes now we just need people to join voice :smiley:


In the past, seed begging via PM has been generally frowned upon.

Please let the mod team know when that occurs so that we can warn such users … otherwise they’ll keep doing it … maybe because they know no better.


Dearest @Chronickyle,

I’ve been only around since the start of this year when @Foreigner turned me onto this community. Since then I’ve followed the example set my by your and other legacy users here and introduced myself, started a journal, became a contributor and am as active as I can possibly be.

I’ve learned sooooooo much from folks like you and am very saddened to read that the new crowd is burning the bridges of the older.

I feel this personally as this happened in my career as a cinematographer who learned in the film days, and watched the video/hd world destroy the hearts of those that came before them. I lost track of the number of times a 20-40 year veteran in the film world said “fuck this” when trust fund kids all started buying DSLR’s and immediately called themselves cinematographers (and charged people like they had decades of experience!)

I am on my 10th grow; and I still feel like a nube when I read through the journals here. Sometimes my presence is noted, but often I run out of likes daily due to the plethora of awesome on here!

While I will never tell you or other legacy users what to do but I can ask on behalf of the new users that understand the respect you all deserve: please don’t leave, a lot of us really still want to learn from you all! :love_letter:


Yeah, I get them regularly. If someone pointed them at me it’s different, but even before the 4th I’d get the occasional cold call asking for some beans because I had given them out before. I can think of a few people I’ve asked (so I guess , I’m guilty of it too), but I also offered trades when I ask. Not just a hat out. That’s how I ended up with blue mystic back in my hands, and I later gave that user a 14" piece of trichocereus Bridgesii lol


this has never been so true, even back in legacy OG this was the case, the only thing I had to learn off of growing back then was sketchy underground websites, and Pot-TV broadcasts.

pot tv brought me to OG back in the day.

If it wasnt for what i learned from the legacy OG, I would have never gotten into growing or even knew how to do it properly. I spent idk how many hours just taking in the amount of info on the FAQ of old.


I’m new here to so I may be speaking out of turn, but here we go anyway.

So let’s dry up the well. Go through your seed runs. Kick people off if you dont think they should be there and lower the cap. No giveaways in the public eye until people are comfortable. Then not so much and be discerning of who can partake. Shouldn’t take long to get rid of people who are here for free stuff if there is no free stuff for them.




you read lemonadejoes comments above and post this? Did you read the thread or the last 4 or 5 posts?

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This is a tough one… I joined less than a year ago? For free seeds. Not out of greed, but necessity. I have a legal grow but I’m a very neurotic person, and I knew no one willing to help me out. So when I found OG from a random Reddit referral, I about died. I got free seeds to get me going, more info than I could process, and a massive support structure. I even met up with another member and traded for some equipment to get me started. Absolute Godsend. Now I come back every day to read some new info, look at some pictures. Most importantly commune with growers I trust. But I 100% see a problem in the free seeds area. It’s a madhouse, people getting more seeds than they can possibly grow… but what it comes down to is me. I take things very personal, you know? I hate to think I’ve offended people. So I have to ask- what can us newer members who give a fuck do to keeps you OG OGers around? Fucking love you guys, and we need your knowledge.


I have read every post here. I don’t think engaging and being present for a short period of time and making some friends is too high a price for some free beans. People here are very generous. If you comment on my thread a couple times a week for a couple weeks and see I’m making beans and express interest im surely going to offer you some. This can happen organically rather than force fed