EsRgood4u multiple grow journals thread

Bro some autos can outperform photo period plants. Check out Dutch Passions Auto Ultimate


Yeah Iā€™m in for some big assed plants. Iā€™ve got 8ft in height this time though.


Slurricane madness. :fire:

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Updates will likely be often as they are growing so quickly. Check them out.

Megacrop 1 part @1.8 e.c
Ph @ 5.8


Iā€™m impressed with Mega crops nutrients.

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Megacrop does what it advertised. Love the stuff. Itā€™s just no good if your running a gravity fed system like I do

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@ColeLennon. Iā€™ve read most bud hardener are just kelp. Whatā€™s your thoughts?? Kelp is cheap.


I donā€™t know. I just like the way my plants like it. :sunglasses:


Iā€™ve just ordered this.
It doesnā€™t state the ingredients but when it arrives Iā€™ll take a picture. I bet its mainly kelp. :roll_eyes:

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Things are moving fast. Only been 1 week since flip and the stretch is on.

Xmas eve they will hit 9 weeks.


Oh yeah. Going to be good. Glad you got plenty of height now. :sunglasses: :metal:

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Buddy they are gonna be huge. Should be one hell of a good new year hopefully. Its perseverance with the megacrop thatā€™s making the difference. Love the stuff


:thinking: the big plant rear right itā€™s leafs are turning yellow. Added some calmag and liffted the light. Iā€™ll dump the rez tomorrow and reset.


Not much happening. Stretch at a minimum and will be 2 weeks from flip on Sunday.

The lux and ppf seemed really high so Iā€™ve lifted the light a good amount.
The light is only set to 400w. Theyā€™d likely do better with added C02. Iā€™ll look into it for next grow.


Look good, I think they need a kelp foliar. :sunglasses: :metal:

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Iā€™ve started adding that bud hardener to the mix bro. Its 5ml per litre. Works out expensive :rofl:
Iā€™ll order some Overdrive next weekend as that stuff is excellent and just works.
The plants look big but not as big as my electric bill. Itā€™s getting really expensive now with the UK prices. If I break even with free smoke for a few months Iā€™ll be happy. The way its heading Iā€™ll need to sell 10oz to break even electricity wise. Iā€™m not far off quitting growing if Iā€™m honest.


I feel the same, the bills are insanely expensive and they are to go UP again next year .!

Robbery !! - the electric companies are making a killing just now and donā€™t get me started on the food prices etc. Lol :joy:.

I might just have to buy some weed instead of growing, soon ā€¦?!

Btw your plants are doing well, mate . :+1:

Gaz. :facepunch:


You guys are getting f*****ā€¦ The least they could do is spit on itā€¦


hey man at least you got something to show for it. neighbors kid is probably pulling 1kw just to play fifa all day.


Iā€™m on one of them original blue push in keys bro.
Recently Iā€™ve found that them meters have a Ā£250 limit. Iā€™ve got Ā£200 on my key but I canā€™t add it to the meter until the stored credit goes below Ā£50.
I know I shouldnā€™t worry so much when drawing 1kw from the meter these days with cars being electric and draw much more to charge the batteries.

Yeah he does. He also buys smoke from me. I wonder if I drill a hole through my wall to his if heā€™ll let my plug an extension in :rofl: